My diary game and lessons season 1 part 2

in #steemit3 years ago (edited)


As I wake up this morning I remember that i have not send any report for some time now, i said no need to procarsnet it again let me do it just now. # My night rest Let me not forget to tell you about my night, I have a pleasant night rest, with a good dreams, that dream i saw beautiful place and pictures infact is like a garden, when I wake up i started to emerging and thinking about the dream, i remember that this dream is in harmony with the promise of Jehovah God in the bible about the earth paradise, Ps 37:29, 72:7, "In his days the righteous will flourish, And peace will abound until the moon is no more." that means life of the paradise will not end because no time moon will not be,

We will also have good food at that time just as bible also said at Ps 72 :16 "There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; On the top of the mountains it will overflow. His fruit will flourish as in Lebʹa·non, And in the cities people will blossom like the vegetation of the earth.

You can prepare now for the better world soon to come

God created the earth so that righteous humans could live on it forever. (Psalm 37:29) He put the first human couple, Adam and Eve, in the beautiful garden of Eden, and he gave them and their descendants the responsibility to cultivate the earth and to take care of it.​—Genesis 1:28; 2:15.

Today’s world is far from the Paradise God meant it to be. However, God has not changed his mind. How will he fulfill his original purpose? As the preceding articles have shown, God will not destroy the earth itself. Rather, he will allow faithful humans to live on it. When God fulfills his promises, what will conditions on earth be like?

Global government

Soon, when God’s new heavenly government exercises authority over all mankind, the earth will become a happy place where people can live together in harmony and do good and satisfying work. God has appointed Jesus Christ to rule over the earth. Unlike so many rulers today, Jesus will have the interests of his subjects at heart. His rulership will be based on love, and he will be a kind, merciful, and fair King.​—Isaiah 11:4.

International unity


A group of friends in Paradise, enjoying a meal together.

The earth’s new human society will not be divided by nationality or ethnicity. Mankind will be one united people. (Revelation 7:9, 10) All humans living on earth will love God and love their neighbor, and they will cooperate peacefully to accomplish God’s original purpose of taking care of their home, the earth.​—Psalm 115:16.

The paradise Earth

God created the earth so that righteous humans could live on it forever. (Psalm 37:29) He put the first human couple, Adam and Eve, in the beautiful garden of Eden, and he gave them and their descendants the responsibility to cultivate the earth and to take care of it.​—Genesis 1:28; 2:15.

Today’s world is far from the Paradise God

meant it to be. However, God has not changed his mind. How will he fulfill his original purpose? As the preceding articles have shown, God will not destroy the earth itself. Rather, he will allow faithful humans to live on it. When God fulfills his promises, what will conditions on earth be like?

Global government

Soon, when God’s new heavenly government exercises authority over all mankind, the earth will become a happy place where people can live together in harmony and do good and satisfying work. God has appointed Jesus Christ to rule over the earth. Unlike so many rulers today, Jesus will have the interests of his subjects at heart. His rulership will be based on love, and he will be a kind, merciful, and fair King.​—Isaiah 11:4.

International unity

A group of friends in Paradise, enjoying a meal together.
The earth’s new human society will not be divided by nationality or ethnicity. Mankind will be one united people. (Revelation 7:9, 10) All humans living on earth will love God and love their neighbor, and they will cooperate peacefully to accomplish God’s original purpose of taking care of their home, the earth.​—Psalm 115:16.

Harmony with the natural environment

When God’s Kingdom takes charge of the earth, the Creator will take full control of all aspects of the weather, keeping it in perfect balance. (Psalm 24:1, 2) When he was on earth, Jesus gave a glimpse of the power God gave him when he effortlessly calmed a frightening storm. (Mark 4:39, 41) Under Christ’s rule, no one will have any reason to fear natural disasters. God’s Kingdom will also restore the original harmony between nature and humans.​—Hosea 2:18.

Perfect health and abundant food


God created the earth so that righteous humans could live on it forever. (Psalm 37:29) He put the first human couple, Adam and Eve, in the beautiful garden of Eden, and he gave them and their descendants the responsibility to cultivate the earth and to take care of it.​—Genesis 1:28; 2:15.

Today’s world is far from the Paradise God meant it to be. However, God has not changed his mind. How will he fulfill his original purpose? As the preceding articles have shown, God will not destroy the earth itself. Rather, he will allow faithful humans to live on it. When God fulfills his promises, what will conditions on earth be like?

Global government

Soon, when God’s new heavenly government exercises authority over all mankind, the earth will become a happy place where people can live together in harmony and do good and satisfying work. God has appointed Jesus Christ to rule over the earth. Unlike so many rulers today, Jesus will have the interests of his subjects at heart. His rulership will be based on love, and he will be a kind, merciful, and fair King.​—Isaiah 11:4.

International unity

A group of friends in Paradise, enjoying a meal together.


The earth’s new human society will not be divided by nationality or ethnicity. Mankind will be one united people. (Revelation 7:9, 10) All humans living on earth will love God and love their neighbor, and they will cooperate peacefully to accomplish God’s original purpose of taking care of their home, the earth.​—Psalm 115:16.

Harmony with the natural environment

When God’s Kingdom takes charge of the earth, the Creator will take full control of all aspects of the weather, keeping it in perfect balance. (Psalm 24:1, 2) When he was on earth, Jesus gave a glimpse of the power God gave him when he effortlessly calmed a frightening storm. (Mark 4:39, 41) Under Christ’s rule, no one will have any reason to fear natural disasters. God’s Kingdom will also restore the original harmony between nature and humans.​—Hosea 2:18.

Perfect health and abundant food

Everybody will enjoy perfect health. No one will become ill, grow old, or die. (Isaiah 35:5, 6) People will enjoy a beautiful and clean environment like the one the first human couple enjoyed in the garden of Eden. In the new world, just as in Eden, the ground will produce food in abundance and all inhabitants of the earth will have plenty. (Genesis 2:9) Like God’s ancient nation of Israel, everyone in the Paradise will “eat [their] bread to satisfaction.”​—Leviticus 26:4, 5.
A variety of fruits, vegetables, and breads.

Hope you know that dream is Imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping. At this season 1 and part 2, give it time till next seasons and part. From @ojigwe

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