18 Steps to Increase Your Reputation Score!!

in #steemit7 years ago


There is no easy way around this, you have to work really hard to achieve your reputation goal. The reputation score depends on the up-votes you get in both your posts and comments, so these are the two areas where you have to invest time and mind power to increase your reputation score.

01) I will only post high quality content

Building a high reputation is like building trust with your readers, you don't get it for free, you’ve to earn it. So by only posting articles that are high quality you will build a trust between you and your up-voters who will up-vote your next article too.

02) I will aim to post 1-2 posts everyday

Quality is more important than quantity, so investing time in one post is better than wasting hours in a lot of posts.

03) I will post comments more frequently

You should aim for comments that add value, otherwise, there is no need to post them. Comments are actually an under-appreciated way of increasing your reputation. By creating comments on popular posts, you are increasing your chance of people following you if they see value in your comments.

04) I will reply to users commenting on my posts

This will create a connection between me and my readers, which will increase the chance of them following me.

05) I will be consistent and persistent about applying the above rules

If your posts are consistent, people will look for your posts every day to read and up-vote them.

06) I will take my time when it comes to choosing the right title

Avoid all kind of misleading and click-bait titles, readers can flag your posts and they will do so if you don't respect them. Getting flagged will destroy your reputation, and it will be harder for you to recover from it.

07) I will aim to post my articles at the best time possible for higher visibility

Quality content is important, but if your post them when no one is surfing the website, then your post won't get the attention it deserve. Also if you are still a small player, avoid peak time to reduce your competition with other posts.

08 I will take care of my post layout

I see a lot of people post great articles with great ideas, but they fail miserably when it comes to their post layout. Your posts should be clean and professional, return to a new line and create a new paragraph when it's needed.

09) I will search or create relevant pictures that fit my post

Pictures as the saying goes are worth a thousand words, they will make your post more readable thus more probable to be up-voted.

10) I will learn to be more patient

Don't get frustrated because your posts didn't get the up-votes they deserve. Users don't know who you are yet, so don't expect from them to invest their time or their Steem power on some random user. This shouldn't come as a shock to you, as I said earlier, at this stage, you shouldn't care about how much money you are making but rather focus on increasing your reputation score.

11) I will aim to be competitive

After all, we're all competing for the whales’ votes. Always try to come up with new post ideas that other users didn't write about yet.

12) I will take care of the minnows too

I understand that minnows don't have as much voting power as whales do, but collectively they will lead big whales to your post, especially bot whales.

13) I will aim to update my posts as soon as new information are available

Every second you let your posts without updated information is a wasted second.

14) I will treat my followers well

You should respect your followers intelligent and spare them from any bad posts.

15) I will learn from other successful users

You should take advantage of Steemit transparency when it comes to users’ activity and try to find out the reason behind their success.

16) I will work on multiple ideas at the same time

Whenever you think of a new post idea, create a new text file and type it down before you forget about it, so whenever you find something interesting that is relevant to your post idea, type it on that text file. This will come handy when you actually start working on that post.

17) I will make sure that I still have fun

People tend to do better at things they enjoy, so you should make your experience at Steemit enjoyable, otherwise you won't last long before you give up

18) Track your ranking

Start tracking your reputation raking to see how you are doing compared to other users. You can do this using this cool website, SteemWhales.

If you like this post, please don't forget to follow me

Steemit : @nayanbd666 (PLEASE FOLLOE ME)
Facebook: nayan.zaman (PLEASE ADD ME)
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If u ask me, this was a very usefull post and the more people try to respect these rulez, the better.

This is an eye opener, thank u @nayanbd666, i wanna be ur friend and i need ur mentorship. Pls follow me back.

I made a recent post on sexdolls, pls help me read thru. Thank u

Nice post for sreemians to learn from

Thank you for your comments bro...

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