The site is just awesome, I like it on first sight , but the way it is now is just depressing. I wrote(translate, what is more tough to me) six damn chapters and except for the bots I had almost any comments, that is what I care the most on a starting work. And it wasn't just me, I looked around here network works just poor.
The way it is now , even if my histories was master pieces, what I know they aren't, It will be all wasted. You can earns money only if a whale stumble in you, just playing your luck you have more chance to stumble in a reader publishing in kindle direct and earn 5$ step by step. In my first month in amazon I sold more than 30 books, a lot of they are free samples, but was astonishing better then steemit. Here looks like no one reads me because i'm poor :D
The way is buying steem power to boost you curations, right? even the most of coments was bots you will earn some cash in a long run, but you can buy views in facebook and they are real views, not bots, so why steemit would be better investment? Because two year cashback if it do not work? :D In truth I earn view to my book for free in facebook , here the post is dead 12 hours later if it's not viral. IT is madness! And If you want just people review your stuff for free, there is wattpad. duh!
"Well if I want views and money I have to bring my fans from other social networks." HELL NO! If I had followers out there then there is no motive to be ignored here ou force they to come, it makes no sense. The motive to be here is new followers, new readers, for God sake! I will not bring people here to got depressed too.
YOU WHALES must start to feel very afraid of this bots, they are subtracting valor from the business you are greater partner. For us creator it doesn't matter, we can use this excelent site to blog, earn by selling a product, by ads, it doen't matter, if bots f**K your business tomorrow creators moves to another site, who will lose more? and if nothing was done it will be what will happen. Hate if you want, but I thing this fibonacci(it looks like) curve of payments must be revised too.
"Ignore the whales and do you job, they will come." No, they will not come, at least the way it is now. But I agreed on doing your job, althouth I say this:
If I had a tag that make my post invisible to everyone except to my followers I would doing it now, because Im very angry of give part of my work, or steem to this bots that are just ruining the comunity. Probably I will ask from now and ahead for comment only in twitter, because here there are only zombibots to comment.
Sorry for the bad english, But im really mad and I will not review this.
I feel you on every level
My Rant
Network your stuff better if you want more people commenting... down voting then a lame assed one word response is the opposite of engaging in a conversation.
Did I down vote this post or yours? No, because I'm not a bitch. I welcome difference in opinions and don't have to down vote someone that isn't being abusive.
I like bots that point out when someone is reposting the work of others etc... who knows maybe they'll add a way posters can enable/disable bots on their work.
I upvoted this comment because you make a valid point... calling someone's post LAME isn't engaging.. it's demeaning. If your going to be negative and talk down on someone keep it to yourself. I responded with a one word comment to represent, "in a nutshell" exactly what you did to this persons post. Uncalled for and unnecessary. I don't flag or downvote other's comments on my post either.. have a look. What you did was a dick move... my point is, don't be a dick
If you did not like it downvote it, downvote is a good thing, if everyone just upvote , upvote will mean nothing. I will not cry if you downvote me :)
You have $149.01 in your wallet, what (to me) validate your points. but I have not a consolidated opinion, so I will no vote. on this reply.
One more thing. You are saying that is more important to do the network then do a good material, we have to agree in that because bots can not judge quality, but they do the job, is it? So for me it is depressing because everyone will do just average material and let better bots do the money, but you do not have to share my view, You can like just the way it is. BUT once all real person notice this is just average and is all about bots the whole thing will just collapse, steem will have no value.
It worked! some votes, no money, but a lot of comments. This is what is about.
Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 6.2 and reading ease of 87%. This puts the writing level on par with Stephen King and Dan Brown.
Great post!
the site is still in beta so of course it'll seem a bit off right now as there is only so many users and they might not be interested in your work (or mine) most users at the moment are bloggers themselves and are busy with their own pieces or already have a bunch of followers and friends within the community . The more users we get on the site the broader scope of interests they will bring so it will be easier to find our audiences in time.
But getting mad or depressed because you didn't get the attention you feel you deserve is pretty lame, who cares what others make? maybe they use others sites to get attention on their pieces and network better than others, Not accepting the site is still in beta and still under development is lame, not realising that with so few users at this point means it is a much more selective audience at the moment than say FB, reddit or twitter is lame, and not helping to bring a wider audience is definitely lame.
some bots are great some are leaches, but even the leaches (just voting commenting for $) can still help get more attention to a piece.
not a fan of boo hoo pieces, so I didn't vote on this. In fact I was pretty close to downvoting it
Sorry but a one word reply is beyond lame.
What's even more lame is I upvoted my one word comment and I'll do that for this one too