
Do you mind elaborating what you mean by that? No, to what?

No to "Is it time to but steem again?". After the surge, I think it'll make a long rounding bottom, should go down another 50% from here (IMHO).

Gotcha. There's a definite possibility that what you say is going to happen.

Is it the "most likely possibility"? I don't even know how one would approach answering that, especially with such limited trading history on Steem.

As I alluded to in my post, even at 33% chance of turning at the current price range, I like my trade.

There cranking out too many Steem for the market to absorb. The are thousands of posts a day, but only a few make any money. This is discouraging the minnows, steem needs to distribute better the power if it wants to increase it's base.