New Scam Ahoy!
Today I received a wallet memo from @steemitsecurity.
The usual tosh. With only a slight twist. Instead of containing a phishing link within the memo, this one directs you to a mail address and advises you to mail them for further instructions.
Me being me, I mailed them hoping that we could have a bit of to and fro which would ultimately result in me telling them to
But they haven't got back to me in over an hour. Outrageous! In my day scammers were available and ready to work 24/7.
I had a look at the account and initially I was the only one that had received the memo.
I felt so special!
They joined only this month. That sounds nice and official doesn't it?
If I receive an email update I shall be sure to update this post.
In the meantime fellow steemians. Remember, if you receive such nonsense -
Stay safe!
If in doubt, reach out!
You can get help in steemit general chat if you are unsure of what to do.
They sent an official looking mail. The text of which is below. I presume the reason they are asking for the email address used when creating the account is because I mailed from a throwaway account :0)
Dear @meesterboom,
Thank you for contacting us.
We have concerns regarding the safety of your account. We have detected suspicious activity with your account (e.g logins from very different locations) and therefore have reason to believe that your account may have been compromised. To ensure that this account still belongs to its original owner, please abide to the following instructions:
- Please provide us with the e-mail that was used to create your steemit account. This is required for standard owner verification.
- Additionally to the e-mail used to create the account, we also require that you reply to this message with your private active key (starting with "5") to verify the ownership of this account. ( NOTE: this is not your owner key. You should never give out your owner key to anyone. Whoever is in possession of the owner key has full control over the account and its funds. )
- Make sure you do NOT change any of your keys until after we have verified you as the rightful owner to this account. If you do change any, we will not be able to verify you as the rightful owner of your account.
If you do not respond or can not provide us with the correct information, limitations to the account may be enforced depending on what information you aren't able to provide.
The Steemit Team
Quite official looking too. Again, supply these people with nothing.
Ignore them!
@meesterboom -
A suspicious post has been made from your account. My team is hard at work on resolving any potential issues that may occur because of this incident. While your account may be compromised, mine has been secured using the safest and most effective tactics known (and unknown) to mankind.
While we cannot specifically instruct you to do so, please consider powering down your account and sending all liquid STEEM/SBD available to my account, @papa-pepper, for safe storage while you still have control of your account.
Failure to do so may result in bad things, so you may want to consider following our suggestion.
Regards, @papa-pepper and company
This is hilarious!! Glad you're looking out the for the masses, so selfless of you HAHA
Your account may also be compromised...
oh no!!!! thankfully you're here to save me Super Pepper. Was that send ALL my liquid cypto, or do you want my bank account details to??
Right, it may be all of your accounts. Bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and other valuables can all be stored safely the moment that you provide the appropriate information to my highly trained professional team.
oh excellent, I'll get straight on to that.
Thank goodness someone has come charging to the rescue!
I have sent all my liquid and have commenced powerdown so I can get the rest of the funds to you for safekeeping.
I shall sleep well tonight :O)
Me too!
Hmmm... I'm surprised they don't ask for Social Security number or Credit Card # .
Very true. They probably do after contact had been established lol!
Haha did you reply these people asking where this key that they are looking for is located and how they can help you find it.
I was debating my response! Normally I like to wind them up but it looks quite organised so I thought I might just leave it!
Let them send me this free SBD all day long!
If you got a couple of thousand of these a day you would be laughing!
Thx for sharing detailed information
Your welcome
I highly recommend this training video for inspiration on how to f#ck with these guys ...
Lol, I have done similar in the past
Great work KitKat!
Haha, yes indeed!!
Thank you for bringing this to light! Will definitely keep in mind.
God Speed Brethren.
I shall re-steem this for the newbie followers. thanks boom.
And have you responded to this 2nd email? I'd like you to ask them first for their info ;-)
Oh, and the last line is the best
"If you do not respond or can not provide us with the correct information, limitations to the account may be enforced depending on what information you aren't able to provide."
@sardrt I hope you see this message- you are listed as one of those who received this spam from "steemitsecurity"
hanks I saw right away that it is a scam
I know, the limitations shall be enforced thing really amused me. We shall poop on your interwebs!
I havent responded. I was debating on what to say!
something like "You wanker! Now off to bed without any supper!"
Lol, yeah! That would be the perfect reponse!!
It happened to me today!!! @exyle saved me (see his post). I was happy my son was with me today to explain a lot I didn't understand about crypto etc. Later today he looked at my blog and saw it. I would have lost my account if he hadn't been around!
I saw his post! I was horrified by it. It is quite a sneaky thing. It looks like we are all going to have to be ridiculously careful.
It is an awful thing isnt it that it can be so easy to make a simple mistake that costs you your account? Yeek, doesnt bear thinking about
Congratulations @meesterboom!
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