Masturbation for Self Preservation!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


The ongoing debate relating to self upvotes

First off, here is a breakdown of how the rewards are split when self voting in different timeframes:

The Number One Masturbator -

These characters just can't help themselves from upvoting themselves all the time. The upvote post icon is ticked so the post gets upvoted immediately by the author, which means 100% of the curation rewards go to the author. They also love upvoting their own comments and prefer self satisfaction above pleasing others. Don't expect to get much out of them in the sack.


The Number Two Masturbator -

They upvote their own posts at the 3 minute mark. What happens here is that 90% of the curation rewards go to them and 10% goes to the curators. A little less self satisfying than number one with little hope of learning the ropes in bed.


The Number Three Masturbator -

Number three is on the fence, balancing a 50/50 split between themselves and the curators. At the 15 minute mark they'll hit that upvote button on their posts. Don't expect them to last longer than that in the sack either.


The Number Four Masturbator -

27 minutes is their time. Being much more giving they do know their way around the bedroom with a satisfying 90/10 split between the author and the curator, respectively. Albeit not as giving as number five, it is still their choice to hang in there as long as they want, mostly being a good lover with an underlying need for self satisfaction.


The Number Five Masturbator... No, no, Lover -

They upvote their posts after 30 minutes, or they don’t upvote themselves at all. These lovers are truly vested into the needs of their partners. They will always ensure that their lovers are satisfied and with these kinds of partners, fireworks are bound to happen.


With the above being mentioned apparently there are more technicalities involved. I just don’t know what it is?

For me, at this point in time, it’s relatively simple. I create the content, 25% of that goes to my curators and I’m perfectly happy with that. Yes, it stalls my SP growth by 25%, however I wouldn’t be getting the SP without the support from the community in the first place. With that being said if I had sufficient SP available to boost the rewards of my curators then, yes, I’d consider voting past the 30 minute mark. Doing that though would open me up to being viewed the way I view self-masturbators’ now.

One argument I’ve heard is that because you’re building your SP up quicker your vote will count more and therefore you can show more support with your votes to the community. I’m sorry, I think that is just total BS. Why? Well, quite simply, if you’re giving back more because your SP is growing 25% faster, what about the fact that you’re taking up to 25% away from the curators? From what I’ve heard there should be more curators and less creators. The balance is a little off and taking that away from the curators further widens that gap.

So, should I decide to go down the self-vote path I will do it as follows:

I will create a post explaining why I upvote myself past the 30 minute mark. I will add the link to that post at the bottom of all of my future posts so my curators understand that I’m doing it to boost the value of the post in order to increase their curation rewards. Well, for now at least, that’s the way I view it. Again, if someone can explain a different perspective relating to self-voting that doesn’t only relate to increasing your own profit, please explain it to me?!?

Another way to look at it was something my wife, @jusipassetti, mentioned to me last night. I’ll be using a platform as an example that I know many of you don’t like and that is FACEBOOK, however please just hear me out quickly.

Almost all (if not all) of us know that with Facebook you also get that like button. Most of us that have a Facebook account created it to connect with family, friends, load scrambled egg pics etc.

I want you to picture what I’m about to tell you now quickly.

What do you think your family and friends will make of it if you posted stuff on FB and upvoted/loved/lmfao’d yourself?

What would you think of it if a family member or friend posted stuff on FB and upvoted/loved/lmfao'd their own stuff?

I, personally, would have a good chuckle about it and tell my wife “Hey babes, look, Russel just liked himself again. Hehe, I never knew he was that full of himself.”

I guess you kind of get the point I’m trying to make here. Sure, many of you likely won’t agree with me however that’s ok. It's what the freedom of Steemit is about. I, personally, won’t give you my vote. Unless… I’ve been following you for a long time and I believe you’re not that Number One or Number Two Masturbator, or somewhere in between. Again, correct me if I’m wrong in my conviction.

With that being said I’ll still comment on your posts if I like what you’ve done. I would however rather save my vote for those that are more sharing. There are variables here i.e. don't always upvote own content, use different timeframes, past support received etc. Therefore it's not a hard and fast rule. I will however keep a closer eye on self upvoters.

Anyway, this has been a recent development where I now specifically check whether you upvoted yourself. I must admit I was quite shocked, since zooming in on this, to see how many people immediately or within the first few minutes, upvote their own posts.

To finish off, this post isn’t targeted at any particular group. I don’t care if you’re a minnow, dolphin or whale. I’ve met some great people here and received some good support from the community. I’d like to thank all of you for this.

Please, let me know your thoughts on the subject.

Many thanks and remember, sometimes it's okay to agree to disagree. I would however appreciate a healthy and constructive debate.


Thank you for this @therneau, I did not know this was how the system works! In my humble opinion, it reeks of self-gratification, abuse, all those nasty words. Makes me think of those sneaky fraudsters who illegally debit unsuspecting people's bank accounts, same category! Not very nice!
Like your analogies, spot-on :)

Thank you :):) It's like a disease that's spread far and wide. In fact, I'm struggling to find people that don't upvote themselves early... but they are there. The problem, obviously, is that it's destroying the curational side of it. Therefore, people who don't always have time to post chances are reduced to make a bit of income... As you've well said

reeks of self-gratification

Thanks for all your support :)

@therneau - I think I have earned about 0.010 SP from curation in two months and I resteem a lot of content; which makes me think that I should just focus on producing content. I was talking to @carrieallen about profiling couples on Steemit so maybe you could talk to her about doing something along these lines if you are interested?

Ahhh, thanks for checking out my content :):) Sure thing, I'll have a chat to @carrieallen. Thanks for the thought :) Now what you've mentioned is exactly the types of issues it creates. I mean, 0.010 SP in two month's!! Not everyone is good at creating content however they would also like to be involved with the community by curating and investing their time and money. It makes it really difficult filtering through what has been self voted on to ensure your vote gives you a bit of a return on your time spent reading the article.

You'll find that @carrieallen is a lovely person and her partner @chrisroberts is also very nice to talk to. They are also very supportive of people looking to make this community better for everyone, so I am sure you'll get on very well. I read your wife's post about being stressed out in corporate life, which is also why I also want to invest more time on platforms like this to find another path because that's where I've spent most of my professional career :p

Yes, my wife has had a bit of a rough ride. Corporate is definitely not for everyone. Well, it would be great if more people could actually make a living out of platforms like these. Well, I wish you the best of luck on this journey. Hopefuly it'll reach a point where you can kick corporate in the nuts :D

Very funny , I heard something about upvoting after 30 mins or something on chat , not reallt interested as no one cares about my posts and I have 30 SP

I know it can be difficult to gain attention. The best advise I can give is to get involved with communities, keep posting quality content, try some competitions and engage as much as possible. I'm looking at starting a sub-community so if you stick around and meet the criteria you're welcome to join in :):) I'll go have a squiz at your posts. Oh, thanks, glad you liked my post :) Cheers!

@therneau - thankfully I don't actually upvote my own articles (or if I did it was an accident because I think in it is ticked by default) but now that I have read the article I am thinking that I probably should? You have a great way of explaining things even if the content isn't quite so appropriate for the younger audience members :)

No, please don't start upvoting your own content. I'm working on a project I believe will bring people like us and curators together to support each other. Yeah, I should have put a warning up to state there is "strong language" involved :)

I proposed a nsfc (not safe for children) tag for to consider, just thought since we already have a nsfw tag that this would have been something good if we want to introduce younger audience members to the platform.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea :)