
...In your opinion. They seem ok to me, and both want to make a system that doesn't have sharks like berniesanders in it. They are both misunderstood and have been smeared by people who don't like what they are saying about the inner circle. Seriously though, do you like what has gone on in this place, just for argument's sake, prior to the alleged bad actions of these individuals?

I may be misunderstanding your position, probably mostly because I am not even slightly connected to the inner circle. I have no idea what trash talk these people are engaged in but it's not for nothing I want nothing to do with them.

You might say beware the company I keep, but I think that when such vicious lies are being hurled around and people have been justifiably getting upset at what has been going on, and then outright lies and distortions have been propagated by people with privilege on this system. You know, supposedly this blockchain doesn't have privilege. This is the biggest lie of all.