🏆 The Villan's Comps - Adopt a Minnow for a Month - V2

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

☠️ The Concept ☠️

This competition is fairly straight forward.

Each month I will run this competition, and one lucky person will be adopted for one month.
Upon adoption, I will support you for the month by up voting your posts. I will also be here to answer any questions you may have about Steemit.

I will also continue to support my minnows beyond this one month period, and up vote any posts which I find in my feed that I enjoyed.

Why Do This

Well I remember when I was first starting out on Steemit. It can be difficult to find support.
I was very lucky to receive a delegation of 500 steem power from @mattclarke and really appreciate how much it has helped me. When I got the 500 steem power delegation it was like he said here invest 3 grand for a year.
I really appreciated this(thanks bud) and this is what motivates me to help others. Plus it's in my nature ;)
So I would like to offer others a leg up and help them start out on their Steemit journey.



☠️ So What is This Worth? ☠️

Well to start of I will follow everyone who is eligible to enter. So you have a change for me to up vote your posts in my feed :)

First Prize

☣️ My minnow for the month will initially receive 50% of this posts SBD payout, to mark the opening ceremony.
☣️ Regular up votes throughout the month.
☣️ Ongoing future support once my minnow is set free = $$$ the sky is the limit as time goes on this is sure to be huge :)
☣️ For the closing ceremony, I will write a post about my minnow and what I have learned about them. 50% of the SBD generated from that post will go to my minnow as a departure gift.

Runner up 2nd and 3rd

☣️ Runner up 2nd and 3rd place will receive up votes at 50% for 1 week or equivalent.
☣️ I will also transfer 0.100 SBD as constellation prize.

All other entrants

☣️ I will send the first 18 entrants after 3 place 0.100 SBD as a constellation prize. I will take note of order of entries and will limit this to 18 as well if 100 people enter i'll be broke lol. I feel it is good to reward people for taking the time to support this initiative.


☠️ I'm In - How Do I Enter? ☠️

☣️ Entry is really simple.
☣️ You must be level 45 or below reputation score
☣️ Upvote and re-steem this post
☣️ Follow Me
☣️ Add a comment with why you should be chosen

How Are Minnows Picked?

On the day of post payout, I will pick a couple of entries for people I really like. Then I will write those names down on some pieces of paper and draw them from my hat(recorded with gopro).

Going from my last comp it is really difficult to pick a winner as there are some great entries. So the hat works well.


☠️ Some of the fine Details ☠️

☣️ So each day I will up vote 2 posts at 50% up vote, which is about $0.07 or 1 vote at 100% if only one post.

☣️ If you don't post for a few days, I take note of that and will continue to up vote past the month until the missed days are made up for.

☣️ These posts are guaranteed to be up voted, as I will visit your blog each day.

☣️ Any additional posts I see in my feed will be up voted, with a decreasing up vote % per post as I also need to spare up votes for other people on here I support.

☣️ If your posting something every 5 mins, trying to get rewards I most likely won't up vote them.

☣️ Your posts must fall within Steemit user guidelines, and be good content. Photos with a description, credit others when their stuff is used and so fourth.

☣️ If your posting bad content, spamming, abusing people or doing anything frowned upon by the community I reserve the right to un-follow you and stop supporting you. In which case a new competition will be run to find a new minnow.

☣️ I may change the rules as the competition evolves.



My honourable to kind @thevillan. I wanna join, take me please. Thank you

hi @humairavic if you would like to enter the competition then read the guideline of what you need to do, then I will mark your entry as valid.

hello kind genorous @thevillan. I am newbie. I hpoe that you please give hand on me. Thanks a lot

If you would like to enter the competition then read the guideline of what you need to do, then I will mark your entry as valid.

I'm a new entry in Steemit and I'm a (junior) writer about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICO, but also other stuff that I'm usually interested because I'm graduating in political science so maybe I could mix up those interests for some articles in future. Thank you for your competition.

Hi @lucaventurella thanks for entering my comp.
Welcome to Steemit :)
Oh cool political science that sounds interesting, sounds like you will have some interesting blogs. Looking forward to checking some of them out.

Valid Entry ✔️

Cool of you to do this. Chose my channel if you'd like. Make music preview and reviews. Just starting out but creating a back log of content. Goal is to spread good music to the people, and entertain in the process. Im a music lover and videographer. Much love.

Hi @scraped thanks for entering.
Looks like your a music lover too :D
Have followed you and it will be good to check out some of your content. I'm all for sharing good music. You might like some of the series I'm doing atm about music.

Valid Entry ✔️

Much thanks! Look forward to your future content as well. Originally found you from your music series! Cheers

How awesome off you to do this.
The greatest compliment someone can give me has nothing to do with looks or anything like that. It is when someone responds to something I've said with, "You know, I've never thought of that like that.". Ok the flip side, some of my most treasured experiences have been the times someone challenged my beliefs with something i could not answer at the time. It caused me to dig in and be sure of what i believe and why. In recent years Facebook has been a good place for those things. We all know what is going on there, so I'm hoping to build up a good replacement avenue here.

Hi @thiefoncross thanks for entering.
It is good then someone responds with "You know, I've never thought of that like that." As you have opened their eyes up to a new perspective on something.
Looking forward to reading some of your posts :)

Valid Entry ✔️

How do you do. I am very glad to get a chance reading this post. This is big rock opportunity for me in this deep ocean of steemit. I am sure that I am gonna be chosen due to I am in 25, by the note that I will follow the rules of competition. My region proverb says Aneuk miet be jeumot that means the kid must be diligent. Thank you @villan for this chance.

Hi @greensioux thanks for entering.
Looking forward to checking out some of your content.
It can be tough when you first join so keep at it, I'm sure you will do well in the end.

Valid Entry ✔️


Hey @thevillan

Great idea and thanks for doing this for us minnows.

Why should you pick me? I have been on Steemit about two weeks so I'm very new and my blogging skills are raw. A guiding light to improvement would be great.

I always write original content usually about my travel experiences, sport or crypto. I'm working damn hard to increase my following and build up my Rep and that will continue regardless.

I'm a friendly guy that is interested in engaging with other users and I would represent your competition well.

I hope that sounds good! :)

Cheers, Gaz.

Hey @cheese4ead thanks for entering.
No worries I'm happy to do my bit to help the community :)

I'm looking forward to checking out some of your posts, I really enjoy reading posts about traveling.
It is tough starting out, and can suck when you write a great post which gets a cent or two, so I'm hoping to change that as best I can.
You have earned me as a follower :)

Valid Entry ✔️

Top man! I shall endeavor to please. :)

I want to be chosen because I want to gain a support, especially on my artworks. I have started to make some art last few days, you can check them out if you want :)

This will be a great help for me! Thank you !

Thanks for entering @izaid
Hopefully you will have better luck this time around.
Looking forward to checking out some of your art work :)

Valid Entry ✔️

cool man thanks for the invitation, I will gladly take you up on the chance to get this Steemit experience up a notch if you choose me my good man. I'm a post everyday Steemian, join good groups member who never tries to troll but always wants to entertain and can use all the help I can get. I would love to be where you are at and sponsor my own minnow one day soon. PS, you'll like my posts better too lol

Nice I saw you follow me, best of luck :)

Valid Entry ✔️

I'm always down to help people get off the ground and make them feel welcome, feels like that's where I'm at and it's nice to be that guy. Please keep in touch in case it comes up bud!

Hi @gregorypatrick you came runner up in my adopt a minnow comp, here is the comp draw

I will up vote 1 post each day at 50%, and any others I see in my feed.
Looking forward to seeing some more of your blogs :)

Thanks again man. Got to warn you i posted an anti-cop video this morning not thinking about who was looking, wouldn't hurt my feelings if you wanted to wait until I put out something a bit less aggressive. I apriciate all the help, makes me want pay it forward for sure.

It's all good, everyone has their own opinions and as long as it falls in the steemit guidelines I'm sure other people wont mind.
The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same :)

Hey @gregorypatrick no worries.

Don't forget to follow me to be a valid competition entry, your almost there :)

I'm looking forward to checking out some of your posts.

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