For the STEEM Newbie: More Proof Commenting Works!

in #steemit7 years ago

If you follow my guides and advice then you know I'm always saying two things:

  • Newbies Make the Bulk of Their Money From Commenting, Not Posting!
  • Commenting is Vital in Steemit.

Having said that, you also know that my average is 30 comments on normal days, 20 comments on weak days and 50 comments in good day.

Those who know me from the start know that in my first week on Steemit I was commenting 100 times per day, and commenting was almost all that I would do.

Now, today, I've seen even more evidence I'm thinking it right. A user named @taskmaster4450 just published a post:

I Made 230 In 7 Days Just From Posting Comments On STEEM. You Can Too

In this post, he explains what I already told you, and what countless users (far from me and task being the only ones) know:

  • Commenting isn't only vital! It's Profitable!

Not only that, but comments are VITAL for the BLOCKCHAIN as well, not only tu us.

Throughout this post, this is what we'll be approaching.

Taskmaster's Experience: He Made $230 in 7 Days

@taskmaster4450 starts his post by giving the vast array of excuses newbie Steemians usually give when they fail to get rewarded accorded to their inflated expectations.

He said it like this:

"I can't make any money here."
"The system is rigged."
"The Whales only circle vote."
"Nobody reads my stuff so I can't make any money."

He then explains why that is far from the truth and goes over how he earned over 200 bucks in a week just by commenting.

Finally, he stated (and I agree) that anyone can make 25 SP per week easilly - Heck I even think he was being too conservative as that is easy to do in a couple of days most of the times (if you play your cards right or get lucky).

Im having a rough week, really rough... but my average is still at 19 comments per day, which isn't good but it's ok.

There were weeks in which I made $300+ from commenting, and others like this week in which I'll get around $50.

But more on that on this next paragraph.

My View On Commenting: A Coin Collector.

Before we start, you know that this week is being my bad commenting week, but even so, look at this number:

Meet my low commenting average of $0.28 USD. Trust me, this is a low number as it usually sits higher, but that even helps me make my case.

How would you feel if you had the power to summon a 20 cents coin whenever you wanted?

That's exactly what we have here... the more you comment, the more you earn, and this is why I call commenting the ultimate coin collector.

Heck, it gives you the power to create money out of thin air. You just need to go to an article you like and leave your thoughts on it.

It's that easy.

Not only that, I get back to saying that it is much easier to earn by commenting than by posting when you're new and still don't have a following.

If you want to get on top of your commenting game, read my guide on it (don't bother voting on it, it's past payout)

Please Comment: Do It For Us, the Blockchain and You!

We already went over how profitable commenting can be, but why should you do it more?

Perhaps you feel like it just isn't worth the hassle, and that the ability to summon free SP isn't worth it for you.

Perhaps you got to the point where you bank hard on whatever it is you're posting, or you simply sell your votes and couldn't care less about content and you just need the money.


...there are more reasons on why commenting is vital.

First of all, it is great for every content producer out there. Let's face it, in Steemit we are mostly all content producers.

We hate having a post with no comments, we hate it that we can't get discussions started, we hate to feel ignored.

By commenting, you're contributing more than with your comment, you're contributing with dynamism and activity... you're making the Blockchain a place with LIFE!

On the other hand, the community would die with no comments, and the more comments the more life you breath into the platform, and the more life is has the more growth it will have as well.

Comments are also content pieces that get crawled by google, they incentivize content production, they build networks and more.

And this is all vital for the Steem Ecosystem. If you want STEEM prices to rise and Steem to succeed:


If you want people to build relationships with you...


If you want to help build a better community...


Finally, if you want to earn over 200 bucks in under a week and you're a week old:


Join the Crypto Empire Community

Bucket of Goodies:


never estimated revenue per comment. it could be interesting.

thanks @spiritualmax

Yeah, seeing it as a "coin summoner" really motivates you to comment harder hehe.

It's all about creating a conversation and dialogue. I've found that to be true as well. Some good advice you offer here.

Commenting and following the comment threads on subjects you're interested in is a very productive way to improve your channel Feed as well. Birds of a feather.

Thanks man, and thank you for the effort you placed on curating my post's comments.
Here's a bigger upvote for your troubles :D

Thanks for confirming this, I thought this to myself that following threads was productive and helps to hear other people also do this, thanks!

Hey @spiritualmax,

Thanks for this commenting post. It's now the third post on commenting that I've commented on in two days. lol

Thanks also for breaking down the amount of comments to aim for so clearly. The method. This morning I figured I'd go for 20/day. Didn't make it but your post and later comments confirm that would be an mid-range place to start, so I'll keep at it until it's become a habit.

This is my ninth day and before the end of my first, I realized that spending my time commenting on posts I liked was the best use of my time as a Steemit newb.

No one knew me and I didn't see the point of killing myself to push a lot of articles/audios/videos etc when hardly anyone would see them.

Commenting last week helped me get a better feel for the authors behind the posts too. And the peeps who follow them. It's amazing how you can just pick up a vibe about the 'environment' of a blog just by dropping in, reading post and comments then sharing what you have to say.

Thanks for pointing to that $200+ newbie commenting post. I'm hopping over there but wanted to say 'Thanks' here first.

Upvoted, resteemed and will not FB/tweet...

Remain Blessed as always, @spiritualmax!

When you comment meaningful comments like that, good things can happen!
Like this upvote for example :D


Ughh, I totally feel you when you say you don't comment enough. Haven't been checking Steemit much in last couple of days but I remember that during the 1st week on Steemit I earned something like 5$ from a comment!

KARL - 5$ FROM A COMMENT!!!! DFAQ!? That just blew my mind

Now as I have more free time on my hands, definetely gonna contribute more to the community.

thanks for reminding fist (1).png

No problem brozini

Thanks for this post. I'm new here and still trying to wrap my head around it all. I did notice that it really isn't that easy to get people to read your posts. It seems like commenting is the way to go when first starting out until I can build an audience. Maybe commenting will help build that audience, too?

yes if u are posting something specifically follow fellow users on the subject.
one and comment on their posts its a win win

Thanks for jumping in :)

@norwegianbikeman is right, comment of topics related to what you're blogging about for added results :)

no problemo....and think a Ned to slow down my "jump in" a bit.

I try to comment as much as I can but my average is still so low!
Somehow I spend hours doing it and still only do 10 or so a day... It's whack.
I will keep trying though!
Thanks for the reminder :)
Xoxo, @amymya

You know what, I think I've commented a lot more than 18 as well... maybe there's something wrong with Steem Supply...

In the Portuguese language community I have been working this stimulus to the comments, with donations, and with the help of curators @brazilians who is now rewarding for good comments. It is very good these posts coming from users of greater reputation. Thank you.

De nada Matheus.
Ainda bem que gostou do Post... podem ter a certeza que estou a torcer pela comunidade Brazileira e Portuguesa aqui no Steemit.
Um forte abraço!

Também torcemos pelo steemit, e estamos trabalhando para que nossa comunidade também ajude a fortalece-lo. E estamos caminhando. Obrigado pela resposta, e ainda em português. Grande abraço.

I have been commenting on posts here since day one (about a month), but after reading this post and the linked one you provided, I am for sure going to crank up my commenting activities! I do believe in contributing positively to the community, so maybe by doing this I can make up for my terrible lack of quality content creation. Thanks for all you do here @spiritualmax , noobs like me do greatly appreciate it!

I'm glad you liked it Scott!
Also a pleasure to welcome you to the Crypto Empire.

Well, my comments usually stay in the low 0.02 area, if even.
But yeah, I am not part of any community.
And no marketing expert, as those now take over this blogging platform.
Mainstream time is beginning:)

Im sorry for being a Marketing expert :P
However, I'm far away from taking this platform. Still a lot of room for improvement.

I would just add that you shouldn't just leave any old comment. The more thoughtful and relate-able the comment is the more upvotes you get and therefor the more value it brings you.

so I would say its about quality over quantity. For example I had one comment worth over $2 and 10 worth $0. The one comment added more value to the platform and therefor me.

That's something I also cover in the commenting guide I posted but thank you for pointing it out here for all to see!

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