
lol. love this!

Gold worse than fiat currency? lelelel

i like steemit but come on its nowhere near as revolutionary as bitcoin is lol if you really think that you need to go learn more about bitcoin

I got into Bitcoin in 2011. I built this mining array.

I have learned a lot about bitcoin, and I can still say that I think Steemit is just as revolutionary as Bitcoin, and in some ways even more. The same people that control our currency also control our media. Blockchain technology has the potential to make the corporate media obsolete now. Who wants to be a Facebook zombie and get bombarded with ads, when steemit pays you for blogging and trolling? Not me. Like the author of this post, I am elated to be taking my time away from Facebook, and I have no doubt that others will feel the same way. I have a decentralized alternative to banks and media now, and I freakin love it. I can't wait to see what blockchain technology brings us next.

You do realize Bitcoin is what is keeping Steemit afloat? 98% of STEEM value comes from Bitcoin investors.

There are two people in my life (so far) that I have been trying to get into Bitcoin for years that are now on Steemit. Neither of them, despite my years of preaching at them, had ever made a Bitcoin wallet or executed a transaction until they got into Steemit. Steemit is the killer app that Bitcoiners have been prophesying for years. This brings new people to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, and that is good for everyone. In my mind, Steemit is just as valuable as Bitcoin, and maybe even more so.

i prefer the occasional banana :-D

Dig Rok.. as always.. I always enjoyed your perspective on the facespace. I'm happy to see you not only getting the credit and recognition for your contributions but also rewarded through this new monetary energetic exchange... that quite honestly is blowing my mind. I have yet to post an actually blog on the steemit but I have been pouring through everything I can and getting a feel for this new space. I can say I've found myself visiting Facebook less and less as well. I'm extremely excited about all that SteemIt will be bringing to our reality in the next few years.

I'm looking forward to reading your writing when it starts flowing.

Based on the little bit you've shared here, I can tell you've got some interesting perspectives and style in store... :-)

Man you write so well, like a speeding bullet train no less! Lol
Spot on, the 5-days being locked out of account was perhaps much needed to have news perspectives on the platform itself. Glad to feelin the steem withya :D

Awesome post dude!

Really glad you've got your account back, I think you summed up FB beautifully with this statement:

I might have gotten some thumbs up for writing inspirational posts every now and then, but for the most part, my Facebooking was a loop of gluttonous indulgence in biased, misinformed newsfeed content and pointless distraction from actually being productive.

Nailed it!


he he. :-)

Nice post!
Check out new service i just released :) Show some support! Might help to spread the steem word :)

The big fluctuations in SD price I think are down to the big swings in STEEM price - which create arbitrage opportunities as money is moving from one to other, and in different platforms/exchanges. For example when STEEM got into Poloniex exchange, there was a very big spike in SD prices - as STEEM prices got a big rise themselves.

Facebook utility right now

Best line IMHO:

I might have gotten some thumbs up for writing inspirational posts every now and then, but for the most part, my Facebooking was a loop of gluttonous indulgence in biased, misinformed newsfeed content and pointless distraction from actually being productive.

Onward and upward! Very well written post.

thanks mate :-)

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