How to Grind Out Content and Not Burnout: 7 Tips From A Semi-Pro Poker Player
Grinding: to work hard, to hustle, to put in the hours
A grinder: One who grinds.
I use to be a semi-professional poker player for quite a few years. The knowledge I gathered through the ups and downs apply in many personal and professional matters. You need both skill and luck to make it big, but the more skill you have the less luck you need.
Poker rewards long hours, just as SteemIT.
Frustration is common.
Here's a few lessons that will take you just a step further into your SteemIT journey and help you reach your true potential without burning out and quitting.
1. Grind With The Right Attitude
Try to figure out what you want to achieve and figure out roughly how long it will take. Be it that you want to have lots of Steem Power, notoriety, a following or just make more money, you need to realize that it will take A LOT of time and patience.
In poker, I wanted to win major tournaments. Initially I thought that after a few weeks I could and should beat everyone! I was wrong. I could have saved myself tons of dissapointment whenever I busted a tournament. Once I started to focus on the long haul, my attitude changed and my game started to improve and overall I was a much more profitable player.
2. Improve Your Grind Every Day
Still, the success you desire won't come if you don't up your game! Write and read every day, try to come up with better ways to write something, to deliver the message, to communicate to connect with your audience.
When the dots connect, you will know it and see it in your rewards!
I used to spend more time studying my hands than playing so I could play better. It's hard work but it's the most reliable indicator of future success. Don't cut corners!
3. Put In The Volume (aka really grind don't mess around).
Yes, you need to be on it every day, I try to come up with a minimum of 5 ideas per day, and write at least one. It can be hard and jarring at times but the more I do it the better I get at it. When I get stuck I curate and comment.
4. It's Ok To Take Days Off
That's an important part that many dedicated grinders often forget. You need rest every few weeks. You need to relax, and disconnect from everything or else you're productivity will go down the toilet.
Think about it like that: it's an investment in your longevity!
I use to play non stop for weeks, feeling like I was running in circles and never knowing why. Took a small holiday and when I came back: magic. I was back on track!
5. When "In The Zone" Don't Stop
You'll have days when everything you write turns to gold. Those days will feel like you were touched by a muse.
Here's an obvious tip - do more on those days.
When I had winning poker days, I used to stop early because i didn't want my strike. I wanted to go to sleep like a winner.
I see the same thing on Steem now, I write something good and I STOP. Why?
Remember rule #1 - THE RIGHT ATTITUDE, it's not about what happens today so who cares if you stumble on an article? It would have happened anyway, you just got over it way faster.
Note: With poker you CAN go negative with Steem you CAN'T! So keep on pushing!
6. When You're Not "In The Zone" Don't Tilt!
That's the opposite of #5, you'll have days that no words work, no sentence seem to be good enough and you just feel like you suck!
Hi There!
Easy to let a bad day turn into a bad month. In poker, you have these days quite often. If you let them affect your confidence and your game, you start doubting yourself and regress.
Just take a small break and return to writing, or chill out by reading other people's work. You know what you're about! A few good sentences will take you off of the slump. Even Stephen King has writer's block and the man writes like he's on steroids!
7. The Grind Will Free You Or Enslave You - It's Your Choice
The grind is designed for one thing and one thing only: improve you, your work, your productivity, your habits.
In a word: making you more money that you would'nt otherwise! You grind so that you have free time when you need it - because you already put in the work.
You grind because you'll have money when you want it. The grind is your friend, but it must work for you. Don't ever let it take over your life.
Have you seen Rounders?
If you are not careful, your whole life can become a fucking grind!
I wish you all the best and keep on grinding!
#steemit #steem #writing #life
Author : @razvanelulmarin - Editor : @repholder - Image : Pixabay - Free Stock Images
Damn good post! More people who are frustrated of the platform should be reading this. :)
it's all in your miiiind
Frustration? Grinds?
Since when does any of this apply to fun and social networking?
Y'all take this too seriously. Blow off some Steem and enjoy yourselves :)
Great post I love this!
This can be applied to everything, This is actually how I became good at drawing. I decided at a young age I wanted to be an artist So I practiced like crazy every single day until my wrists hurt, I sometimes took days off, But on my days off I'd do light sketching. At 12 I showed signs of being good at it. By 23 I turned it into a career.
That definitely works with Steemit too! You have to build your writing skill and your reputation overtime.
UPVOTED! This is brilliant. Thanks for the advice.
I just wrote my intro post here:
Seriously it took me about 3 hours and I feel like my eyes are going to explode and my brain is going to melt :(
I agree, expecially with number 4. I played upset with girlfriend and I lost. I played when I was tired and I lost. I played fresh in the morning and... guess what? I won. 95% of the times.
THE RIGHT ATTITUDE sums it up pretty well :)
Thanks for sharing :)
Glad you enjoyed it!
Anyone trying to make lots of posts should keep in mind there will soon be a soft limit of 4 posts per day.
I am actually welcoming this change. Finally well stop seeing 5 people posting random shit over and over again in the new tab. Literally watched this guy last night as he posted a new pic of a sexy girl every 5 minutes and clogged up the stream.
Already aware of the change, I don't post that frequently anyway.
Take a break and go to the Big Sandy machine gun shootout.