Facts#!!! A lot of newbies are becoming frustrated..... I just want to help. Tell me how.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have been going through a lot of newbies post and the amount of frustration they are passing through isn't very good for the future of Steemit. We need new members to keep growing.

Some of these people make quality content, but no one sees it. Most of them now stay permanently on steemit.chat begging for votes. I get so many links sent to me as direct messages begging for votes. 

It is important to note that I'm not a whale, not even a dolphin. I'm still in the category of minnows, but I get such messages. It shows these people are frustrated and looking for just anyone who would listen to them.

I really don't know how I can help on this issue. I do give out gifts to quality comments on my post sometimes. I started a project to appreciate people creating values for steemit network. I also included rewarding people who would nominate. This is to contribute to the growth and development of Steemit in my own little way. 

I’m still trying to find a place at the top, but we can move together.

Life isn't complete if you are living for yourself alone. I really want to be of service to newbies and the entire Steemit community. 

If there is anything you think I can do to help you as a newbie, please state it in the comment below.

If there is anything you think Steemit developers can do to make the network more comfortable for everyone, fell free to leave it in the comment section. They might come across this post.

Most importantly;

Create quality contents that add values to the network. 

Adopt the virtues of persistence and perseverance. 

Have fun and don't focus so much on the rewards.

Read other contents and learn from it, not just for the reason to make comments and get seen. There are a lot to learn from this great network. Read to comprehend and not to comment. 

Socialize with other users. That's why it is a social media. 

Appreciate those who have helped you in one way or the other here. I created an Avenue to do so. Nominate the person here. You can win Steem for nominating.

Instead of complaining, please make reasonable suggestions that could make things better.

If you haven't voted for a witness, please do so here

@papa-pepper is our winner for yesterday's Steemit-appreciatesyou project. I'll be making an appreciation post for him shortly. Please stay tuned to appreciate this great fellow who's doing so much for this community.

Image source: imgur.com

Thanks for Reading.

Happy Weekend!!!

Steem On!!!

This beautiful badge was made for me by @elyaque


its the same on all social networks.
people who are old, trusted and have followers get more views (and money in the end).

youtube, instagram whatever - it all works the same. do you see people on youtube getting frustrated they dont make 1 million USD a month from their first video like pewdiepie? :)

@kingscrown, I appreciate your comment here. However, I believe steemit has different ideologies from that of others you mentioned. Nevertheless, they are not supposed to get frustrated because Steemit is paying them for doing same theng they did for free on other social media.


Have fun and don't focus so much on the rewards

I think this is very crucial to not getting frustrated. You have to enjoy what you're doing, the content your creating and the people you are interacting with here on steemit. If you're just doing it for the rewards you'll get burnt out very quickly. Humans are good at telling when you are being genuine and when you're not. Be genuine and have fun!

Exactly my point @britt.the.ish. it could be a lot easier if seen as a place to socialize.

Thanks for this comment.

nonononono i want my million tomorrow.... on my account
hahaha ;-)


@shayne is a successful Steemer. And he has some great posts with tips on how to get established on Steemit. Good luck to all.

Thanks for this info @sv67216721. I hope they find the post.

I think a helpful way to get more newbies seen is to have direct links to subject matter such as "politics", "yoga", "foodie" next to the "hot", "trending", and "promoted" buttons. This way there is more of a chance of being seen. And I realize that there are buttons on the side, but the top of the page is usually what grabs people's immediate attention. Resteeming this!

I agree with that, Cindy. Also the general design. I had a whole conversation with another woman today and she's hesitating to join Steemit, because of the way it looks. While it helps to look beyond the looks :) most people who stumble upon Steemit, may not have anyone to convince them of Steemit's benefits beyond the looks.
I think the more non-geek "average" people join Steemit, it would be a good idea to review the design, the structure and the user experience.

Yes it takes some tech savvy-ness, but there are plenty of articles from them and other steemians that have helped me navigate this. I believe it will get more streamlined and less techy and more user friendly over time. This company is still new and they are all genuises. It's going to turn out great. Now is the time to jump on before the common man finds out! :)

Agree :) Curios to see what it's going to look like in a year (and where the price will be :))

@cindybowen, thanks for your contribution and the Resteem. I appreciate it a lot.

As a new joiner what I found interesting was this; someone I followed on youtube started posting here, we joined about the same time. We'd had similar view counts and gathered more and more followers. Then a few days ago he commented that a whale had spotted him and the $$ gains he racked up was almost surreal. I'm thrilled for him, as his stuff is unique and original.
So it is an interesting element that the "whale notice" and all the "tricks" needed to gather upvotes/$$$. It's very game-like.
Maybe Steem could add some human readers to actually read some of the great original content, just an idea, I see many great original articles with a handful of readers, it's these talented original content providers that will be the first ones out after a few months if their work stays buried.
Not complaining at all, this is your system and it has worked thus far, just my observation after a month on Steem. Thanks for noticing!

There are a lot of projects promoting and rewarding great contents here. Look for the one that fits more.

Thanks for this comment @bitcoinforblonds.

Og, this was in no way a complaint ! I write for fun with no expectations and if I make a few bucks, great! I was just sharing an interesting observation. I probably wont spend any time learning the "tricks" and just keep on sharing my little musings! Doing anything with big expectations often lead to disappointment anyway!!!

@bitcoinforblonds I didn't say you were complaining. I appreciate your positive energy.

Steem On!

My advise for newbies is.
There is nothing to it other then post quality content, engage in the community not just by posting a generic comment, read the article and add a comment of value and the last thing is don't give up keep trying it takes time to get noticed and if you've only been on here a week you can't expect much more.
Oh also don't add everybody in the hope of a follow back, only follow people that you genuinely like their material and people will follow you the same.
All the followers you want know exactly what your doing when you mass add people and they won't follow you back it's pointless.
You want genuine followers not just people that clog your feed

Agree that you shouldn't follow everyone, just to get a follow back, but after about a month I did Follow a ton of people in the hopes of meeting new interesting people faster, like you, and the above post, I may have never met or seen your stuff, cause of the feed list is not perfect atm, anyway just a reply from one of your followers^^ post here Resteemed!

I'll admit I used to follow everyone that followed me until I realised it's not a good idea because half the stuff you see you don't want to see and half the stuff you want to see you won't because of the amount of posts on your feed.
That reminds me I need to clean up the people I'm following

Lol, since I'm new I do follow all my followers, to see how they post, but atm missing feeds is just normal, mostly due to time, but alot is because of my internet at some points in the day..thanks for the reply! btw if i do see like porn or stuff...rare...I unfollow.

Trust me don't only follow the ones that really do interest you. You'll thank me for it later!

I did that on Youtube...but on steemit, to jump up a train car or 2 I do need to see lots of content, and learn, as of now I have stopped following unless I enjoyed the content, but bout a month ago, I decided to follow all of a bloggers followers to see what would happen, jumped up to 537 follows as of now, gaining bout 20 a day...I do weekly series mabe you would enjoy, check out my newest release here:
And I will take your advice to heart and make good decisions from now on^^

I'll give it a look when I get home 😀

Thanks for the Resteem @larutanton. It's good to follow people you like their contents.

Yours is one of them, I only resteem content I think might help, or be enjoyed by my followers^^ Peace, thanks so much for the reply!

"You want genuine followers not just people that clog your feed" I love this comment so much.
People will just make a comment like "I followed you, follow me back". I don't use such avenues to pick people I follow.
Having a lot of people clogging your feeds is the reason why people with high followership get little notice on their posts.

Thanks so much @alexrichards86 for this comment.

Yes it's pointless I don't add any of the "I follow you, you follow me people" I also only add people I find interesting from reading their post.

You've chosen the right path.

Steem On!!!

Surprisingly some people do not see "I follow you, you follow me" as basic steemit etiquette. I have only been on steemit for a month and am also surprised at quite a few generic posts or the ones that reply to a video post that is not possible before they could have watched the video.

Yes or the "nice post" or "good post".
They ain't fooling anyone but themselves, if your gonna comment on an article at least have the decency to read it

"or the ones that reply to a video post that is not possible before they could have watched the video"
That's true @newsdesk. I saw someone make a comment on a post that was not up to 3 minutes. And on the average, it would take at least 5 minutes to read the post. The author of the post had to ask him if he read the post.

i am one of them

If there is anything you think I can do to help you, let me know about it.

My advise: Quality over quantity...and the money you make from posts...put it into steem power and you will pick up more traction. also, don't forget to have fun doing it

So true. @alex-icy, thanks for your contribution.

The frustrated newcomers are just as frustrated in life. They are not used to having to put in hard work to achieve something. Just as this new generation of Millennials are used to getting everything handed to them. Nothing is free in life. You have to fight for what you stand for. I joined Steemit last week, and the community is awesome. I already contribute to writing content related to programming, and I plan on doing so in the foreseeable future. Cheers guys. :)

Wow! I'm impressed with your enthusiasm.
I'll go through your work later.
Thanks for this @adnanrahic.