Lee Camp Is Joining Steemit - and he's not the only one!!! Indy Journos Flocking To This Platform

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Gotta admit guys, didn't think I'd be posting more Steemit news again so soon. But this is so cool that it deserves a follow-up to yesterday's fabulous tidings.

Hey everyone!

It's as good as Christmas: My friend, and friend to all truth-tellers, RT's Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight has just signed up for Steemit and is waiting for his confirmation email. He is one of dozens of new indy journalists and related people who have caught onto the fact that myself, @caitlinjohnstone, Elizabeth Lea Vos from Disobedient Media (who is also awaiting confirmation), @hagoodman and others have jumped on board with Steemit and are full-steam-ahead!!

Lee obviously has a massive audience, well over a quarter million people just on Facebook alone, but the corporate platforms have been mercilessly censoring his work, as they have with all of us. So us indy journalists are fighting back by encouraging all our readers, viewers and everyone in our network to open accounts and engage with us here on Steemit going forward.

This obviously spells great things for everyone who holds SBD (Steem Dollars) and who has patiently built the foundations of this platform that we are now all enjoying.

Nope - no one paid me or told me to run around recruiting people to Steemit - I am doing it purely because having now used this platform, I truly believe it is the Facebook killer. Goodbye censorship, goodbye giving our data away for free, goodbye manipulated timelines, goodbye paid advertising, hello content that we all love and enjoy, with an equal playing field for sharing and promotion.

It was over a year ago that @an0nkn0wledge first tried to convince me to join Steemit and I foolishly didn't listen. I am kicking myself now that I didn't, as the longer people are on this platform the most voting power they accumulate to help support and raise up other people's work.

But I'm trying to make up for my lack of foresight by a) bringing as many amazing, awesome people with their own large audiences onto the platform as possible and b) making sure they advocate to their audiences to sign up to Steemit and c) talking to the established Steemit 'whales' that I am friends with and getting their support for the indy journos I'm bringing on and d) helping users through the sign-up process and best practices for introduction posts etc so they have a good leg up on the platform. To that end I have publicly offered for anyone who wants to sign up to reach out to me via Twitter DM for support. I'm no expert but I can at least make myself accessible to share with them what little I've learned so far.

So Steemians, there is some more happy news for you. Once we have got the entire indy media and whistleblowing sphere on to Steemit, then I will do what many have asked me to and ask Kim Dotcom and WikiLeaks to consider joining as well. If you want that to happen? Simply follow and upvote the posts of the indy media people I have mentioned above, and it is inevitable that the entire whistleblowing community will eventually join us here!

I see a big future ahead for this platform and want to say a huge thank you to those who finally convinced me to come here, to all the people who have followed me so far and supported my work, and to those who have been giving me tips and info to help make this work for all of us.

You rock!!!!

Oh - and I also heard you guys love pretty pictures - so here is the very pretty picture of my recent Steemit article which is now up to 20k hits, ranking on the trend map above major MSM news sites!!! Woohoo!!

Steemit Number One

(Please Note: I will post the next episode of DecipherYou in the series very soon - I had intended to do one per day but I've been a bit sidetracked with other recent developments, sorry! If you've been following the series, keep an eye out for that! And if you haven't, but are interested in our study of Snowden documents, please check out my blog for more info)

Thanks again, for everything.


By Suzie Dawson

Twitter: @Suzi3D

Official Website: Suzi3d.com

Journalists who write truth pay a high price to do so. If you respect and value this work, please consider supporting Suzie’s efforts via credit card or Bitcoin donation at this link. Thank you!

Who is Suzie?

Read Suzie's Introduction On Steemit

Read, Upvote and Share Suzie's Most Recent Steemit Posts!

  1. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: Decipher You Episode 5

  2. In Plain Sight: Why WikiLeaks Is Clearly Not In Bed With Russia

  3. 10 Reasons The Dutch-Russia Hacking Story Is Fake News

  4. My Steemit Post Goes Viral; Major Indy Media Joining Platform; Expect Flood Of New Users


Lee Camp here. Thanks for writing this Suzie! Hello, Steemit community! I think I speak for all of us when I say, "F-ck F-book"

Facebook is dead. We've got this!


Welcome Lee!

Amen to that brother. :) Amen! and Testify!

Hey Lee - great to see you here. This platform is made for you - keep fighting

awesome to see you here lee! I reached out to Jimmy Dore, I would really love to see him join us too, but now that you are here, i think he will probably join soon.

The more the merrier! I'll have to jump on more often, now that many of my favourite people are joining.

Thank you Suzie for getting more truthful voices to join. I also followed you on Twitter, I'm @sarahabed84. I think we know many of the same Indy journalists.

Take care,
Sarah Abed

Followed you back! I know I've retweeted you many times, not sure why I wasn't already following you. Have followed you here too. I'm super excited for the potential of this platform. We have needed a solution for the censorship for too long. I can't wait to kiss the corporate platforms goodbye!! Thank you for all your amazing work

Nice to read and see that. Lee will rock here. So many great RT people getting word and coming over now too. Max and Stacy from the @KeiserReport also got rolling here last summer too. Well done Suzie. Big kudos for doing what you do to help raise awareness and bring good minds together.

Oh wow!! I tweeted Stacy about it earlier today, not realising. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!

"Hello content that we all love and enjoy" preach girl. I loved your post because I can feel your spirit . I am new on this platform but I truly believe is amazing we can give and receive while enjoying the content.. creating amazing communities, supporting our dreams and careers. That's beyond words and I can only hope that steemit keeps growing and manifesting tje best for everyone..

I know, it's so incredible. When I was just looking in from the outside I was a skeptic, but now that I've actually used it and can see how powerful it is I am a true believer and bringing on as many people as possible. The ability to free ourselves from censorship and reward each other for our efforts is just mind-blowing. So awesome! Thanks for your lovely comment!

I don't know if any of us can really see the potential of the Steemit blockchain yet. Growth everywhere in every way. It is mind-blowing for sure. Big KUDO's to you for what you are accomplishing. A more fully informed public is a top priority! So exciting.
Main STEEM Media vs Main Stream Media (lol)

Nice pun :) I can't wait to dance on Facebook's demise

This is great! I am no longer on the big corporate censoring platforms. The more people who come over here the better!

Totally agree. They made the big mistake of forgetting that the businesses and celebrities go to where the big public user bases are so by attacking the reach and integrity of the public's post, they will lose their user base, and then lose the businesses and celebrities too.

Exactly. We hold the power, and we do not have to agree to their censorship by continuing to use their platforms.

Any article that includes the words Facebook Killer deserves more than an upvote - it deserves to be shared far and wide

Haha!! I totally agree!! Between all us indy journos we can recruit all our audiences and once people get their first payout they will forget what Facebook is. I can't wait!

Really cool post good info!! followed and up voted looking forward to more post! I'm new to steemit and trying tom get my blog out there if you get the chance please check it out i think you will enjoy it!

Great News!!

I finally joined for Caitlin Johnstone, she is one of the best content creators out there today.

She is absolutely fabulous. Sharp, witty, brutally honest and fiercely loyal to the anti-war cause. I am really honoured to have her as a friend and colleague

I'm an indy journalist too who just returned to Steemit this month! Haven't done my introduce myself post yet, although I have done a few posts this week. I'm Stephanie :I write for Heavy and covered election fraud concerns quite heavily in 2016, was interviewed on The Young Turks, etc. :) Gotta do my Introduce Myself post soon! Nice to "meet" you! :)

That is fantastic, congratulations on making the leap!