Winners To The Steemit Parody Quote Contest! - Wizard of Oz

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


You know I like to keep things short and simple. So the winner announcements are going to be the same.

This is the Steemit Parody Quote Contest that just ended.

There are so many amazing entries I was overwhelmed but I finally made my choice.

I will be posting the new contest in an hour or two.

Now on to the winners!


1st place: @teukudianaulia
1 SBD Paid!

"A post is not judged by how much you vote; but how much you are voted by others".

I really liked this quote a lot on a bunch of levels.

2nd place: @gonzo
0.5 SBD Paid


I'll shitpost my titty and my little thong too!

This one is on a new level to me, Just pure dank IMO. Everytime i think about it i get a little smile in the corner of my mouth.

3rd place: @andkill
0.5 SBD paid

Wizard of Oz: Steem forward, Tin Man.
Tin Woodsman: Ohh.
Wizard of Oz: You dare to come to me for a vote, do you? You clicking typing, clattering collection of comenting junk!

I think this quote is damn close to the steemit reality. lol

There were so many great entries that it made it very hard to choose.

Some Great ideas for the next contest too.

Thank you everyone that entered and I am looking forward to what you will all come up with on the next one.

The pulp fiction contest is still open for another 36hrs.

I will have the new contest up soon!


Cheers steemit!



Thanks @skeptic, it was a fun contest :)

The meme kills me, its more then a steem meme its dank epicness.
We have a guest judge for the next one and a 4th place added.

Also get ur damn meme contest back up, was the best one. the other one i enter is just mediocore compared.

oh shit you sent back the prize.
I will add it to the pay out pool, 3 SBD total pot!

Congrats to the winners

Im working on a new one right now.
We have a guest judge and the biggest prize pool yet, pluss we are paying out four places.

Should be fun.

The winning quote was great and I loved your Tinman quote but @gonzo jeez! Do you have to encourage him? ;)

Not sure if im encouraging him or if he is encouraging me.

XD It was a fun contest, congrats to the winners, i hope you can do more contest in the future like this @skeptic : D

The pulp fiction contest is still open for another 36hrs.

OH i was wondering you should start posting the date for the end of the contest you know just a random thought.

Its basically whenever pay out time is.
your pqrody quote was one of the ones i was choosing from for third place.
It sux kinda having to pick the winners.
Wanna be the guest judge on the new one im about to make?

Heck Yeah! bro, i can even donate 0.2 doe for the 4th prize too XD

Ill cover the 0.2 dontation and make a 4th place.
Its worth it for me not to have to pick winner.

OK, if you want make a post about how your going to be the next guest judge ill resteem. If not thats fine cause when i write up the contest im going to link to your page and say your the judge for it and stuff. that way hopefully you will make some followers and also get some extra upvotes. IM still trying to pick a movie so once i do ill run it by you to be sure its one you have seen. :D

I will make the post after you pick and the movie and publish the contest so i can link it directly, i think it would work for the best that way.

I don't mind giving 0.2 for the price pot anyway, if would be to much if you also put the 0.2, it also not that much anyway and i like your movie contests too.

@Gonzo donated his winnings to the pot, so this is the biggest pot ever. 3 SBD total paying out 4 places. I say you should wait to donate the funds another one if your going to.
3SBD total so im thinking 1.1SDB for first, 0.9SBD second, 0.6 third and 0.4 for fourth.

Sweet XD too bad i will be the judge though i almost regret it, i will donate for the next one then

Its gona be fun i think, if the pay out is decent ill send some of the proffit your way for being the judge.

OK i made my pick and its one you have requested so i think im good.

let me know if you do make a post about being the judge so i dont miss it

Alright, I will make the post and edit it later, when your post is out. if it is not out already.

Its just out now, movie is lord of the rings.

It says your the judge and to check out your stuff to see what kind of stuff you like.

Yeah when i finish my post yo published yours so i had to edited it, it already posted here Tell me if you find something wrong with it.

Looks great.
i resteemed, now time to make some food and eat.

haha I've won something, I never won.

would you be interested in being a guest judge on one of the future contests?
Picking a winner is hard! lol

cool that you want to take into account my opinion but I am not good at judging the work of someone else, but I assure you that I'll participate in any crazy event that you make it and maybe win some more. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!!!!! and Steem to the Moon :D

I have a guest judge for the new one and we will now have a 4th place paying out.
Should be fun.
congrats again and great quote!

Yup, a class selection but your original effort (doro & tinman) was still top-notch ;)

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