in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

As i have told you in my last post
there are not only whale clones who upvote but dolphins too,they are not actual people they are just here to show some value to the posts that the mafia wants to promote.
First example
this post was an answer to me,as you see this post had the most upvotes ever in his ''career''.
The people who organise steemit like all scammers will not try to silence you,they will just brainwash people through psychology.Psychology says that people go with the mass,i never have upvotes ,people either are afraid to upvote me or they are confused,or they are too brainwashed,or they dont have anything to gain by upvoting me.
So the scammers upvote someone who is against what i say,so people with low perception will instantly believe that i am saying bullsheet and the one with the many upvotes is right.I have seen this for many years in greece when political movements from people who were against the bankers were totally ignored,becouse the media never showed them.People in greece just voted those that were more popular,those that the banker wanted and the media showed.People in general in developed countries have low iq levels due to the oxidised oils,the fluoride and heavy metals who accumulate in their brains so they have very low perception of these scams and they fall very easily victims.Mr papa peper actually is not a whale so they just gave him a few pennies and they rewarded him with many clone dolpine upvotes,so that the people should believe that all enjoy writting here and how nice is steemit.
You can see the commenters,''clones'' after the post how happy they are for this post.
Next we have
i believe this guy is just a clone from the whole project,he may be an actual person but he shares the profits with the others,his post was an answer to my post, so as you see he take many upvotes for the same reasons as the other.Since his name is tied to the scam they have stop upvoting him so that they not give suspicions to people.The scam is very well organised i believe,its very difficult for the rest of you to realise the whole project.


You say people in developed countries generally have low IQ's, seems somewhat of a sweeping statement and reveals an ignorance that would make me think your IQ is in question. Where does most of the world's creativity come from, surely not from the less developed countries. Why are they less developed in the first place if their average IQ's are higher. I agree, the establishment are trying to dumb the population down through various means but, year on year, average IQ's keep on rising, or at least there are more people to statistically have more clever people. If you think it's a scam don't invest and keep your money in other crypto like Bitcoin which many people used to think was a scam or FIAT currencies which really are 100% a scam.

People have 30 to 40% less iq after 40 than their anchestors,allsheimer is a form of low iq levels,i personally have no heavy metals and no oxidised oil in my brain so you can assume that my brain works 40 % more efficient than yours,whether you accept it or not it doesht matter i imagine,i think what you say shows just your ignorance not mine

To be so aggressive and arrogant shows me a lack of social intellect if nothing else. How do you know you are clear of heavy metals, have you had tests? Secondly, chellation is a process where people exposed to heavy metals can remove them. Niacin and vitamin C do a good job, so I agree we do get exposed to floride etc but we can protect ourselves if we have the information.

I am clear of heavy metals because i chelate every day with vit c and niacin as you said,you seem to know the basics i see but your first post shows ignorance

The iq is rising only in your imagination, autism in usa is rising day after day

There is a strong link to vacination and immune function with autism. I agree, this is criminal but each day I meet amazing, talented people who do amazing clever things.

If you think that every day you meet clever people where you live i imagine you are not so clever yourself as you believe

If you don't see amazing people then you really aren't seeing your fellow traveller. Bring light and love to the world and turn away from cynicism. Just the way I roll but, hey, if you're currently happy don't change.

If someone wants to change his lifestyle i am there to help,if i know someone has low iq due to ignorance i will not call him clever because i dont have a reason to kiss ass not here not everywhere ,everyone makes his life as he pleases him

Just go to profile and look at the wallet and transfers..explains t all. you can see all whales transfer to each other back and forth. and some are accounts with no activity.

My friend you said it all i am not an expert in steemit so i havht checked anything ,i just give logical explanations to what i see,i think i will make a post what you just said

I dont think steem is a scam, but your observations about people have multiple accounts or colluding in groups I agree with... for me, its just becourse the system doesnt have enough decrentralization yet and not enough quality content and quality curation.

This will properbly come later...

for myself, I try to only bring original content, or link in the open to original content... I have not made alot here, but I try to build a real reputation, not just being a suckpoppet of a whale or dulphin... if I will succeed or not, I dont know, but I think Steem will succeed in the long run.

Anyway keep working and i hope you make more money than i believe you will

Ignorance and IQ are not synonymous. People with high IQ can be ignorant and vice-versa. Being a humble servant to my fellow human is a pleasure. I don't quite see it as kissing ass.

Getting back to your original post, there may often be scammers within a system but are you saying Steemit as a platform is a scam along with the developers?

You will not find people with high iq levels in developed countries for the reasons i said and other nutritional defficiencies only a few people with very high genetics,i am not a humble servant to anyone and i dont want to please anyone but myself.
Yes i say that steemit as a platform is a scam and i realised it in my fifth post,of course the developers are on it with many people with much knowledge in these type of scams,i believe that behind this scam there are people in the top class,i wouldht be suprised if they have people advise them that have worked in depth scams like the greek scam