How I Made $12,000 In One Month On Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

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Friends and acquaintances have recently been bombarding me with questions about how I managed to make a large sum of money in such a short time on I hope this clears up some of the mystery.

When I discovered Steemit in the beginning of June, 2016, I could see the future laid out before my eyes. I understood the powerful nature of such a new system:

tie a financial reward to those who are most useful to society and soon, you’ll have even the baddest of boys opening doors for blind men.

Then, you’ll have a world worth living in.

Bad behavior, like trolling has no economic reward in Steemit, so people stop doing it. It’s the most ingenious, "evil" masterplan for world domination ever. I can hardly stop thinking about Dan Larimer’s genius.

I employed many strategies and tactics on Steemit in order to maximize profits, but as you will learn, I did not worry about the specific rules or details of the reward system within Steemit. I did the opposite of what everyone else was doing and I focused on creating killer content. I will explain why I did this.

Main list of tactics:

gut-wrenching, honest writing
consistency (2 posts per day)
learning Steemit philosophy
belief in pure magic
going “all in”


This concept is greatly misunderstood by many people. It means simply doing to others what you wish was done for you.

Gut-Wrenching Writing

Once I had collected enough data to convince me that not only was Steemit a viable new social media model, but a potentially revolutionizing force for people, I began to radically expose my own truths about everything. I had a very strategic reason to do this: I figured others would be too scared to reveal their innermost thoughts, being such a new platform and all. I knew if I did this, then my posts would have a better chance of being upvoted.

The second reason I did this: want to live in a world that is more transparent. When we talk freely about our deepest truths, it has the effect of making those around us reflect upon themselves in a new way. If we muffle our deep thoughts, we risk the future of society not moving forward. People talk about the tech world as if it were the solution to all our problems. It’s not. Most of the problems lie squarely in the hearts of men and women. They are emotional in nature. Pain, suffering, feeling trapped, etc., are mostly connected with not living in a radically transparent way.
This video illustrates what happens when a society feels they cannot discuss what is truly going on:


I posted two articles on Steemit every day. No exceptions. No days off. Sometimes I posted 3, sometimes 2.

Learning Steemit Philosophy

Steemit’s philosophy is based upon the concept of non-violence. Dan Larimer, the cofounder of Steemit is committed to creating non-violent solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. In Dan’s words,
“I use Austrian Economics to engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable.” -Dan Larimer’s blog

I learned that the more useful and helpful one’s posts are, the more economic rewards one receives. There are exceptions to this, of course, but as a general rule, this is the case. Not all well-executed posts get high rewards though, as popularity comes into play. But the usual click-bait type posts that lack substance are thrown to the gutter in Steemit.

Abuse is handled by a vigilant, dedicated group of very smart people. Those who plagarize are swiftly called out, and they are instantly outcasted. Steemit operates on the principle of reputation. If you abuse others or steal artists/writers work, you’ll be stripped of any possible earnings so fast you won’t know what happened. You cannot create fake Steemit accounts either because they are tied to your facebook or Reddit accounts. And if you don’t have Reddit karma, you cannot even use that to open a Steemit account. This ensures that Steemit remains free from abusive individuals who seek to profit at any cost, whether that be illegally or immorally. We don't want Steemit to become a shitcoin.


The most obvious reason I decided to enter Steemit in a fearless way was that I knew it needed women, lots of women. The digital currency space, as well as the miners is currently a man’s game. But men will go wherever women are, so I made it my #1 priority to show women the door to this new world. I needed back up too! It’s funny though, because the more I was in Steemit, the more I realized that my backup were the men who were actively making Steemit a great place. The investors, miners and cryptocurrency dudes became my allies, because of this one reason: they were making a shit ton of money from upvoting my posts. I was their veritable cash cow. It was in their best interest to protect and nurture me. At least that is how I felt.

This is shape shifting technology and philosophy!

I decided to sacrifice myself for other women, girls, outcasts, artists and misfits. To help them become free, too. I knew the sausage party could get out of control and make it a miserable place for women. Think of how many women get stalked, harassed and threatened online? Bad juju. But you want to know what turned it all around for me? A man. Dan Larimer. I began to notice that he was interested in people feeling safe. But he did it in a way that was non-violent. From that day on, I began to peel back another layer of Steemit, and what I found, I realized could change the course of history and enslavement on a global scale. I became unafraid from that day on. Thanks Dan.

Belief in Pure Magic

I know magic is a silly word. I am an atheist and my religion is the unknown imagination. Magic is defined by me in this way: when you dream up something fantastic in your mind and then throw it out into the world, that is magic. So, it’s not really magic in the most common usage. It’s the world of pure imagination that is lived out. This is my highest goal and driving force in my life. Imagination is synonomous with freedom, at least for me.

Going All In

I knew from reading books like Zero To One by Peter Thiel that it is essential to reinvent the world in some radical way that has never been tried before. If you look at Elon Musk, you’ll know what I mean. Elon had everything against him, but he refused to give up. Some dreams are worth fighting for. I decided to fight. I knew I would never be free unless I went all in.

Some basic tools you need to convert your Steem Dollars into fiat currency, like USD, Euros, etc. (But I wouldn’t take out one Steem dollar now, because you could make a lot of money if you invest in it).

There it is. I just paid for my hotel room with my Simple bank card using the digital currency I received from Steemit.

Here’s the conversion process for Steem:
Steem → Bitcoin → US Dollars

Also, here’s where you can find the market cap for Steem:

Here are the accounts I have that make this money conversion possible:


Simple Bank


I’m not an expert in financial matters, but I am learning at lightning speed from experts in Steemit who are. I would recommend using the above accounts for this one reason: I used them and I had no problems. They were easy to use and navigate.

See you on Steemit.


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[black swan]
[golden tickets]
[the factory]

Read about my superhero status here:


wow !! you motivated me !!
i'm just noob -__-

Your magical experience will be very useful for many people. I congratulate you with great success. This will give many people around the world as an example!

As a new person to Steemit less than a day here, I really love this post and I found it very informative thank you so much.

I can feel you in your writing.
I just love to read more from you.
Its like time you invest in making good post is equal to your reward.

your writing inspires me a lot.
so thank you @stellabelle

I have upvoted this post just because it introduced my to the Simple Banking website. Thank you! (Not to detract from your post, which is also very good)

Thats some serious motivation @stellabelle. Look forward to some kick ass work from you. Thanks. was a bit like hitting the jackpot in the early days. Things have changed!

definitely and this makes us all the way more attentive towards them.

Hi! Your Craft beer article is what got me to look at steemit as I found it there from Medium. I loved it by the way. I am actually going to find it after this post so I can up vote it. I'm curious, how have things changed since the early days? Can that question even be answered in a reply such as this? By the way I just bit the bullet and signed up about 15 min ago. You were THE person I wanted to make sure to absolutely follow since you kinda got me to come here!

Hi @stellabelle :) I'm pretty new here and first of all, I want to thank you for this text. Very inspiring. I had very similar thoughts when I was joining here, especially about karma and fearlessness. Keeping that in my mind, I wanted my first "big" post to be both about the area that I know and motivation to others. So, I created the text that I had in my mind for some time, thinking it will really get atention and help/motivate some people of our community. I posted this text yesterday and I heard it is too long... I had to be honest, it demotivated me a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I know those are my first days here, but still...

Can you please take a look and maybe tell me what I did wrong there? Here is the link

Thank you in advance, I will follow you from this point :) Wish you all the best!

Woah @stellabelle,

I absolutely loved reading this.
It just resonates so much.
I am missing the women in blockchain/crypto world too!
I am going all in.
Igniting the fearlessness with me to move fully into this.

Most of all,

this post just makes my heart expand open and melt at the same time.

Thank you for your raw honesty and authenticity!

BIG love,



listen carefully to what I say: WORDS ARE MAGIC.

IMAGINATION is a powerful word.

I MAGE NATION ~ MAGE = MAGIC - the MAGI - the magic of the third eye
Nation is a relative to a nation of all people, also of creation and action, movement, causing to become.

Imagination truly is magic. Dont be an athiest, be an A thiest. GOD is real, but God is not, and religion is false. You are part of GOD as are all humans, sadly most bicker over a name or form for the infinte that can never be named and is formless - the true A ALPHA and OMEGA. A = the triangle, representing again, your THIRD EYE. :) I hope this kinda tunes you in more to your own power. WONDERFUL article!

Neville Goddard? Is that you!?
Loved the kind words old soul

We are one so read the comment I replied to the person above. Notice how both your comments are similar? Very similar brain waves, all fractals of the same soul.

Much love to you, appreciation is reciprocated! <3

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME haha. That's awesome, I actually just commented and didn't read all that much. Check out my post I just made about synchronicity.. you may like it

also, why convert steem to bitcoin to USD? Just get a shift visa and you can spend your bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted, negating the 3rd USD step and keeping it simple: STEEM -> BTC

also, thank you for the genuine compliment. You deserve equally as much recognition, for without intelligent ears that hear and recognize truth, the words might as well not exist.

ha ha! Well said. I like it!

No, I am King Tyler. We are ONE so the resemblance is usually uncanny with awakened ones.

I am the first of many Kings here to cleanse mother earth from evil POLITICS. Politics = Poly or multiple and TICKS = Blood sucking parasites.

Who wrote the bible? Humans who claimed visions from GOD. If they could commune with GOD, then we all can - and most of my information is channeled from the highest of high. Our brain is merely a receiver :) Godspeed!

right on brother. The U.S. is a FREAKING corporation, holocaust gas chambers are a lie, Las Vegas Shooting was a shit show hoax! Pretty much EVERYTHING we KNOW is a LIE. Have you investigated Flat Earth? I am a born again christan from an atheist at age 47 WOOOWWWWWW!!!! in boble it says NEW EYES and a NEW HEART and me and my brother BOTH after lerning flat earth saw the WORLD DIFFERENTLY INSTANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The "THIRD EYE is REAL!

This is a very helpful article! You have described, very clearly, what worked for you here. This can be used as a starting point for others, and adapted for their unique personality. I will be sharing this one on Facebook and Twitter, etc.

I think I am starting to be fairly knowledgeable about Steem and Steemit, but I am always learning new things. In this article I learned why a person could not just make a ton of reddit accounts to spam the site:

if you don’t have Reddit karma, you cannot even use that to open a Steemit account.

One thing to fix though -- the link to Dan's blog does not work. I have heard you mention his blog and am heading there to read, as soon as I can get a link to it.

Thanks for another high quality article that helps the entire steemit community!

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