Honest Expression As To What I Have to Contribute, Want to Accomplish & What I Observe Happening Here on Steemit: A Post About My Passions, Values, and Life

in #steemit8 years ago

Greetings, Steemians!

Again, I am so stoked to be a part of this community. It seems like I start every post like this because IT'S TRUE!

WOW, there is SO much that I want to share here on this revolutionary platform  with all you cutting-edge beings!

I really want to be sharing very well done, extensive articles, yet I find myself writing now simply to try and connect more with this community. I want to be really honest and share what is going on for me on a personal level and connect with people first. 

I feel like there is so much potential here for major changes, not just to some people's lives but to major facets of the world as a whole. So rather than just being a professional who releases professional content, I want to really connect and explore this great adventure we are on together.  So I thought I might just sit down and start writing what comes to me and just share myself a bit. 

I still have not gotten into a rhythm with posting here on Steemit. I really am beyond busy and when I have made posts using really good videos I have done, they don't get much support. Some of the posts I have made where I invested many hours to really put together a high quality and valuable article also get very little support, so I am still navigating my way around this community I love so much. 

With that being said, I felt very supported in the last post I made, and there were many people who valued what potential I have to bring to this community. It was far and away my most rewarding experience thus far on Steemit. I am SUPER grateful for that!

So I want to thank everyone who participated in commenting and UPvoting my last post, as I felt VERY motivated to commit to bringing valuable content to this community! I would also like to give a special thanks to @jamesc @riverhead @xeldal @steemrollin @blocktrades as they are well-respected and influential beings in this community and (not to discount any other support, which I am very grateful for) put some of my posts on the map. In order for anyone's posts to get seen here on Steemit, there needs to be some well-respected individuals who support it. That makes sense, and I hope that I continue to bring content worthy of the support. I really can't say how grateful I am for the support and just hope my future content pays that forward. 

As I sat here today contemplating what I would share in this post, I had a LOT of ideas. There is SO much that I want to share. I have had great success in areas of life such as Health. I published a book titled Full Spectrum Health, which is unlike any other book on health I have read and it has changed many people's lives. I have been hired as a consultant and also spoken at numerous conferences on the topic.


One reservation I have about this topic is that I have seen a lot of flagging on alternative health topics and one thing that is for SURE: my perspective is indeed alternative. I am no stranger to controversy and am not scared of conflict. I have been pushing the envelope for 15 years and am accustomed to meeting resistance along the way. This is part of being a revolutionary. Yet I was really hoping to get away from the trolling and drama that is so prevalent on say FascistBook. 

I am vey passionate about life and especially about my ideals. Yet I respect everyone, even those I disagree with.  I am not here to try and change anyone nor to judge anyone for their lifestyle. I am open to having logical and healthy discussion/debate yet am tired of arguing and cognitive dissonance. I hope there will be much success with that here!

I will surely be writing about health in the weeks to come as it is one of the fundamental importances to a happy life. 

What I am most well known for is founding one of the most sustainable communities in the world--The Garden of Eden--and the full on $350,000 BLACK OPS SWAT RAID that was conspired against us 3 years ago. This is a very important topic for MANY reasons, so I discuss it often but I also have a LOT of content already out there on the topic, such as these posts on Steemit I have already made. Here is an interview I did with Ron Paul on the Ron Paul Show on the topic.

I have been on a lot of shows due to the horrific and high profile nature of the atrocity for anyone who is interested in that. 

SO sustainability is also one of my passions and that which I probably discuss the most, as it is what I am most well known for. @gardenofeden makes posts daily highlighting our sustainable life and, while not getting much $$, is posting quality content and building a reputation and following. I highly recommend checking out those posts, as there is much info of great value and it is an exceptionally noble cause!

Parenting is another one of my passions and frankly the area that I feel is MOST important for evolution (besides inner awakening itself). So this will surely be a topic that I focus upon and REALLY hope the Steemit community is open to exploring!


Economy, politics, religion, and the systems that control the world is another MAJOR passion of mine of which I discuss regularly. I feel this community is very open to this, though I have seen a lot of drama around the topics of politics and religion. I will surely be posting on these topics as they are imperative to be discussed, and it seems there are many people here who post about these topics. Though I did make a very comprehensive post on the topic of money and currency, the essential difference between them and how fiat currencies and central banks have integrated very successfully a diabolical plan to control the masses. You can read that here and here. Though again this did not do that well. 

This is probably due to the fact I am still new and am not really on the radar yet. I have to prove myself, as I am not a celebrity name like DollarVigilante or CharlieShrem. This is understandable, and I cannot complain nor act entitled and live with myself. So I won't, I will work hard and honor the success of others as they deserve it!

With that being said, I am a bit disappointed to see posts over the last few days making thousands of $$$ of which consist of Steemit drama amongst well-known accounts. I know drama is exciting and obviously the world tunes in, as they say "all publicity is good publicity", yet to see this Steemit community UPvoting to the count of THOUSANDS for posts with people calling each other names is a bit sad. 

I know this is not a reflection of EVERYONE but I am really hoping that this Steemit community uses their voting power to support posts that are IMPROVING the world, focusing on logic and consisting of honorable and respectable decorum.

This is one of my greatest hopes for Steemit as FascistBook is so overwhelmed with drama. That we as a community without censoring can simply CHOOSE to support reasonable, honorable, progressive, conscious, and valuable content. Because if we support the drama then there will SURELY be more of it as people are literally being PAID to do it. 

Thats all I shall say about that as again all I want to do is be honest rather than trying to convince anyone of anything or being a drama queen. 

In closing again I am grateful to be here and to have the support that I do. I wish the best for all and feel this post is helpful for me if not anyone else, get clear on what I want to accomplish here and contribute to the betterment of this platform.  

Please comment on anything you feel is relevant as your feedback is important to me and will influence my posts to come. 

Best Regards, Gratitude and STEEM ON!


You are the most honest man I have ever known. I have never known anyone to be true to their values like you. What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your awareness of the infinite realms, for reminding us that all we have to do is choose, and for being the example of such great possibility. You indeed have something powerful to share. Glad to see that the Steemit community is beginning to recognize all the value you have to offer. Your being of service to mankind iis so obvious.. I'm truly grateful for you. Now Steemit is also blessed.

Thank you for your words of support and I am humbly grateful that they are honest and profound words~
I hope to be able to live up to such testament as it is an EVERY moment test. To fail once is to be unworthy of such potent praise~
Thank You~*~

We're excited that Steemit is bringing the revolutionaries together, creating a valuable exchange, and shaping a new world. Thank you for raising the vibes and holding unwavering focus on a healthier and more sustainable world for ALL!

So grateful to be co creating this together!
Oh the possibilities~*~

Grateful you're here holding the standards! I'm glad someone finally built a platform that may be able to handle the downloads that you offer, and I look forward to the mind melting and paradigm shifts that are sure to come!

I really want to read your book Quinn! Even though I've walked the fine line between healthful awareness and mindless indulgence in the past, I can say with honesty and conviction that the best I've ever felt is when I've been living consciously and healthfully... Full Spectrum Health sounds like it is Full Spectrum Awesome! ;-D

And my favorite post of yours (to date) is your second installment in the Truth about Money series. The fact you know about this is one thing - but the fact that you LIVE it brings you to a level I think most people simply cannot comprehend.

So fuck yeah!! Bravo!! Steemon!! I consider myself lucky in the extreme and am deeply grateful to have crossed paths with you. Whatever I can do to help in your cause - I will - because it is my own. :-D

I really appreciate this comment Brother~
As you say being aware of something is one thing but actually LIVING it is another thing!
Thanks for the support here on Steemit and defiantly check out my book. Its an easy read with lots of conscious upgrades for a healthy life!
Bless It Be~*~

I'm looking forward to the health topic. Should be some great info for everyone here.

One of my passions for sure of which I feel almost EVERYONE can benefit greatly from!

Keep shining @quinneaker, One Love.

I will be sharing that's for sure. Question is what and where~
Appreciate the support!

Your passion certainly comes through and you have many interesting things to write about UPVOTED!
I just wrote an article about beautiful trees. Please have a look but only upvote it if you think that it is deserving.

Thank you!
I will check out the post!
I hope to bring valuable content to this community in the moments to come!

Followed! Excited to read your work :)

Thank you!
I am excited to bring valuable content to this community and hope you will be benefited by it!

I really enjoy reading your posts . I'm now following @gardenofeden cuz i want to contribute ( well it's a really small amount when i upvote right now to be honest , but i'm here ) . It's hard for one person to carry all by himself so we all need to push a bit . I think that basis of Humanity is not founded on money and selfishness but on cooperation , compassion , contribution to community and to our surroundings .
Imagine cave man on a hunt for food . Imagine him alone in a woods . Imagine some blood thirsty animal stocking him . How will he defend him self alone ? And how much food he can provide ? Now imagine a 10 strong men hunting for Mammoet ( like in a movie 10.000 B.C. ) . There is plenty of food for a whole village for a month .
From them who have lived in communities caring for each other we have strive to here , becoming selfish and greedy .
Keep on doing what you do , thanks

Hahaha yes your vote isn't even worth a cent but your true appreciation and support are priceless!
As u said in community working together we are stronger and can cultivate much more abundance and safety!
I know all about the power of community and believe it is the way of a healthy and sustainable future!

There can be a lot of drama everywhere, but like in life it slides away as it inevitably loses energy. I think the work you do is beautiful, thank you for sharing your voice. Be well.

Wise words~
I appreciate the support and hope to have many mutually beneficial exchanges with you her on this revolutionary platform!

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