Why Aren't we all Promoting Steemit.com?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I just plugged Steemit.com on my YouTube channel. Now what?

Follow: http://www.steemit.com/@tedcarr

Some questions:

What rewards can people who bring in new users receive?

What happens to the value of payouts when more people join Steemit?

What direction will this website take to accomodate so many new users?


I've been telling many people I know about what I have been doing here on steemit. I even show them things I've bought using money made on steemit. It slowly creeps into them and some have chosen to join. There is nothing like steemit out there right now and people do not know how to react. The idea seems to have to grow on them.

I agree. Its like another dimension or reality. People are so conditioned that anything that seems good is a scam - then there are the pyramid schemes and ponzis - EVERYTHING is a "ponzi" now. Even though technically people are right - all money is really a ponzi, people are not willing to put any effort into anything unless the government tells them to do it.

I've found convincing my friends have been harder than I thought. even with the facts and proof to back it up.

I bought this from some of my earnings. Figured it was something tangible for my friends to get that its real. Posted a little thing on facebook with the pictures of it as kind of a haha look what I bought with my "fake" money

Those fake graphics will look pretty sweet when its free. Enjoy :D

great idea. I need to figure out how to take my money out still, but that's what I'll do too eventually. I've only been on here a week, so not a lot of money to prove yet.

Hi veggy baker - i met you on the 8app. Following you here too!

OH very cool. :) I'll follow you on here too.

Not much happening there lately......

I try to remember the times I seen steemit before deciding to join. I was confused as hell. I thought my friend was into some sort of scam. The trending page was a little messed up too at the time but alls well that ends well. :-)

I am promoting - got a least 10 new users on Steem at the date )

  1. New users will follow the one who bring them here. Number of followers is a good long term investment
  2. Payouts overall will be the same short-term - the reward pool is the same. Longterm it will rise cos more people on Steem means more value for our tokens
  3. There will be many other specialized sites and apps on a Steem-blockchain, all in one ecosystem. As of steemit.com - it will be a central hub for registration and reddit-like media.

But I'm personally crave for a FB-like DApp... oh, deams-dreams...

  1. A reward for bringing in new people is that you can almost always get them to follow you. Followers are the ones who will consistently upvote your content, and do it early, increasing its exposure to non-followers. They are money in the bank.

  2. As the network grows the coin price must scale to maintain the value of payouts. Social networks tend to be worth a lot of money, so this shouldn't be an issue long term.

  3. Steemit.com is a website that pulls content from the cloud (Steemit blockchain) and formats it to resemble Reddit/Medium. There are other 3rd party websites/apps that are working to present the content differently. Think twitter, insta, message boards... Check out Steem Tools

The Steemit blockchain and the STEEM coin will power a whole ecosystem of apps and websites.

SOMEONE needed to make this video...and I cannot think of someone more sincere, direct, and with heart such as you :) Always upvoting your stuff...always great material!

Awesome! Now you go on reaching out to some more people! Directly! The people you want to see on Steem!

To anyone who's seeing this post, this is the kind of outreach I love to see. No matter what the size of your Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc., audiences make sure to reach out to them as best as you can.

Also @tedcarr, please consider voting for my witness or even better put me as your proxy voter. (You'll have to typ teamsteem at the bottom because I'm not in the top 50 witnesses yet.)


If you don't know what are witnesses check it out here.

What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!

Thanks for the great information you explained in details

This is really what "crowdsourced marketing" is about... networking; people reaching out to their friends selectively, choosing those who we feel best will become part of the Steemit community.

Exactly! Steem is a crowdsource machine! And it's so much more!

The INGENIOUS concept of Steemit is what got me going here....hated the idea of pumping out content for dollars on BoobTube with advertisers who don't give a damn about content...

Nevertheless, I'm procrastinating till my reputation rises to the occasion of my coming out of the production closet...just kidding....still testing the waters...running into some technical difficulty finalizing a video series....

I've learned to appreciate what people go through to put out quality stuff....

But we're working on it...YouTube ain't seen nothin' yet!

Go Team Steemit!

What's your vid series about?

What tech difficulty are you experiencing?

Hello Ted, The technical difficulty is pretty much overcome. Were in production this week, hopefully.

It won't be perfect, of course.

The format may be a little too theatric or "surreal' for most people's taste. "Everman" is more of a conceptual "variation on disparate themes" that correlate one with another than a 'person' per se, (you'll see what i mean).

It sounds a bit highfalutin and it might go nowhere...but one never knows except one try....

Thanks for asking!

See you soon

Every day I post my Steems on to twitter and Linkedin and ask the people how much LI or Twitter paid them for their content today? My mantra is STOP GIVING FREE CONTENT TO BILLIONAIRES"!

I hope all of your followers make it over here man!

I haven't yet because I am still trying to figure out this platform. I've only been on it for a week.

A major part of the strength of Steemit is that we have crowdsourced marketing, rather than a centralized campaign.

It makes for a much higher quality community when you hand pick the people you think are most likely to be active community members, explain the platform to them, and go from there. Mass advertising might work but what kind of user would that bring in?

What a great way to put it. Never thought it like that. I'm going to try to change my tactics to recruit new friends.