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RE: Quick Chat: Insight Into Why Many Casual Social Media Users Won't Use Steemit Yet

in #steemit8 years ago

Unless efforts are made to address and end harassment by self appointed moderator trolls, and end the funding of these trolls by steemit founders, expect usage to continue dropping.

The endless inquisitions, brutal harassment, and trolling will hurt Steem more than anything.

Users and founders alike must get used to the fact that value will redistribute here and it is not their job to fund and encourage witch hunting harassment when redistribution does not fall their way or shows a pattern consistent with their pet conspiracy theory.


Yep, I agree. For all the high flying liberty talk in their white paper took about five minutes to see the coming police state.

When real money or transfer of value is involved it is imperative that people who would use deception or unethical tactics to scam or trick people into giving them their value, be rooted out of the system.

There is no possibility of deception or tricking people in this system. How can someone trick you into thinking that content is good when you know it isn't, or vice versa? It is the people pushing that harmful meme that are being destructive, trying to turn this into a trollfest (and, unfortunately, to some extent succeeding).

If content gets votes, it gets rewards. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Vote for content you like and don't vote for or downvote content you don't like or think is harmful. Everyone is entited to vote as they see fit, even if you don't agree with them. The blockchain adds up the votes and never, ever cheats. Might be the first honest election in the history of the world.

Then you are presenting this platform as a business rather than a social network which in my opinion is less attractive to pick up then the former. Also I don't understand how pointing out when the facts don't add up is harassing or trolling. How does steemit look when posts that are poorly written and have poor quality information get upvoted to $200 or more. I am concerned about steemit's reputation and I do not like the direction that you want it to head towards. I think that you are only self-concerned and are looking make the most profit you can without any regard to others apart from the people in your select group.

Edit: Also I would be more inclined to believe you if I wasn't on the receiving end of 'harassment' and 'trolling' by a whale @kushed who decided to downvote a few of my comments on threads by an author @armen that I suspect is his own sock puppet. My comments were not meant to be abusive and they were questioning the legitimacy of the information in the post.

I don't know what select group you think I'm in, but if you mean those with a significant ownership stake, then yes I'm interested in increasing the value of our ownership stake by encouraging more positive, casual, entertainment type content that people actually enjoy as this insightful post indicates. I believe that will attract more users, increasing the value or our ownership stake (and I conversely believe that if we don't attract more users, then this platform will die out and our ownership stakes will become worthless).

The sort of bickering over who is right and who is wrong, who is a sock puppet, which posts are more deserving of some particular dollar value of reward, etc. to which you are referring is exactly the opposite of that, and will have (and is already having) the opposite effect. There are rampant fake profiles, sock puppets, upvote bots, likebots, etc. on other social media platforms (you don't really think that B-lister has a million real likes do you?). If those platforms were constantly polluted by arguments over it instead of people enjoying interacting and being entertained despite a certain background level of cheating and abuse, those platforms would be abandoned instead of having a billion users.

Steem/it has a stronger, more robust set of economic incentives to mitigate against that sort of abuse, thus over time it may end up being less prone to it. Whining about how it isn't perfect now is nothing other than self-destructive.

If you like the content, vote for it. If you don't like the content, don't vote for it or downvote it.

BTW, I have participated in some of the downvote wars surrounding @armen and his poker posts, by upvoting critical comments that had been downvoted since I felt the debate over quality was worth some visibility. If I missed yours, I apologize, but I can't be everywhere all the time.

I generally agree. The only loophole I've seen is someone that uses posts on steemit to lure people into scams elsewhere. Technically, the bait isn't breaking any rules because the violations happen off-site. This way, you can have a good reputation rating on steemit even though you ought to be tarred and feathered in the outside world.

Do you have a proposed plan to curtail the actions you've outlined? What can the minnows do to help if anything?

As a minnow your options are limited. But I would suggest stop following people who who pursue these inquisitions and spread divisive harassment over how people post or vote. Participate in positive conversations and subcommunities within Steemit and shun the negative people and subcommunities. Vote for quality content that you like (whatever that is, whether high-brow or otherwise) and decline to participate in debates over how you or others should be voting (especially when negative). Invite like-minded friends to join who are also looking for a positive experience and likely to contribute in that manner.

All sage advice. Do you consider the major anti-spam and anti-plagiarism efforts to be on the up and up?

I support and sponsor Steemcleaners which pursues a positive approach of trying to educate people about how to produce great non-plagiarized and properly-categorized content, and stopping identity theft while avoiding harassing or pressuring people to reveal more personal information than they are comfortable doing. I can't comment on any of the other groups, but I suggest evaluating them against this standard.

Very good. Steemcleaners was the group I had in mind when asking. To me it looks like they act in a fair and measured way. But I'm fairly new here. There could be hidden dirt I'm unaware of.

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