Quick Answer: Why certain posts earn so much more than others

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm getting a lot of message from people lately about why some posts are doing extremely well while others aren't. Hopefully this video will save me a bit of typing. As always, there's an element of luck involved, but for the most part things are running exactly as they were designed to. It's a marketplace, governed by the laws of supply and demand, and once you understand the factors at play, it's really not that mysterious after all.


Thank you for your video. It should help new users realize that value is subjective and that steemit is not rigged in any way. If you continue to make quality content then you will eventually be rewarded. Also love the silicon valley username!

Really hope so as I don't see much earnings despite alot of efforts spent trying to get more readers and voters.

Thanks, man! Nice to be humming on the same wavelength.

Making great videos are all about content quality and not about length. You've done a great job packing a lot of info into a short video, which is what most people prefer. With the decreasing length of the average users attention span, users probably won't ever finish videos longer than ten minutes or so. And I'm glad you've responded to the frequent posts complaining about whales and how they aren't making money. Keep up the good work!

Yeah, it took a lot of trial and error to settle on a format that works. We want to get a general understanding of something as quickly as possible so I hope I'm able to provide at least that much. There are a lot of expert programmers around here that are way smarter than me when it comes to the software so I'm happy to direct people to them when lots of detail and advanced explanations are called for. The developers here wrote a fantastic whitepaper though so that simplifies the quest for greater understanding a lot.

Yeah they did write a great white paper, but you know as well as I that probably 90% of people will never read it and look instead to informative posts like yours. You also are adding value by explaining things along with links to other users who can explain the more technical end instead of copy and pasting content. I can't upvote content that only has someone else's work with no other unique content. Hopefully more people comfortable with vlogging will adopt your approach. You and @craig-grant are my two most favorite vlogs at the moment. Always come away with a few nuggets of information.

My style is not really well-suited to this medium (or any other) as I tend to go for an attempt to comprehensively examine something. Academic family, gotta love it. The practical upshot is that you're not going to find much general understanding in my posts - although some do, and do so superbly. You're going to find something that bears a suspicious relationship to how we were taught in maths and computer science to test an idea or a solution - coverage of the general working case, the corner cases and the out-of-bounds case.

Well, autism probably has something to do with it. That and a deep abiding hatred of being taught something that not only proved to be bogus but was known by the one teaching to be bogus. Something I got from teachers, parents, friends, a couple of therapists, bosses, the media... You get the idea. I'm tired of being told things that just ain't so.

I don't assume others think that way, although I won't deny it would be nice if people were more accepting of those who do. All three of us. However, sometimes you have to speak the other person's language. If you think that would help, I'll give it a go. It would be nice if I could speak my language (autism) sometimes, but the tag system doesn't seem powerful enough to ensure people only see such posts if they want to.

The steemit system is fine as it is, but it needs to be tweaked. When someone ends up with 50 upvote and 1.50$ the system needs to attribute some kind of value to this post due to the interaction it causes in my opinion!

that indeed is odd

Great vid man, I'm new to steemit but great advice!

I keep telling myself this... as my awesome content never gets more than 20 votes

Yep. I agree.

The best strategy for large SP holders is to upvote anything that can increase the pie. We'll see a lot more of this in the future.

I think that if you have good content that is interesting to people. However what is interesting to people is going to be a little unknown until you try different things. However having a good looking post that is well formatted, easy to follow, and contain good information is helpful. Good information though.

Here is a post I put together called Steemit Best Practices that may help some people get noticed more.


Yes, it's a great big laboratory with thousands of scientists experimenting with different ideas and methods. It's also the free market so the more effective solutions will prevail while the rest are forgotten. It's how evolution works and we've got it kicked into overdrive here.

Steemit isn't rigged. People need to deal with the platform.

On another note.
Steemit needs:
-Chat feature
-Private messaging

Agreed. All of these features will come in time.

For a newcomer like me this video really helps to explain how the whole system works. It makes an awful lot of sense and gives me food for thought on the kind of content the community is looking for. It might be worth linking something like this into a welcome message for new members to help them get started off on the right foot.

There is some introductory info on steem.io but I'm sure the greeting experienced will be developed and refined in time. The platform is still brand new, after all. :)

Great video especially new people like me who are trying to figure it all out. But I would really appreciate if someone could explain exactly how vote earnings are calculated and where all the money comes from. Right now it just feels like magic internet money created out of nowhere.

To call it magic internet money created out of nowhere is pretty darn close to the truth, actually... but so are all other currencies. For instance, the US Federal Reserve prints America's currency out of thin air and loans it into existence. Likewise, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and steem are created out of nothing and distributed acording to their own unique protocols. For instance, bitcoin is awarded to "miners" that compete in an ongoing math contest. Steemit, on the other hand, awards the newly-created currency to posters that are upvoted by stakeholders of Steemit.

Indeed, it is magic internet money created out of nowhere, but, in a sense, so is all money. Even gold isn't worth anything (i.e., isn't money) until someone's willing to work for it, at which point it is money. So the "moneyness" of gold magically came out of nowhere (or more accurately, the gold was imbued with moneyness when the worker accepted it as payment).

Exactly. All value is subjective, not just here on Steemit ;)

Excellent video. So correct that it is a combo of many things: luck, supply & demand, and being the first in your niche. If people have fun and just post what they love then it will it be just that, fun!

yup. And you have to be clear about your intentions and expectations right from the beginning too. Are you doing it for the enjoyment of it? For the opportunity to express yourself? or for the money? Be honest about your motives and you will be much more able to succeed at attaining your goal.

Thanks for this, I've been trying really hard at posting new movie trailers daily with write ups on each trailer. with 3-4 likes each time. When i spend hours on it, its quite degrading. Anyway i just keep swimming.

I think the challenge you face is that posts about movie trailers look like spam. I am not saying that they are spam, but when whales are scrolling through we have to use very simple rules of thumb.

If it looks like something that could be scraped from a RSS feed somewhere then it will not get attention.

@dan I posted one of my little treasures, a picture I took of Miles Davis in 1984!. I wrote a story and today I can't see the photo anymore . I clicked on picture info and it leaded me to a site called godaddy . Called the company and was informed it's @ned scott the owner . I am confused ! How can I copyright such photos . I am really proud of this and want to keep rights in my hands and see it again in my post ! Please reply ! Thanks much

ah okay thanks for this. i just write about what interests me the most. Ill try change it up a bit, find a way to make it not look like spam.

Ask yourself, why does it look like spam? Try putting the title: "Critique of Ghost Busters 3" or "Review of Ghost Busters 3", for example.

wow thanks a lot, This is very helpful

That is so comforting to hear. Thanks!

When something isn't working, you've just gotta listen to the market signals and adjust your approach. Keep adjusting until the market tell you that you're on the right track. Then keep refining your system and developing your reputation. With a little time and perseverance, you'll find your unique grove and do just fine.

Thank you so much! I've been here all of 3 days and I can't help how much I love about it. I keep learning so many new tricks from folks like yourself on how to optimize the usability of this site, and I have a distinct feeling it's going to change my life!

Welcome to the madness then :)

Great ideas man thank you for sharing the love.. I'm trying to join the few of y'all making YT videos about Steemit..

I did a quick video about moving past the make up posts and taking Steemit to the next level.. check it out and please let me know what you think :D


Good move, @stealthtrader. Not everyone likes or is good at producing content so it's great to remind everyone that curation is an equally valuable avenue to pursue. Best of luck with the vlogging.

I attempted a funny post to help newbies not be intimidated by whales and mentioned you in it @piedpiper along with the link to your most recent blog :)

Let me know what ya think brotha :D

Man thank you!
That was fast and I really appreciate you taking the time to do that :D

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