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RE: RandoAwake Extension Updates - v1.0.3 - Download Today!

in #steemit7 years ago

As a person who hates to use Chrome I'm a little bit disappointed that instead of post here to say if you are awake or not I need to deal with this... plus how do I know if you are awake... the icon is saying only " 72% @randowhale is.. " and then I don't see anything else only your picture..
So I guess you will change your icon there when you are awake or there will be a sound note? You should describe more how it works, that people so green as I am would understood this more correct. But thanks for up vote at my last post. I appreciate your help!


You're right, the explanation and information in the extension description could be better. I will make sure that is addressed.

As noted below, you can simply check randowhale's profile page to see if he is awake or sleeping, however, I'm giving second thoughts to posting when the status changes as well as this has been requested a few times now. Is it safe to assume you're following @randowhale and relying on your feed for updates? I just want to make sure I understand and address the true use case.

Thanks again for the feedback.

I definitely rely on the feed a lot for updates, though I also just go and check the randowhale header. Don't use Chrome, unfortunately. (Firefox user!)

dont you generate income from making a status change? why would you want to stop doing that?

I agree with is easier here than to be installing an extension.

I also like that you answer as you do with someone who tells you that something better than the one you propose ... not all are like this ... congratulations

Can I post an update on my blog when your status changes?

If you look at the first post, it shows an image of what it looks like when @randowhale wakes up and goes to sleep.

For example:

You could just check this:
to see if rando is awake or sleeping.

This notifies you so you know right when he wakes up/goes to sleep. You can also look up at the icon at any time and tell. You can also tell the voting power so you know how long it may stay awake/sleep for.

It doesn't tell you anymore.

yeah it does he changes the top part of the blog

Every time I look it says the same thing... I guess I don't check often enough

extension seems working fine for me sir

Yes, I know

It always says that!

No the account has been recharging for much of the past few days he was only awake yesterday for a short time and befor that asleep all weekend. Jump to conclusions much?

Everytime I go to sleep I check him. THen when I awake, his votepower is magically enough lower than it was when I went asleep. Something fishy is going on here..

That's what it is then... I kept catching him asleep.

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