
Hilarious, you’ve just proved my point!! Is @ipromote your bit too??

You are the scum of steemit. You are one of the reason this place is falling apart. We need more people like themarkymark making a stand. yet no one has any balls, especially the whales. @ned and steemit dont give a shit. No one really does and the fact that themarkymark's services loose money because of his blacklist and yet he still spends hours on building his list. Yet you write trash content and try and take advantage of this platform and talk about his abuse? Check your self before you loose this battle.

I said this before, @ned offered us the tools to govern ourselves like a community which are upvotes and flags. If he gets in and start to take decisions about who is wrong and who is right, the entire Steem will start to look like a centralized model. We should be more efficient in communicating with each other and reaching a consensus. In the rest of the statements, I don't disagree with anything, you are doing a great thing with @buildawhale!

😂😂😂 “Scum”, I guess that makes you a sycophant?

@nicnas evidence, please? All I see is SJW CryBullies virtue signaling their rhetoric, but I see no evidence or facts and I surely see no civility. Remember friend, everything Hitler did was for the greater good as well, from his perspective. No one wakes up in the morning saying "I think I want to do some evil today". People such as you and @themarkymark who presume to have the right to assert false moral authority over everyone else, has been the classic historical problem within humanity even before the advent of the Internet. No tyrant deems themselves a tyrant. Nonetheless, all tyrants must be fought. You've declared war on the Steemit Community and the Steemit Community accepts your declaration.

@themarkymark I'd be curious to see how that would work if the FBI got curious about your racket scam you're doing with your bots? Like for example, if people started reporting you to the FBI via this link:

I'm really curious as to how that goes over. Maybe one day I'll be reading a news headline about you. After all, your racket depends directly on continuing to screw more and more content creators in order for you to keep cashing in on @badcontent. If suddenly that bot were to stop screwing people, your money flow would become greatly reduced. So I really don't see it as likely that you're going to stop, so this means especially as time goes on -- there will be a large number of people who can file complaints against you as long as they are aware that they have this option.

I love spreading awareness about options.

@themarkymark comments like that really don't help the Steemit Community understand why what you're doing is allegedly NOT a criminal offense under US Law. Nor do such replies provide anyone with any quantifiable facts. I'm always happy to learn when I'm wrong. So if I'm wrong, then school me with some facts. Unless of course you have no facts to school me with. Then your response is completely justifiable. In fact, I'd suggest that if you have any facts to provide the Steemit Community that you write an article explaining it. I'll even Re-Steem it.

Now that I’m done laughing, what’s the crime you reporting?

@themarkymnark avoiding a question by asking a question is a classic tactic.

and you are also avoiding the question.
And btw. you posted pictures and wrote that:

Disclaimer: I just found these pictures and gifs on the internet. I didn't make them, I don't own any rights to them, I just downloaded them and decided to share them with you.

So you found the work of other ppl and thought you have to post them to earn money through it? Well I would say that is sth. that is against the law. ;-)
So you are talking about unity of mankind but you are selling the work of other ppl to earn money ... good job man XD

@dera123 if monetizing a social network share of a meme was against the law, then Zuckerberg would be in a lot of trouble. AT BEST if a copyright holder had an issue, it would be copyright infringement and thats at best. This however is not the same thing as plagiarism.

Plagiarism means, to take something that is not yours, and claim that you made it.

Also, if sharing a social media post was against the law, then Facebook users are accomplices to Mark Zuckerberg by default of facilitating the shared content.

So, I've not plagiarized anything. So to claim I have, is a false accusation.

Now lets move onto the next allegation, fraud.

How exactly is sharing my own or any other content, fraud? It is clearly not.

Lastly, scams.

How have I scammed anyone? Did I accept something from people with a promise of a return that was never issued? No.

So AT BEST (but probably not) I MIGHT HAVE (but again, probably not) inadvertently infringed a copyright which is a civil matter, not a federal matter.

So again I will ask:

What did I plagiarize?
What is my fraud?
What scam am I supposedly running?
And how is making more than 7 posts a day "spam" when there is no defined posting limits at all?

Did I say that your copyright infringements are a federal matter? I just wrote about violating copyrights and you admitted it what else is there to say?

If ppl are stealing the work of others and are also admitting it why shouldn't that be flagged? Is posting the work of others without even giving them credit the right way for a united mankind?

I mean come on, this here is just written because a plagiarizer got banned because he copied the work of others. And is that ok for you from the point of view of a united mankind? An individual who uses the work of another person to earn money without asking for permission or even giving credit? If stealing from others is ok for you then I don' want to be part that

And you are still avoiding the question from @themarkymark: which crime would you report?

@dera123 also if you want to take it to where you took it and act as if I'm being hypocritical, lets turn this back around then in the spirit of fairness:

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 04-46-43.png

@themarkymark is sharing content he did not make, and not just images. He does not own the copyright for the video games he is playing and yet, he is streaming all of those image frames per second of copyrighted game content that he does not own, and earning money from it on Steemit.

Good job, man!

Sure like all the lets players on twitch, because the developers of the games are ok with it, damn they are even promoting it by sending the games earlier to them

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 05-00-53.png

@themarkymark is no more or less a scammer, spammer or plagorizer than I -- in regards to fair use posting of content on monetized platforms. Milking the system with his bot however, might be another matter. I'm no legal professional and not going to claim to be. But I love asking lots of questions. Especially to people who have answers for me. Its how I learn.

There are only a few game developers and publishers which are not ok with ppl streaming their games, like nintendo for example and they have their own ppl showing streams.

@themarkymnark by the way I've said this in another section but to your credit: for as long as humanity refuses to unite, we deserve war, genocide and domination as a race. Similarly, we here on Steemit deserve your abuse for as long as we're unwilling to unite against it. I view you as an opportunity, not a burden. I'm curious to see whether or not the community has the balls to unite against you and others like you -- or be rightfully and deserving abused and cucked by tyrants as is classic historical failure. So be ruthless. We need the incentive.