
Most people do not want to voluntarily fund mental health wards unless they directly affected by mental health related issues. So are we to say that we should kill the mentally ill because they are stealing our money? Many people don't want to fund abortion clinics, so are we to say that all rape victims should be forced to keep their babies ? What you are purposing is fundamentally flawed. Paying your fair share of taxes isn't theft, it is your constitutional obligation. Yes I do agree that the tax schemes of many countries are unnecessarily high, however in the same breath, without taxes mainly critical and life saving service simply would not exist. If the average human wasn't a greedy piece of thrash, I would whole heartedly agree with you. But if the average person was left to make the decision on what they wanted to pay for, most would elect to pay for as little as possible.

You are dead wrong my friend. There is no fundamental reason why the private market can bring us shoes and pizza but somehow can't deliver other things that people want and needs such as roads and hospitals.

Taxation IS theft plain and simple, there is no way around it. I still pay my taxes however, for the exact same reason I would hand my wallet over to a mugger, because there is a gun to my head. It's completely immoral no matter who is holding the gun.

Because the "private market" is inherently greedy. Look at all the price fixing that goes on when the "private market" is given free reign. Do you really want to see restricted access to cancer medication or MRI's because the private market decided it was in their best interest to fix prices?

Awesome perspective.

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