Amazing ! How I Made Over $1,388.38 Commenting On A Steemit Post By Dollar Vigilante

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Who Is Mr Grey ?

Like most people I am just a ordinary straight forward guy, I am not famous (unless you follow 50 shades) lol
or a well known writer, I am just me, a happily married freelance web developer from South Africa with 2 lovely kids and five fury brats, who sits in his home office working 16 hours a day trying to make a living on the internet.

Amazing Things Do Happen To Ordinary People On Steemit

Like every other day yesterday I came onto steemit to post my blog, being a Saturday I thought I would do a few posts hoping to be seen, if you are like me then your average post only really makes a few cents if anything, but I don't let that bother me.

I believe reward always follows hard work at the end of the day, so I push forward and post on while rather trying to devise ways to help others in the same boat as me, instead of flapping around in the water waving my arms and complaining.

To me Steemit is kind of a candy store, I often sit and watch for new posts, ones that seem interesting and show potential I read, vote and comment on them, then back to the new posts roll (almost like the shelves of a candy store), posts that only have a picture and two lines of text if any I usually just close down and move on.

Yesterday I saw a post by Dollar Vigilante pop on the screen, I have heard of him before and I knew his post would be popular so I took the opportunity to curate the post, knowing allot of whales may be swimming around this one so I left a simple two line comment trying to draw attention to my recent post that I hope will help many minnows here in steemit, You Can Read That Post Here

Leaving things at that I moved back on to my candy store, a little while later I saw a notification that said some like "just when you least expect it...." so I went back to @dollarvigilante post and almost fell off my chair, my comment had been upvoted by @dollarvigilante, @dan and a few others and was suddenly sitting at $240 , I gasped and really did not know what to say or do except to quick show my wife incase it disappeared lol.

I left for bed a very happy man, this morning I work up, made some coffee and quickly ran to my PC to see if that $240 was still there lol and then it happend......HOLY CRAP I shouted as I noticed the post had gone to over $1300 I could not believe my eyes and quickly started replying to as many comments as I could see.

The Best Part - What Nobody Knew

Now for the best part that nobody knows in steemit, not even my new steemit buddy @steemdrive is that on Monday my power and internet line are to be cut, 2 months ago we had lost our car, my wife had lost her job and had been diagnosed as a diabetic and every day someone new has been knocking at our door looking for payment STEEMIT has saved the day ! and my family from sitting in darkness during winter with no phone or internet connection to the world our only source of income.

It Can And Will Happen To You Also Just Be Patient

What has happened here to me can happen to you also and do not let anything or anyone else tell you different, guard your ear gate and eye gate, filter out anything negative you may see or hear, on STEEMIT you stand every chance of having a $1000 or more day I have now proved it, just keep on working and churning out good content, try and focus on helping others as I believe strongly in what you sow you WILL reap.

never stop posting - stop commenting - stop upvoting - stop believing it can happen to you !

Thank You STEEMIT and everyone that voted on my comment you made a difference !

Follow Me @mrgrey


Wow. Happy for you! Wish that happened more often. Been on Steemit for over 2 weeks and most I've earned with a comment was like 2$ and the best blog got me 0.5$. :D Long road ahead.

keep going bud I thought it was a long road for me also and then bam it was right around the corner

And now you've got $195.06 from a comment ;) the wheels keep turning

Hope in Steemit restored! Now I'm motivated to spread the word and write some more!
Thank you @dantheman ! :D

woohoo thats awesome sulev, you see sometimes it is just around the corner

Thanks for the mention my friend and glad to hear that Steemit has helped your situation, that is what the @steemdrive is all about, bringing Steemit to South Africa, to help fellow nationals.

You have just schooled an old dog! Commenting and voting on trendy content is genius and a great way to be seen and create allies as they join Steemit.

@minion also does something great, whereby he puts animated gifs in his comments which are endearing, here you will find some of them which he has put out there for all to use.

only a pleasure bud :) thank you for the links I will check them out :)

Oh wow, what a great story to share! I hope everything will turn out to be fine with you and your family. It's inspiring to hear how Steemit is helping people out financially! :)

I have faith all will be fine chhaylin :)

Now prepare for another 500 or so :P

lol do you think lighting will strike twice alexgr ....yeah I can hope

It's happened to some... who knows...

whaha that will be a rush bud

@mrgrey Awesome post! Glad to hear your situation was resolved and you're doing good now. I am also glad to see you're playing #payitforward . For anyone interested, here is what #payitforward is all about...
Pay it forward a better way to enjoy steemit and find great content

great to see you william Im really enjoying #payitforward and doing my best to promote it

My largest payout from a whale also came on a comment to another post (over $400). It's quite unexpected and very validating to those who prefer to curate comments on great original content! I have high hopes for the platform!

It is an amazing platform people just need to be smart about using it:)

Rock on! Congratulations on reaching whale-hood! :)

lol I still have a ways to go to reach whale, but it is my goal so I can help as many as possible.

These stories shows how this community is built! I never got more than 2$ per article and I'm here for about 2 weeks. I was thinking about quitting, I'm not gonna lie, but I found out that I like people around here so I'll be here. Keep steeming!

stick around gaitan and follow me I plan to be helping allot of people in future just need to get my account into a position to do so.

I would gladly help you!

What a great story! So happy for you. Thanks for sharing :)

thank yo so much for stopping by wiser:)

@mrgrey I am really glad that this happened to you and that you are sharing it with everyone. I actually followed the post you are referring to and saw it with my own two eyes! I am hoping to get noticed for my content as well but have yet to experience it for myself. Best of luck for the future

thank you crazycow :)

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