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RE: A true miracle.

in #steemit6 years ago

Great post, man. Very insightful. I think about this A LOT. This subject matter also brings into mind the concept of "luck" or "fortune", which I have done a bit of research on lately. The thing is, due to the Law of Cause and Effect, I've come to the conclusion that "luck" does not exist. When something "works out" for someone, and not for someone else, I think it's an extremely complex causal chain that we cannot see in its entirety. Because we can't see the entire causal chain, we use some type of phenomena to try and explain it. If things work for us, we don't know ALL the reasons why, and vice versa.

What you say about the state, though, is extremely astute. It's hard to imagine just how many lives have been ruined and how much innovation has been stifled due to the belief in and obedience to so-called "authority".


I too do not believe in luck, but... there does seem to be order where there shouldn't be. The harder and smarter someone works towards a goal, the more likely they will achieve it. In addition to that though, there does seem to be a way for us to manifest our dreams. There's no magic to it, but I summarize it simply as:

We do what we think about, and we become what we do.

I've also had numerous things happen in my life that are hard to explain as coincidences. It is almost as if they were meant to happen. I'll meet someone who solves a problem I had, and I had nothing to do with meeting them. A missing puzzle piece will fall into place for me in a bizarre way that was completely unexpected. What is causing that to happen?

It is definitely not luck. I am inclined to believe it is karma or "god." Hell, this could all be a simulation, and we are aliens in a far off galaxy playing the latest game, Earth. Who knows for sure, right? All that really matters to me is that I stick to my principles, stay consistent, and remain loyal to my life long objectives. Some things, as I also often say, are worth any price.

Individual liberty is one of those things.

Very thought-provoking comment! Yes, what is the cause of those so-called "coincidences"?

As for the aliens playing the game called "Earth"......there's a fantastic book idea in there. :)


Another possibility:

The center of our universe is us. We are the center since that is how we experience it. There is no actual center since the universe goes on forever. Each person has a unique experience, so that means there are billions of different universes for each living being.

Something I posted on fascistbook recently and that @kafkanarchy84 saw:

The center of the universe is what we place our focus on as individuals.

Another friend of mine posted a picture of their only child on a beach towel. I replied to the photo with "The center of the universe on a towel."

Now, this theory gets into the "Secret" (the movie, etc.) stuff, but there is some truth to the idea in my opinion. What we focus on and what is most important to us is instead the center of our universe.

What if what we focus on determines what is drawn to us? A good example of this is why negative and miserable people always stay that way. They are focusing on negative things.

It also easily explains people who are carrying emotional weights from past wrongs against them. They usually never get past those problems, and they end up drowning in life because of it. No one can swim forever carrying a ton of emotional weight/baggage around.

Many religions have figured it out too that we need to seek balance. The balance is within us. The Masons for example believe, or used to, that we were supposed to balance our earthly desires and base desires like hunger and sex. By balancing and controlling them, we are able to become enlightened. It's the Yin and Yang or the two wolves concept.

That enlightenment isn't possible unless people learn to control themselves, and I believe we were meant to seek gnosis as sentient beings. Gnosis of course is knowledge. Masons will say the G in their symbol stands for god. If you research it thoroughly though, it is almost for sure Gnosis instead. The Gnostics, in my opinion at least, had it right. Look them up to see what I mean...

We've been lied to as a species to make controlling us easier.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment.

Regarding what you mention about focus:

Yes, certainly what we focus our attention on has an effect on what we experience and what is "drawn to us".

Also, what you said about controlling desires and having balance made me think of a Hermetic text called "The Kybalion". Are you familiar with it?

I am not but will look it up right now! :)

I'll listen to this soon. Thanks for the good lead!

You're welcome! If you'd like a pdf, here's a link through Mark Passio's website.

I'm not quite sure, but I lean towards it being "god." It could also be us playing the game though. In an actual game you could purchase or get rewards for new content. It would be like questing I suppose. If you did the right things, beneficial changes would be made.

It's also a bit like karma I suppose. Although, as this thread started off explaining, I don't believe karma always works. Bad people do NOT always get what's coming to them. Good people have to fight and resist... and sometimes die. You can be a very moral and nice person and be taken advantage off for your entire life.

There's a good video out there about the simulation concept:

It includes cussing, so be careful opening it.

Thank you, @steeminganarchy. I tend to think the same as you here, and you've put it into words in a way that I couldn't. Cheers.

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