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RE: Could Steem Be The Gateway Drug To Mainstream Cryptocurrency Usage And The End of Central Banks and Government?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

@dollarvigilante Spot on. I have been saying this for ages.

Steemit is the killer app that all other cryptocurrencies have been looking for (even bitcoin). It immediately gives value to STEEM in a way the normal person can understand.

Plus they don't have to go through the sometimes ridiculous barriers that an ordinary person would encounter trying to get hold of Bitcoin or even worse another altcoin.

They can make an account on Steemit in minutes. It works just like so many other platforms they already know.

They make their first post, curate or comment and then BAM - they get payed and they have their first cryptocurrency.

They don't even need to know what a blockchain is or how cryptocurrencies work.

They just need to be able to blog, comment, vote or use a social network - all skills 99.9% of the population has.

If they later get curious about how it all works then they can delve deeper.

That is the genius of what @ned @dan et al have created and that is why I believe this has the potential to eclipse Bitcoin eventually in terms of market cap.

Hell if I'm honest I think it could be bigger than Facebook, Youtube, Medium, Reddit and Twitter combined because here you get payed for your content instead of having your information mined and your money taken away by a third party.

This is the future and I'm glad I'm here early. We might one day be telling our grandchildren - "I remember the early days of Steemit before they were one of the biggest companies in the world."

Good to have you here mate and so nice to see you get it:)


Been watching btc since the beginning. I understood what it was and its potential but wasn't computer savvy enough to take advantage. Then coinbase came along. My first purchase of btc was March 2013. I bought five for a total of $321.21 or equal to $64.28 each. So I have to say at this point in the game Steemit is a no brainer. Btc is the king of money online and Steemit will be the king of social media online. Steemit will introduce the masses to crypto. This the facelift btc needs to hit 10,000. If you haven't power up yet its a good time to get in. Steemians will be running the world sooner than you might think. This is what crypto needed in order to make the world a much better place in a very short period of time. This technology will allow humanity to make a consensus on what is important and what needs to be done to make the world a better place for all humanity. It will also insure the survival of the species. Mark my words.

You've been saying this for ages? For about a month or longer :)

Ages ain't what they used to be

The best version of steemit allows steemit users to transfer steem dollars to/from their fiat bank account directly on steemit, or even a steem dollar debit card. Then there's no need for bitcoin, only as another option

I think the goal is to get rid of USD not bitcoin.

having to learn about or deal with bitcoin is a problem for steemit becoming mainstream, so users will need a steem dollar debit card so they don't have have to deal with bitcoin

Steem dollars are pegged to USD which is a dying currency. The short term stability of it is good for payment, however good luck storing your wealth in that.


As long as the interest rate is higher than the practical inflation rate for the USD, you are protected from USD inflation with the Steem Dollar.

Isn't that kind of the long term vision on Steem Backed Dollars?

I believe craig-grant idea sounds great - especially with the debit card. However, single option alternative may also mean putting all our eggs in one basket, and that may be dangerous since someone else controls the debit card operation and feeds into the traditional banking system that we would like to avoid. So we are going to be safer with multiple deviant options that aren't controlled by one source - the banking cartel. So I'm favorable with the debit card and other options as backups.

yes, bitcoin should always be an option, but not the only option, if bitcoin is the only option then steemit can't go mainstream

@thecryptofiend Your comment here, "They don't even need to know what a blockchain is or how cryptocurrencies work." I believe is the key to mass adoption.

Most people are clueless as to how the Federal Reserve works, or even how they manage to leverage their power over money into a system that by it's very design controls people by controlling the flow of currency. Many people know nothing about how our currency systems work, but they blindly follow their structures every day. Most don't care how the system works, they only care if their next paycheck will clear and how that in turn will hopefully keep food on their tables...

Sadly for many years ignorance has been equated to bliss. I for one however, feel that our newly budding Age of Information (and the Internet) will gradually change ignorance from a method of indoctrination into a choice one can opt-out of by simply choosing to research it from the comfort of their own homes.

Such a method of self learning was difficult if not all but impossible until the past couple decades and I fully support it in it's entirety 110%.

I worry about the patronizing condescension shown to 'most people' around here. What kind of anarchists want to persuade the ignorant masses to adopt something so that they - the so-called anarchists - can cream off the value thus generated (see all posts on the topic of 'it's a good time to get in' to cryptocurrencies and make loads of cash etc)? Take DV's telling comparison of himself with a young George Soros, for example. Soros broke the Bank of England because he was a good guy fighting the system? Give me a break. He did it to make loads of money.

He also did it with the help of inside intelligence (Soros, I mean).

I wonder how many users truly believe this, and don't just want to attract upvotes through sycophantic hyperbole.

Do I think Steemit has the potential to introduce masses to crypto? Sure.

But my crystal ball isn't clairvoyant enough for me to make assertions about its success.

I don't mean to sound rude, I just think euphoria doesn't benefit anyone. It just makes the front page look like a pump-fest, and fills people will over-expectation.

Well he did say it's just speculation.

If I didn't believe it I wouldn't post it. I didn't say it was a certainty I said it could happen. There are no guarantees obviously so I understand your concerns.

Please add Ebay and Paypal to the list! :)

The question of Steem being the gateway drug to mainstream Cryptocurrency usage as well as bring an end to the establishment of Central Banks and Government seems impossible. However, I must admit that it not entirely impossible. One might choose to agree or disagree with me. Thank you.

You mean these guys.

I was going to flag this @carlidos because it looks like you are begging for votes by posting the same picture twice in the comments, but giving you the benefit of the doubt because of your reputation score.

I'd ask that you please refrain from posting the same picture multiple times (posting a different one with different text is great, but this specific picture doesn't add to the conversation IMO).

Others may disagree with me, but this is why I am writing to you and not flagging. I guess a "warning" because if everyone were to do the same, I think the comment section would be devalued.

That being said, I do love the graphic you have created (hopefully it was created by you or you have permission to use it from the author).

Thanks I didn't even notice I thought I was editing the same dang post. Yea it was done by me. Apologies

No problem :) didn't want to flag because I do really like that graphic :)

Thank you yea part of my book series I am doing.

thats why we need to draw media attention and pull in big names. Together we can do this:

Great comment, just followed ya.

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