Stop Making Steemit All About the Money, It Won't Work - And Other Ranting About What Sucks About Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

This post is payout declined since Steemit centric posts and circle jerking are sickening and taking way too big of a slice of the pie daily, and I think it needs to stop. There's rarely any other point to them than the fact that the authors lack any and all imagination, and people upvote them because people upvote them. Most of the time it's the same stuff over and over and over again, and people masturbating over how everything is awesome, and they're awesome for being a part of something that is so awesome. Awesome.

Anyways, this is not circle jerk.

I'm frustrated over two things in particular.

One is the amount of circle jerk everyday, and Steemit promotion always being money centric. Steemit is great because people make money, basically. Second is the amount of hardforks that are constantly being done to tinker with the reward system. No development on the site to speak of. It's all about the rewards, everytime.

First off, making Steemit marketing all about the money is a doomed effort, if we are to make STEEM, the currency, into something big, with Steemit being the flagship app. And that should be the focus! I want a goddamn financial revolution, yesterday, and it's already obvious that Bitcoin won't bring it to us.

So, why is solely focusing on the money such a doomed effort? People will always automatically come for free money, right?


Raise your hand if you were skeptical at first about being able to make money on Steemit.

I know I was.

For years, while being on the internet, I've been taught that easy money on the internet is scam. End of story. Smart people tend to avoid scams. People who don't, are usually dumb. And I won't say anything here about a sizable portion of the Steemit userbase, but you can draw your conclusions.

Now, Steemit is not a scam. It's possible to make money, risk free, and cash that money out on your bank account. This is a fact. And if you play the game the right way, make the right whale friends, and make the right type of Steemit circle jerk posts, then yes, it's possible to make thousands upon thousands of bucks per day by spewing bullshit that no one outside of Steemit is interested in reading.

Why, then, are we still such a small community, even after a year of payouts?

Because A) People don't believe that it's not a scam, because easy internet money is a scam almost without fail, and B) People usually don't believe in their own chances of succeeding. Even if they believe that it's possible to make money on Steemit, they quite often lack the faith in their skills to find that success. We often have very low self esteem. This is a psychological phenomenon that has been skipped over completely in Steemit's marketing.

Also, when the money is made, then what do people do? They cash out. You can't buy anything with the STEEM in your wallet, and the people who come here for the quick buck are not going to hold the quick bucks in their wallet, they're cashing it out. That's why I find it so stupid for certain well esteemed Steemit members to make posts about how they talk about making such and such amounts of dollars during their first year on Steemit, because no, you did not make the dollars on Steemit, you made STEEM. You made the dollars by dumping and cashing out.

What's the message here?

It's that STEEM is not anything worth holding, it's just a tool to get FIAT. You know, the real money that can actually buy you nice things. If I don't understand any of this, and I'm reading this, it does not give me the impression, at all, that STEEM could be something worth owning. You just get rid of it as fast as you can to get those sweet government dollars. Or bitcoin, or some other equally worthless shitcoin. Yes, I just called bitcoin a shitcoin, deal with it.

Also, how come no one is asking the question "Why does Steemit suck so much that we need to literally bribe people into using it?"

Reddit doesn't pay its users. Facebook doesn't pay its users. Twitter doesn't pay its users.

But people still use these sites, among other sites.

And don't get me wrong, the money is a great thing, I like having the rewards system, it's what the site is all about - BUT ever since I joined, I've wanted it to be about more than that. And as long as it's all about the money, I find it broken and flawed.

I think focusing on the money is ass backwards in the sense that the site itself should be fun to use for free. That's how social media sites are designed.

It's possible to make money on YouTube if you're successful. But it's still a fun site to use if you're not making money. Millions upon millions of people use it daily, for free.

Instead of these endless hardforks that just scare off investors since they can't trust the economics of STEEM staying intact for longer than a few months at a time, how about some UI development? How about an interface that's not from the year 2001, one that's actually engaging, addicting, fun to use, and not a clunky piece of shit?

I know for a fact that some people I know have not joined Steemit simply because it's ugly and confusing.

Sure, for crypto nerds like us something like that is not a big deal, but we're in a bubble. We're in this nerd bubble where we can easily forget how normal people see the world. We can spend time figuring stuff out and making sense of things, and we may even enjoy figuring this shit out, but most people don't. They'll give a website three seconds to impress them, and if it doesn't, the chance to impress them is gone forever.

I just don't understand how INC can't hire a competent, or even semi-competent web developer, they're not that expensive. A former co-worker of mine could make a better website for a hundred bucks. But it's not just the functionality, it's the design, the look. This shit is not hard to figure out.

I heard that work is not being done on the website right now because INC is busy working on the mobile app, and while a mobile app is a good thing, isn't the wrong way to go to have a shitty website, and then go for a mobile app while the website is unfinished? The mobile app is something you get when you like the main website. Why would anyone search for a Steemit mobile app on their App Store? Surely you need to know what Steemit is first. And in order for people to like Steemit.. you get the picture.

Point being, the desktop site is still your flagship app.

Hell, the site crashes all the time, everyday. Instead of planning the next hardfork, how about working on the site's stability? Even for a little bit?

And regarding the money, and this is coming from someone who is a beneficiary of this and is making good rewards, the fact is that you don't make good rewards on Steemit because your posts are amazing. You make good rewards by knowing the right people. That's what it is, it's a social media phenomenon, it won't change, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just how social media, and the world, works. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, if you felt special, but your circle jerk posts are nothing special, people upvote A) for curation rewards and B) to kiss your ass because you'e an influential member. Simple as.

That can't be fixed, and no amount of hardforks will change that. And maybe we don't have to.

What can be done, however, is taking some of the focus away from the money, and making Steemit a good social media to use even without the money involved.

First, you plan a social media that people want to use for free.

Then you add the money.

Then you have a winner.

Give people a reason to stick around even when they're not making big rewards.

HF19 will happen this Tuesday, and I know for a fact that my rewards will take a hit, and admittedly my motivation to use Steemit will probably take a huge hit, as well. I know everybody's all excited about the hardfork, but to me it just means all users will be more equally poor, and it makes the site less exciting.

That being said, it annoys me that just because my rewards will get lower, my interest in Steemit will drop. I still want it to be a thing, and that's the reason for this post.

Where's all the focus on the STEEM blockchain being censorship resistant? Where's the focus on Steemit being free from shitty Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. algorithms? Where's the focus on Steemit being free from big business advertisers who dictate what content is and isn't allowed on the site?

These are the big fucking deals.

But when it's all about "I've made $50,000 on my first year on Steemit, woo!" the important stuff gets buried underneath all that shit. The things I mentioned are Steemit's gimmicks that make it special, focus on them. Not just the fucking money, especially since after HF19 no one will be making any money here anymore anyway.

And when the site is not being worked on, people will skip it, unfortunately.

So, yeah, sorry for not sharing your enthusiasm for the site, but I'd like to mention that I'm only being critical because I give a fuck. I'm pretty sick of traditional social media, and want an alternative, and Steemit could be that, but it lacks focus, or at least the focus is on the wrong things.

If you disagree, shoot me up on the comments.


I agree with your assessment, but I think I'm a little more hopeful (naive?) for the long run. I lurked for about a month, reading articles here and there, and it took me a while to see the long term value. Yes, there is a LOT of "circle jerking" (as you call it), and so many times I see people getting paid $1000+ for a single, poorly written post that does nothing more than reinforce a desire for more money.

However, I joined because the more I got involved, the more potential I saw. I also began to see the smaller communities that have formed, that may not get paid as much as the fanboy posts, but have quality content that is actually curated well (not just by upvotes). I'm thinking right now of the SteemTrail movement.

What I envision is a site where people write about the things they care about, and are passionate about. Things they want to share with others. And I like that you can get paid for it, because it really does take a lot of time to write well and craft something that is valuable and meaningful. I think we're headed that direction, but it sure is messy along the way. (Just watch what comes out in the "New" feed.)

But I'm here for the long term, for what this might become. It might not ever come to fruition, but it's worth the risk to me.

I read your post....and frankly Steemit could fail

I am new to steemit...I posted several stories....see my blog...and 6 days later I suddenly cannot post a story anymore.....why....I did go into live chat and ask several questions about steemit and all and two people were very rude and reported me to abuse where there was no abuse at all I asked 2-3 questions and they went there some sort of cult like group in steemit where they know how to shut your account down through computer programs using abuse? Is so then there is no free speech in steemit and it is noting more that crazies who are hurting steemit where fewer quality people come to steemit...please let me know about this so I do not waist my time....I was never rude or a jerk to anyone...

Also, many people commented that I actually used my real name and I have my Linkedin page in my it is like there is some sort of group of people in steemit who do not want people like me in steemit...they want there little bitcoin hype platform and nothing more...they do not want people using their real names in here...they want more of a AOL thing where nobody really knows who the other person is.....

if steemit wants to be nothing more than bitcoin stories then it will fail....

Michael, did you ever find out the answer to your questions, b/c I wouldn't put up with that shit.

Are you able to post now?

I read an article that says you can't post if you don't have enough steem or something.

Another guy had the same issue & people gave him steem (how I have no clue) & he was able to post again, but like me (see my reply to this article below), he doesn't know how long before it stops him from posting again : (

That's why I wanted to join, to write about things that matter to me, but I already do that on my site & wanted to know if I can just post the link here just like people do in FB groups.

How do you find a community?

Do you get an e-mail when someone responds to your comment?

I commented on one person's article & when I went back to it, I couldn't find my comment :frowning:


I wrote a post a few days ago on the value of the Steemit blockchain to future historians, called "Mining the Babylonian Blockchain". It hasn't caught on so far.

I'm afraid expecting the average social media user, most of whom suffer from some degree of narcissism, to care more about anti-censorship than personal financial reward may not be realistic. I don't know that you get mass adoption that way.

in the end tho Steemit is all about the money... its why we all are hear... But its not as much of a community as people say it is... it's more of a "hey help me get to this money" community if anything... Calling each other sea animals and shit.. what the hell? But we All want to reach that status... This site could be so much better if we did 1 thing....... HIDE THE PAYOUT amounts...

DAMN!!!! that shit right there!!!!!! Hide the payouts almost too fucking genius!!! still gotta show the votes tho!!

Only OP can see the payouts!!!

hide the payouts. that is a the best idea i heard in a while. YT doesn't show you how much each video gets paid. you can easily find out using a program like tubebuddy but it doesn't automatically display the monetization for all to see. great idea. sea animals and that cracked me up.

I read your post....and frankly Steemit could fail

I am new to steemit...I posted several stories....see my blog...and 6 days later I suddenly cannot post a story anymore.....why....I did go into live chat and ask several questions about steemit and all and two people were very rude and reported me to abuse where there was no abuse at all I asked 2-3 questions and they went there some sort of cult like group in steemit where they know how to shut your account down through computer programs using abuse? Is so then there is no free speech in steemit and it is noting more that crazies who are hurting steemit where fewer quality people come to steemit...please let me know about this so I do not waist my time....I was never rude or a jerk to anyone...

Also, many people commented that I actually used my real name and I have my Linkedin page in my it is like there is some sort of group of people in steemit who do not want people like me in steemit...they want there little bitcoin hype platform and nothing more...they do not want people using their real names in here...they want more of a AOL thing where nobody really knows who the other person is.....

if steemit wants to be nothing more than bitcoin stories then it will fail....

Is seymourbucks short for Seymor Butts??? LOL

Great idea actually.

I agree that this site was NOT thought thru carefully at all!

I absolutely love this article, and as a new member, really needed to read it. Of course, as a singer-songwriter, after years and years of working really hard online and having so little to show for it, I am so grateful for something that could give me a chance to get a start. HOWEVER: it's not why I love it. The other ones weren't worth the work, because the algorithms ruin it and because they are so utterly based around falsity and stupidity.

Being here is incredible. Interestingly, I have to say that even the chance of being able to see a bit of a financial reward makes it possible for me to commit to spending time on it. It helps me justify the time it takes to get quality content up. I know it's not a guarantee, but it's game-changing for an artist. I guess youtube is the same, but I hate being a part of the advertisement culture, especially when they can advertise whatever the heck they want.

I am an artist, and all I want is to be able to find a way for me to share my best work with the world in such a way that I can afford to keep doing it. Steemit is amazing that way..

You have some good ideas about getting people on here.. and you're right money shouldn't be the first order of business. It got me on (have to be honest), but we do need to find other ways to make it attractive.

Anyway.. no answers but grateful to read this--especially because you declined the payout.

Gonna follow to keep tabs on you! Thanks again. Xx, Kay

PS: what is hardfork19?? Not a techie here..

kayclarity - I like what you said.

I also don't know that HF19 is & what DID happen that Friday. I forgot to ask him. LOL

Hope things are working out for you now.

I have thought about doing something for artists once or twice in the past, I just don't have the capital to start something.

No offense to you as I haven't seen your work, but so far whenever someone has said they were an artist, I haven't resonated with their work.

There was a site I was on once where you can vote on singers & I found some REALLY good singers on there, but I can't remember what it's called, & I don't know if it helped them in any way.

Plus really there needs to be someone to help singers/actors b/c they tend to get EATEN alive either by their parents or the "NEW" manager who's ONLY it in for the money : (

Hardfork is a change to the software, so to say. And next Tuesday will be the 19th hardfork. The change is to the reward structure; the reward curve will be flat, instead of exponential, as it's been up to this point. It means new users such as yourself will have more "power", and established users will have less. It's good for new users, bad for older users. It's either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your perspective, and whether you're a new user, or an older user.

Thanks! I had that same question as @kayclarity. I totally agree with you on this one. Steemit could be SO MUCH BETTER! There's no text editor even!! Even I can build a website with a text editor and I'm just a visual web designer! WTF??? Having said that, I must say I like it; flaws and all. Just got so tired of FB and its b.s. censoring and spying shit. I'm really not here for the money. Honestly, I didn't think I'd make any...or maybe a dollar or two. I really like the social interaction, the exchange of ideas, experiences...and FB is just a meme vending machine with little or no intellectual value. Kudos for the truth telling.

I hope you don't mind, but I was reading your article in Robert Downey Jr's voice. Lol

This comment gets an upvote! I feel exactly the same, and smiled at the Robert Downey Jr comment.

He must have taken out the comment about Downey Jr. b/c it's not there now.

It has been 7 months since the article was written :)

Ditto on the text editor & the bloody emoji code doesn't work for me : ( works! :). And.. the Robert Downey Jr. was in response to the one right above. You'll get the hang of it all soon here, I promise! It's overwhelming at first but then it all becomes second nature. Worth the fight - promise!

Gotcha. Thanks.

Still hopeful that Steem will stay and become good good good. It's just such a great and refreshing thing..

Hey Kay, do you write songs, too? Hardfork would be a good title.. ha ha. When will you upload a video? I believe there's some shit code for uploading videos here. Hmm...not sure.

lol. Put it on the ideas list! haha

I have a few up! Go take a look :). I just upload them to youtube and then copy the link here. That'll work for now at least! Xx, Kay

Would you believe I can't find them? I'm pissed. Please paste a link here for us Steemit-challenged folks. Thanks.

OH WOW!!! THANK YOU!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!!! Girl, you've got the looks and the voice!! You're going places! I'll resteemit and post on my FB, etc. Just remember who followed you first when you're rich and famouse, though.. ;-)

Thank you so much for your support! I am sooooo grateful for my first followers here--really & truly! xx

lol - just stumbled on this comment again and it made me smile BIG! Hope you're doing well here all these months down?!

lol! HF19 stands for "hard fork 19" which is basically Steemit geek lingo for "significant change in the way the website is run" which is done through witnesses voting and some developers making the changes happen. They do them periodically.. I'm not sure which one we are on? But 19 was the one where they shifted voting power a little bit so that minnows had a bit more influence (you'll notice that people with full wallets have a LOT of power in their votes--one "whale" could single-handedly keep you doing really well on the platform.

I tend to dislike a lot of artists, too! Especially poets.. ah.. In general, though, you'll find that Steemit's quality is waaaaaaay above what you see elsewhere. I was expecting the same thing, and of course you have to sift a little bit, but there is much more great quality than I expected.

..except for the poetry. Most of it is painfully sentimental dross with no poetic effort beyond predictable rhymes and teen-girl journal free verse.. harsh, I know. But a bit true. Talking about it here just made me grumpy so I don't look at it anymore or talk about it much. lol!

But most everything else has been a very pleasant surprise. Lots of disenfranchised but intelligent and talented artists have come here like moths to a flame. You'll enjoy it, I think!

lol! HF19 stands for "hard fork 19" which is basically Steemit geek lingo for "significant change in the way the website is run" which is done through witnesses voting and some developers making the changes happen. They do them periodically.. I'm not sure which one we are on? But 19 was the one where they shifted voting power a little bit so that minnows had a bit more influence (you'll notice that people with full wallets have a LOT of power in their votes--one "whale" could single-handedly keep you doing really well on the platform.

I tend to dislike a lot of artists, too! Especially poets.. ah.. I'm extremely picky, although I also try to see potential in attempts as well, and not be too elitist about it either. In general, though, you'll find that Steemit's quality is waaaaaaay above what you see elsewhere. I was expecting the same thing as you, and of course you have to sift a little bit, but there is much more great quality than I expected. Not as much wincing as you'd think.

..except for the poetry. Most of it is painfully sentimental dross with no poetic effort beyond predictable rhymes and teen-girl journal free verse.. harsh, I know. But a bit true, and it doesn't bother me to say as they get a TON of upvotes, so whatever. Talking about it here just made me grumpy so I don't look at the tag anymore or talk about it much. haha

But most everything else has been a very pleasant surprise. Lots of disenfranchised but intelligent and talented artists have come here like moths to a flame. You'll enjoy it, I think!

To be honest, I can't stand most of the "hot" and "trending" posts so much, that I don't even write a comment, even if I know it's a bad financial strategy.

I have to agree with you wholeheartedly! wish I didn't but I feel the same way.

  • First off, making Steemit marketing all about the money is a doomed effort, if we are to make STEEM, the currency, into something big, with Steemit being the flagship app. And that should be the focus! I want a goddamn financial revolution, yesterday, and it's already obvious that Bitcoin won't bring it to us.

  • Where's all the focus on the STEEM blockchain being censorship resistant? Where's the focus on Steemit being free from shitty Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. algorithms? Where's the focus on Steemit being free from big business advertisers who dictate what content is and isn't allowed on the site?

  • Hell, the site crashes all the time, everyday. Instead of planning the next hardfork, how about working on the site's stability? Even for a little bit?

And I completely agree about another damn hardfork! I dread it completely and not just because the rewards will be less but because in every single way it's a total buzz-kill.

Thanks so much for your post, hopefully witnesses will see this and take it to heart!

I'm new to steemit and I post stuff everyday because like everyone else I have an opinion about everything, and I don't mind sharing it. I see what is happening with everyone resteeming and upvoting the same authors (a post they likely have not read), and I was thinking about it last night. What if the number of votes and rewards were NOT shown on the post except to the author? I think that would force new steemians to read each post they were voting for to determine which posts were best.

🍒 I think that is a very good idea, Hide the rewards from the public, and I want to add they it maybe a good idea to show the rewards AFTER the 7 days, so that people outside Steemit can now how much money you can get here, also it would be a nice surprise for Steemians to see how good they are curating content.

There is a saying, "under promise and over deliver" if they can't get what they believed was the minimum payout (which is nearly all of them) they will get discouraged. Emotions and Perceptions drive decisions more than Reality. I joined steemit because Greg Mannarino @marketreport said to get involved. At that point I would have been happy voting for posts based purely on merit. But it became apparent that the opportunity on steemit would be wasted if I did not chase the curation rewards. What you want to see happen is for curators to chase content, not get both. In the end the best curators and the best authors will win, and it is a foundation that can survive for the duration of the project

I would like to be a curator but I don't have enough steem power to get any significant rewards from curation, actually I have noticed that I get more rewards for upvoting post that have few upvotes, when a lot of people vote I dont get anything, so I need to focus more on posting good content and comments

If we rally the new authors together we can vote for each other which would benefit both the authors and the voters regardless of SP

Interesting thought. You're right.. there has got to be a way to fix that.

They could also make it not possible to upvote unless you have actually opened the link..!

Some see a world full of problems. Some see a world full of opportunities.

I don't want to dwell on problems. I'm too busy taking hold of opportunities.

Dwelling on and recognizing are completely different things

I belive the idea is for to be just a demo version showing how some front-end site could work on Steem blockchain.
Independent developers could provide other front-ends with better UI and functionality.
That's what and are started to do.

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