
Thanks for the post I am working hard learning to use HTML and Markdown to create more quality posts. I have not learned how to change the font style or font color.

Tough luck, @blockgators. I have looked for days and I've been told on a good number of sites that font size and style doesn't change in markdown and the only way to change the color is by making the font a link. Those are codes I want to see too. If you do see those things change on someone's site check to see if it's really text that's been formatted or if it's an image of formatted text.

@re-engineer Thanks! Good to know these tricks!

I will keep my eye open for it now. I guess when I see it being done it was an image I was seeing. Thanks for the heads up.

I may have to incorporate the image of formatted test in some of my posts once I learn it. I also need to learn how to put the line with the logo in my posts. The page divider lines and I want to add a logo.

When you get a logo image just the way you like it, cut and paste the code into a text file and keep it handy so you will have it ready to go every time you make a post ;-)

Hey guys I am new to steemit but this is so weird. Is steemit going to be like reddit but with karma that is worth something? Oh man that is going to open up new doors. So awseome.

Any right now I have only created some shitposts but thank you for this guide. I am going to do my best to get comfortable on steemit like I am on reddit.

Loved the way you put these things up, mate.. Just adding two more 😉.
Code for pulling photos to left.
<div class="pull-left">[image url]</div>
For pulling photos to right.
<div class="pull-right">[image url]</div>
Have a great day ;)

While Gruber is often labeled writer, many forget that he also was a (web) designer. As such it is very regrettable that he never included floats or center options.

Especially considering that the whole reason why he created Markdown was to make it easrier for authors (writers) to include basic HTML. WIthout needing to type out all those < & > and other attributes.

Semantically pull is most often used for pull-quotes, thus something which serves to highlight. Left or right-aligning an image actually gives it less focus.

I use those so often and it took me forever to find somewhere that explained them! I simply adore being able to put text next to the pictures where the text relates to them!

Well, why do you think putting images to left or right would be less relatable to texts?

Sorry, Maybe I didn't say that very well. I meant that I believe the text and pictures each help explain the meaning of the other better when they are side. Sometimes if you have to scroll to see one or the other there's a bit of a disconnect between the two.

@themarkymark, possibly one of the most useful posts I have come across on stremit so far, thank you so much, following and voted!

Thank you for usful information. I'll try to use it

No matter how many times I read posts like this, there is so much to get out of it for a novice. The time that it took and the work you put into it, is deeply appreciated. I have been encouraged to start content creation, but am shy because of my lack of skill. I am surely not alone. Thank you sincerely for addressing this.

This was SUPER helpful!! Thanks for posting. :-)

As I just joined steemit today and was looking into creating my first post I was wondering about this.
Very interesting, Thanks!

Welcome to the community :)

OMG!! This is soooooo helpful! Thanks for sharing!

Thank You

I can't Thank you enough.

Thanks, one of the more comprehensive and well written markdown overviews I have seen on Steemit.

As a programmer I am a bit peeved by the lack of syntax highlighting in code blocks. Hopefully that will be added at some point. (I have been forced to screenshot rendered code from Github to then post back to Steemit).

New to Steemit?