How the smartphone is harming our brain and body in many ways!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


63% of people who are 18-29% and 30% of those who are 30-33, usually fall asleep while pressing their smartphone at night. And more like this, smartphones harm our brain in different ways; And our physical activity disturbed in many ways. And as a whole, smartphones harm our health.

Decreasing the melatonin emissions

The human brain emits a melatonin called hormone, which makes people feel sleepy. People in 24 hours or even a day; Sleep plays an important role in maintaining the balance of physical and biological activity. The body will not function properly if it does not sleep properly; There will be various physical and mental abuse.

During the Second World War, a number of prisoners were held in the Soviet Union during the trial. The test was that if they do not sleep for 1 month then how will they be? At that time they were kept in a air-conditioned house; Then there was a special type of gas in that room; As a result, they become sleepy. They were given regular drinking water, as well as oxygen in their air; But after 30 days, they could not be rescued alive. The sound system installed in their room indicates that they had become psychiatric patients after 15 days.

However, there is no relation to using this #smartphone; But I just meant to explain how the human body can change due to sleep. The melatonin hormone released from the brain also limits the activity of various cancer cells and tumor-producing cells. So, the good melatonin flow reduces the risk of cancer. And we know that from tumor to later it has become a form of cancer. So if you have a hand on your smartphones to waste enough sleep in the night; But in future, you may have a feeling of having a brain tumor. Researchers have instructed a man to sleep at least 8 hours to avoid such problems. So friends, of course, we must have noticed that due to the smartphone, our sleep disturbed.

The effect of neuro toxin


Do you know, each part of our body acts as a whole during the day and releases a particular type of biological material; And this is the neuro toxin. Neuro-toxin is released every day from our body-like organisms. But these neuro toxins are harmful for our nervous system, especially the brain. But our human body must have a very well-organized mechanism; Because the brain is resting for a long time because of sleep every night; And now the brain retains the reaction of this neuro toxin. And when the brain can not recollect it, then there is no such problem in sleeping at night, wake up waking up. Another thing to note, this problem is those who give time to their smartphone or laptop in night jazz. The doctors at the same time suggested that our brain be at least 8 hours in the night.

Do not miss reading


There are many people at the end of the day, who entered the bed before going to sleep on Facebook or Instagram. Fate will roam 5-6 minutes to fall asleep; But we can not understand the five minutes that happens to be 2-3 hours. Ever since the night up to 2-3, many have become traditional practice. It is thus seen that many of us sleep only for 5 hours at night. But the more sleep you get, the more you lose your education. Studies show that those who spend extra time behind the smartphone; They do not pay much attention to their classroom. Another bad problem for using additional smartphones is not to miss anything. You may have remembered something good in your head; But the problem is that you will forget it. Suppose you place any necessary things in one place; It remains to be seen after a few moments have forgotten.

Frequent hunger

When your brain is not properly matching melatonin; Sleep cycles or sleeping rules inside you have broken; Then your body parts will not work properly. And sometimes your stomach will sometimes give you hunger signal. We sometimes get hungry in a lot of time when we do not even want to take it.

Eye retina hurt


We all know this matter at least. A blue ray emitted from the display of a television, tablet or smartphone, damages the retina of the human eye. And the matter is worse; When we use smartphone in the dark at night. And this problem can blind you till the last stage. 55% of the world's eye sight problems are only in front of additional display devices.

Changes in human condition

Those who use smartphones or laptops for a long time; Their attitude and behavior can be seen in an irritable sense. And these people are easily demoralized after any problems or after being depressed. Especially during these sleeping days, people used to sleep during different periods of sleeping in Nankara depression.

So what do you do to keep yourself away from these problems? For the first time in my consultation, stop using your smartphone or any similar gadgets 1 hour before sleeping. And it will help you understand your brain; Now the night and I have to give a good sleep. You can start reading any of the books that you like, from 1.30 hours before sleeping. And if you need to turn on the phone to see any important message; But keep the brightness very low.

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