Historical values RUSSIAN swear words

in #steemit8 years ago

FUCK - public woman, a prostitute; all slutty woman.
FUCK - deception, mendacium, - Fuck bo there then lies devour ....

  1. Nonsense, nonsense, deliramentum, nugae: Cmeh then damn !, Their own (Gentile) - whore to me all the victims !, Koschyunnye whore, Parable of the essence and the whore - Kozma. Blessed. heresy. Do not pochitayut pervospisanyh whore and koschyun true but yes pochitayut of Hѣ (Christ) Gѣ (Lord) our. MUCH. Cyrus. Str ..
  2. Twister, fallax: Molvyaschim same lyudem to John and glyuschim (saying,) yako whore is?. Proch. Jeet. Io. Theologian. XLII ..
  3. Crazy, insanus: Die, damn, Die !.
  4. the adulteress, meretrix: If anyone zovёt chyuzhuyu wife whore ... the church. Const. Yarosl.
    FUCK - lyubodeyka
    FUCK - in mnozh.chisle - whores, whores; in an ancient language - zlohulenie, ponositelnyya speech
  5. Lying, cheating
  6. The current language: obscene woman, the harlot
    FUCK - talker, chatterbox
  7. The empty chatter, foolish movlenne
  8. The delusion, heresy, - blud
  9. Lasciviousness, debauchery
    FUCK - lying, cheating
  10. Heresy, heresy
  11. Liar, liar
  12. ho: A defamation the whores and Viedma.
    FUCK - slutty woman
    FUCK - deception, delusion
  13. Jabberwocky, trivia
  14. Fudge
  15. debauchery, adultery
    FUCK - deception, nonsense error; heresy
  16. Twister, babbler; conspirator
    FUCK - dissolute, immoral woman
  17. It is not true, a lie, a lie; slander
    SECTION № 2
    Basic word basically the modern sense
    FUCK - an old form of fucking (now rarely used), an old form - Bled (not used).
    A woman with a strong, powerful sex drive - easily excitable, temperamental, passionate, sexy, hot, a great lover of sex; odnov belt - woman, not having sex rigid moral prohibitions, restrictions and prejudices: greedy men, promiscuity in sexual relations, it is easy and quick to persuade / agree to sexual intercourse (including with unknown / unfamiliar men..) - women seeking sexual intercourse, leading an active, violent sex, prone to frequent change of sexual partners, to maintain sexual relations with several men (several lovers), to adultery - a woman is sexually intemperate, excessive sexual emancipation, not sexually nasytnaya, sexually available, open for many men, it is easy to give the man - woman liveth in pleasure, reckless, wanton, debauchery tion, sexually unrestrained, prostitute-lover - a woman, do not make sex (his body), regular means of earning money, often give the man just , free, free, due to strong sexual desire, an irresistible craving for male sex fuck for sexual pleasure, to satisfy his sexual desire, saturation of their sexual hunger.
    The old terminology: lyubodeyka, the adulteress, the harlot (accent on the moment, obscene, public, prodigal woman
    To fuck - sex action men (rarely - a male relative of a large animal - the horse, ox, donkey) to carry out sexual intercourse - to make the motor (friction) stage of sexual intercourse - have, fuck, fuck, sexy drink, enjoy a woman (female). The old terminology: hildren, et.
    Fucking - sexual intercourse / coitus as an action / process; and also view / picture of this action. The old terminology: etba
    Fuck - proshed. .: time a man spent / spent / committed with a female sex / intercourse - fucked / had, fuck, fought her sexy polzoval
    Pussy - female external genitalia (labia, vagina, clitoris, and so on.) As a whole - a female sexual organ (vagina, vulva), genital aperture, the hole.
    PRICK - anatomich .: penis (penis). The old terminology: dick. Sometimes: penis male relative large animal (horse, ox, donkey)
    Section number 3
    Shit! - Direct mate a modified (compressed form of the whore - 2, the speech is mainly used in the values ​​3 and 4. One of the most commonly used swear words.
  18. The word that beckon sheep, imitating the cry of a sheep: sheep rustled "Shit!" Shit - shit, podzyvnye word for sheep
    BLYADIADA - extremely stupid, confusing situation - terrible darkness
  19. In the rigid style of porn, what - any form of descriptions or images of sex (oral sex stories - tales of literature, film / video film)
  20. Sexual escapades, adventures, - sex saga.
    BLYADINA - excellent, toughened, heavy degree of damn-1, 1-3, 4 - rarely. The word has two forms: the emphasis on, and either I (rarely) The shape with the stress on I am more rigid, more negative, more heavy, do not change the rodam.Chasto-used swearword.
  21. It is very much to the extreme, to the utmost extent of sexually licentious / depraved, whore woman, very active skin - extreme, ultimate, consummate whore, whore very much. As a particularity: immoral woman of low rank, small manner, a prostitute lowest sample.
  22. A very active professional prostitute. Note: The values ​​1 and 2, the concept is often associated with additional negative and abusive characteristics of the type of bitch, creature, tear off, bastard, bastard, death and podobnymi.To there: a woman dissolute / debauched to the extreme / to the limit plus the - very bad as a man - a nasty, dishonest, lousy, nasty, nasty.
  23. extremely negative assessment / human characteristic, or a direct insult: the same as strong - superlatives notions abusive bastard, bastard, bastard, nit, creature, bitch, bastard, offspring, mug, and similar suchara
  24. Very - negative name (the name for the things / objects / machines / entities (rarely) Note: The values ​​of 3 and 4 word contains a very high charge of negative energy and provides a splash on the subject of energy - is a very tough emotional blow to him
    BLYADINOS - playfully, maliciously, with jokes, derived from damn-1, 1, 2, rarely 3. Built consonance with slang names perversion of Latin Americans Latin Americans - Latino Americanos.
    BLYADISTOST - promiscuity / depraved / shkuristost as a property / quality of women; an assessment of the degree / depth of sexual promiscuity / depravity / shkuristosti, our whore - blyadistye the best in the world! And no they are not whores pereblyaduyut! Our whores on blyadistosti no equal !.
    BLYADOGON - a neologism. From the whores and the drive / disperse.
  25. Spetsreyd, roundup bodies (police, police, customs police) on the sexy hangout, a secret brothel prostitutes meeting
  26. Ransomware (reketirov), specializing in prostitutes
    BLYADOSLOVNIK - from the Belarusian vocabulary (dictionary): special (explanatory) dictionary obscene vocabulary, including this book
  27. A rough, intemperate language to man, is often used in his speech obscene curses - great uses foul language
    Whorish (-s, -s) - 1 - by damn-1, 1: derivative prilagatelnoe.Chasto-used swearword.
  28. The line / feature in the person / people's behavior, manner / behavior characteristic; also features in a person's appearance: special, specific, distinctive, typical, peculiar, outstanding, landmark, famous, being the sign of / label / Marked sexual immorality, depraved man, hence the sign of / label inclination to debauchery, promiscuity, reckless behavior / lifestyle - b. behavior, b. gait, b. little family, b. person b. view, b. jokes; etc.. As particular: a woman during sexual excitement, if you want to attract a man - a special look - sexual, sexy, calling, giving rise, enticing, alluring, promising, agreeing - b. sight
  29. Anything having to do with / belonging to a dissolute, debauched, walking woman - whore
    Whorish (-s, -s) - 2 - from damn-1, 3 and 4: The derivative of the adjective. Similarly, the concept of ёbanyy.Po value of 2 is used in the speech less than fucking, one of the most commonly used swear words.
  30. In the conventional phrases spoken words (nematernymi, nerugatelnymi, non-offensive) represents / expresses / signifies a sharply negative attribute / property / quality / condition / evaluation / characteristic of someone / something (a word - created a negative image).
    According to this meaning of the word fucking / Star / retracement acts as an analogue of the negative evaluation categories bad, bad, ugly, filthy, lousy, dirty, filthy, disgusting bastard, and the like; equally is an analogue of such concepts in the gradations of power ... very / very ... / ... very / extremely ... / ... solely on the negative force, speaking for insulting their excellent / highly-superlative . In many situations, along with an evaluation / characteristic of someone / something, the word acts as a direct insult that do not like kakimto way interfere, annoy, irritate, get on your nerves, angry, exasperated, creates problems, brings trouble . Examples of the mechanism, apparatus, technical device - b. unit, used. machine used. refrigerator, b. bus, b. Metro; Event: b. holiday, b. a party; the organization / unit of something: b. town, b. shop, b. station b. school; of people: Oh humorist b, whorish neighbors, b.!. kollektivchik; things, objects: b. Carpet, b. book, b. pen, b. suitcase; of living beings: b. cat b. ant b. caterpillar, b. grass; about any human activity: b. work, b. shop, b. janitor; about natural phenomena: b. summer - cold rainy summer, b. weather - cloudy, windy, cold, with drizzling rain weather; inappropriate, boorish, nasty attitude to anyone / anything - b. attitude; etc.. As a particularity: sharply-offensive rating / characteristics of some countries - This b. America tired of all fuck - pripizzhennye bastards !, I'm used to it. State do not want to work in the mouth !, I had this impression. country !.
  31. The phrases with nematernymi abusive, offensive words, sometimes - with abusive words, word, increasing / enhancing / weighting negativity, negativity, offensive words such amplifying adjective. Strengthening negativity, negativity, offensive effectiveness of the word occurs in two ways:
    a / phrases with him the concept of fucking / Star / -s retains its value under paragraph 1, due to what turns a double, more rigid scolded, insult object - the very word and amplifying adjective fucking.
    b / fucking / Star / retracement acts as a word, creating superlative offensive to words composed with him in the phrase, it matters superlatives very ... very ... very / extremely / very big / Star. .., pronounced / Star ... beyond measure ..., huge / Star ... ultraboundary / Star ..., extreme / - th ..., huge / Star ... , indescribable / Star ... and the like.
    Examples: b. freak - filthy / disgusting / lousy / filthy / disgusting freak, or - b. ugly - ugly beyond measure, infinite freak; b. bitch - a huge, boundless bitch; b. beast - an extreme, limit, inimitable, emergency beast; b. goat - goat limitless; b. Gandon - large / huge condom, etc.. In general: a sharply negative assessment / characterization, and also a direct insult to someone / something - human / creature / thing / object / machine / machine / situation / process / state; etc..
    Floss - 1 - sharply negative title (name, rating / characteristics of different sexual activities, sexual behavior of man / lyudey.Analog concepts debauchery, lechery, debauchery and similar - they are excellent, hard, hard power of the word is (name, also assess /. characterize any reprehensible, morally condemned sexual acts / acts of the person / people also view / picture of such an action - sex, mass orgy, indiscriminate sex, lecherous / dissolute life, adultery, prostitution,. etc. - persons engaged in b., the lady burst into b. often used swearword
    Floss - 2 - extremely / very / dramatically / very negative, negative, abusive, insulting name (first name, something tangible, real, object, event, current - things, object, device, action, process, condition, feeling, etc. . One of the most commonly used swear words. Acts as a sharply negative evaluation / characterization of anything, superseding various negative concepts like bad / Star / is its bad / Star / st, bad, cloudy, creepy, disgusting, lasciviousness, ugliness, filth, chaos, disorder, chaos, anarchy and the like, being in power insulting their superlatives.
    B. can be called: a single object / thing or set of them; device / design something; action / process / state, incl action / behavior / feelings / sensations / condition of the person..; work / operation chegoto; organization of work / activities which - either; result / outcome of that - something; etc.. Examples: Yes, how much it is used. will continue, -? the bad, inappropriate behavior of the person / people, and about the silly, stupid organization of work anything, etc .; about something real, substantive, material: strange, petty, useless, empty, nasty, obscene, lousy Yes throw you used it. in the trash! - Rotten meat; the actions / human / human behavior: Finish you get there b. engage !, My God !, - and when it is used. ? Finally finished, some nasty, poor, lousy, rotten, delayed action: If it is used. Once again, then blame yourself !, I still have this impression. understand, and then let's go! - It is necessary to count the bottles; of discomfort, a painful condition, - with me for some b. happening today !, expresses negative emotions (anger, rage) about the fact that something does not work / does not come out / not possible; say what - that ugly, unpleasant, annoying: What - Well it's used for. it ?! (Too long are cars at a traffic light), Hell, what kind of impression. it ?! To phone can not be one and a half hours !, so on. As a particularity: something whose principle of operation is unknown, unclear, too confusing (the device mechanism, the human body): I wonder how it all used. working?!.
    FUCK-1 - sharply negative name (the name of someone / something; very negative evaluation / characterization, a direct insult to someone from the values ​​1 and 3, one of the most commonly used swear words..
  32. A woman with a strong, powerful sex drive - easily excitable, temperamental, passionate, sexy, hot, a great lover of sex; at the same time - a woman without having sex rigid moral prohibitions, restrictions and prejudices: greedy men, promiscuity in sexual relations, it is easy and quick to ugovarivaemaya.soglashayuschayasya sexual intercourse (including with unknown / unfamiliar men..), - a woman , seeking sexual intercourse, leading an active, violent sex, prone to frequent change of sexual partners, to maintain sexual relations with several men (several lovers), to adultery - a woman is sexually intemperate, excessive sexual emancipation, sexually insatiable, sexually available open to many men, it is easy to give the man - woman liveth in pleasure, reckless, wanton, depraved, sexually unrestrained, prostitute-lover - a woman, do not make sex (his body), regular means of earning money, often given to a man just like that, for nothing, free, due to strong sexual desire, an irresistible craving for male sex fuck for sexual pleasure, to satisfy his sexual desire, saturation of their sexual hunger As particular: a mistress, sexy girlfriend - a woman who regularly meets sex male needs
  33. Professional prostitute
  34. In a variety of situations, regardless of gender: a sharply negative title (name, conjugate with extremely negative evaluations / performance characteristics / attributes / parameters of the human person, his actions / behavior; often a word appears as a direct oskorblenie.Izredka said jokingly, indulgently, kindly, without the expressed intonation abuse. In this sense the word whore serves as an excellent / hard, heavy, lethal degree nematernyh Bran-abusive, offensive, ponositelnyh brute type words, you bastard, reptile, mug, bastard, bitch, bitch, creature , filth, geek, spawn, nit, scum, trash, and the like As particular: one, an unknown person - that there walks for damn, What a damn to break in the door, as a particular:. criminally prosecuting term -?!?! people ugly, vile, filthy, dangerous to others, does not have the right to life: the traitor / scammer / snitch - confidential informant / informant bodies former or current law enforcement authorities (police, prosecutor's office, internal forces, prison-camp guards, the Committee State security).
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