It's okay to love Steemit, but stop pretending that the platform is healthy.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Jerry Banfield, the face of Steemit, just published an article boasting about how many accounts have been created here so far on Steemit.

Now, there is nothing wrong with loving Steemit. I love Steemit, but I'm not kidding myself, by going around telling everyone how great the platform is, and how well it's doing as far as user growth is concerned.

He says in his article that there's 400,000 accounts here on Steemit, and the question that I simply asked him in the comments was: How many of those accounts are actually active.

Now, from what I know, Steemit has been around since May or June of 2016, and has 400,000 accounts, of which, according to the last statisitcs article I read, only around 50,000 of those accounts were actually active users.

Now, to put that into perspective, Facebook had over a million active users in its first year, but, to be fair, Steemit is more like Reddit, and from what I hear, Reddit had to grow itself in some shady ass ways as well.

According to the lore on Wikipedia, the creators of Reddit had tons and tons of accounts, and would participate on the website through these accounts, in order to spur up some conversations.

Now, Steemit is different, because Steemit is a pay-to-win platform, so all one would have to do is buy Steem, and all of their content will show up at the top of every topic.

With that being said, it is a huge put off for many new wanderers, who just happen to stumble upon Steemit one day. There is almost no possible way to make it to the front page of Steemit without paying for Steem, which let's face it... is going to put a lot of people off.

Oh, and truth be told, I am getting a bit sick and tired of seeing the same regurgitated content at the very top of each category day in and day out, and I'm sure that you all are as well.

I love Steemit, but unless you got whale googles on, I don't really see the platform making it too far.

I mean let's keep the realism train rolling for a second, and break-down the Steem token a bit. It can only be used here on Steemit, and a few other Steem oriented platforms, which let's face it... are absolutely terrible.

DTube is horrendous, and is littered with copyrighted content.

I don't know people, I'd like to think this platform could go somewhere, but the more I am on it... the less I believe.

Anyway, since I'm not a whale, this post probably won't be seen by anyone, so I don't really know what the point was, but for all of you who still have faith in Steemit... I wish you much luck!


I fully agree with your post. The exact number of active users (and other interesting values) can be found in my daily stats here.

no way to tell if they are independent advice users.

tx loads are doing well though - I've seen it north of 900k tx/day

Well, there are some things you said that I totally agree about. I'm loving Steemit a lot, but I get what you're trying to say. I will try to enjoy Steemit as much as I can before anything happens, and I really hope it can go far. But for that to happen some changes need to be made. Great post, I'll resteem because i really like what you wrote!

Hey thanks,and I've been really trying lately not to be so negative in general, but Jerry has his own agenda, seeing as though he invested his entire life-savings into Steem, so I don't want anyone else getting hurt is all.

I do not think they can get hurt, maybe dissapointed with time lost but if you do not invest in steemit and just take the revenue of the posts as they come (with or without bot boost) then all you can do is lose time.
I have earned 250ish on this platform in 2 months and do not consider that to bad... as stated, the only thing I have potentially lost so far is time

Well you didn't really lose time either if you felt it was time with purpose, but you're still never going to make hundreds a day like these whales are currently doing.

There's a guy on here, I shit you not, he posts the same 5 to 10 articles everyday, and makes a killing... that shit is going to kill Steemit.

This post was seen and upvoted by a minnow. For what that's worth. B_bigsmile.gif

Great article. You bring up valid points. I was under the belief that the platform is in Beta and they would fix presented issues that make sense like getting newer users on the front page, before finalizing. But I later learned they are updating periodically. I see and agree about seeing the same content over and over. It appears if there is not a dramatic liftoff in daily unique users with compelling content soon, it will stay in Beta. Is there a suggestions box around here? It would be nice to see something like that and read peoples submissions to vote on. If it is around I haven't seen it.

The whales make all the decisions on what happens to the platform, which is yet another reason why Steemit may not last the test of time.

I have done well on Steemit and will continue to use it, but its hard for me to understand how people can fall for someone who is so clearly full of it. I wont put anymore support into the platform with a sociopath being the face of steemit. This article will probably get crushed, but I commend you for speaking out!

Yep, and my posts have been attacked on here before, which is yet another reason why it will most likely not succeed.

I hear ya on the whole Jerry thing, and the sad part, is that he doesn't even hide his bias.

Dude has gone all in on Steemit, and actually uses peoples up-votes to line his pockets, and to also create advertisements that actually just benefit his accounts, and not Steemit, because he targets them to shit spammy countries.

I noticed that as well and asked him about his income level targeting on his ads along with demographic targeting info a while back. I have yet to hear anything and I am not holding my breath

He targets all the shit countries, and we wonder why Steemit is filled with beggars in the comments. It consts pennies to target those folks, and then he pats himself on the back, for bringing spam over to Steemit in droves... just sad.

Less than a penny in some cases, I am an avid user of Facebook ads and google adwords so its nice to see that I am not the only one to notice this. I do not like to call them shit countries though. I would prefer to say he targets users that will make him look good and benefit him the most with no regard towards benefiting steemit.

Ah yes, and my apologies, but you are exactly right.

Although, no one has really called him out on it, well not anyone at the top that is.

Check out the likes and dislikes on his latest videos
and you will see tons of people calling him out in the comments.

This guy did a very nice video asking Jerry to tone things back a bit

All the negative feedback shows that people are getting tired of the BS and although it may be muted here it will be amplified outside of steemit. Jerry has the potential to do amazing things for steemit if he takes the advice from those who are asking him to rethink what he is doing.

He definitely has to lose that stupid fucking hat!

I'm seriously thinking about forking the source code and start my own platform.
The idea was great, but the current situation isn't any good. And honestly I think we have already gone to far to make the platform honest.

As long as the problems aren't fixed, the userbase will kill the platform. Sadly.
What surprises me the most is that the Company beside steemit doesn't even make an effort to fix the platform.

You think they would, because they kept a whole lot of Steem for themselves, and the better the platform does, the more their Steem is worth.

Has anyone checked their accounts, are they powering down?

If so, maybe they just don't care anymore.

If you do make your own platform, that'd be great if it allowed votes to be counted equally regardless of the amount of currency a post is worth (I'm not sure if that's possible or how it would work). That would allow certain posts to still earn a considerable amount, while giving many other great posts a chance to be really seen, and could stop the whole pay-to-play thing.

I've always thought that one of Steemit's biggest problems was the fact that you can basically buy influence; that also seems to go against the spirit of what decentralization is about too. I still believe that a system where everyone has an equal vote is the way to go.

it's okay to have some kind of pessimistic point of view on things sometimes and it's okay to be aware of troubles and point them out but I think there are no problems other than some bots or fake accounts created and yes ofcourse those who where thinking to get rich overnight but didn't aren't probably active anymore but I see it like this: I was user 211.000 something in june and now there are 400.000 accounts.. that almost a 100% raise.. don't forget there are lots of cheap and poor country's where the currency is so low valued that 1 article on steem actually could pay a lot in those country's and what I see on discord and on the posting wall is that these people gather in groups a lot and be very active. also the amount of new developed apps for on the platform has increased a lot which is healthy if you ask me.

Hell yea!! I am flying to Tansania on the 10th of Oct. I am staying there for half a year. I will start promoting it there! Going to be kind of difficult, but in the region I am going to be it is like 3$ for 8h work! Me, I would rather spend 8h on Steemit to earn 3$ ^^. The problem is do they trust in that, do they have time and a few bucks to get an ID and an international Bank account? And even if, they would need full guidance! Maybe I should write a post about how to get to all this stuff so I don´t need to explain it all too often.
Very good viewing angle!

Because of your smart move to comment on Jerry´s article and linking to your article in it, I found, read, upvoted and resteemed your article.
So in that way you succeeded already. 😉
I share your dose of healthy crticism regarding the reality of steemit. But it is the in yer face cheerleaders like Jerry who will bring growth to steemit. And it is critics like you who try to improve the quality of steemit, which is the much more difficult task.
To a successful division of labor!

Amen to that, and I usually don't post bomb in the comment section, but I felt his article needed another side to it.

Hey there @tolkalore, this is a thought provoking post, I don't resteem very often, but I feel like more people need to know how genuine users are feeling about the system. I'm a nobody, part of no "whale circle jerk" but I have hit trending a handful of times since joining the platform.

I agree that some of the faces on Steemit are giving a somewhat falsified view of how easy it is to be successful on Steemit. I do however, consider myself a F2P (free to play) participant on Steemit, as with anything I believe that I could grow as a minnow by simply putting in the work.

There are many good contributors that talk about the work and hustle needed, so not all of it is false advertising. You brought a great point to light, if Steemit is expected to go mainstream (which we all hope it does) the average person using this site is going to get frustrated and give up easily.

I want to know what is being done to counteract this, everyday it seems there are people upset that they don't make more than a couple of cents.

I went through my followers the other day only to find mountains of post with zero votes, sitting between zero to three cents. It like the blind leading the blind here, as even I am still learning.


Ya see, it would be one thing if people were getting upset that they weren't making anything if all was equal, but the people who pour thousands of dollars into Steem, are always going to prosper over the minnow who puts in the hardest work possible.

The system was designed to be funded, and that's what whales do... but don't expect anyone to be around at the bottom for long, which is what you are already seeing via the account attrition rate.

One, because the whales up-vote themselves, and automatically make it to the top. Two, all the major up-vote bots follow them, and them alone, because that's where they get all their money from. And three, all the other whales, follow the other whales, and the cycle continues.

What I'm saying is, that you could get somewhere without money if you're lucky and persistent, but it will never outshine or outperform those who pay to win... no matter what you do.

The system was designed as a pay-to-win platform, but with that being the case... no one should expect anyone to be left at the bottom for long, which we're already seeing via a super high active user account attrition rate.

The sites churn rate putting bringing more people up, the more users being added. I understand the concept, many video games are pay to win. To have a character with all the best items, you need to be buying them in cash shop, however it is still possible to reach it by being F2P. I agree the amount of time/work would be insane in this regard. The system in that sense works perfectly, to go up- buy Steem!

There are many posts that speak about networking, and I would imagine this to be to get regular upvotes. That is good to say that as long as we are using the site as intended everyday, our own accounts will climb in value.

I understand what you're saying, but pay-to-accessorize and pay-to-win are two totally separate things, and in the pay-to-win model, no matter how hard you work, you will never ever get ahead of those who do pay.

Nah fam I do understand. Pay to accessorize like League of Legends, Pay to win is Maplestory and literally any mobile game like Unision League, PAD (puzzles and dragons) other stuff. What I'm trying to say here, is that you can spend money on the games and still suck overall. It really depends on what you do with it. Pay to win definitely have advantages, but just the fact alone that you can pay and still not win, or that you can be F2P and still succeed, just means that you have to focus more towards what you are trying to accomplish.

You're not wrong, but my opinion differs, I feel like grinding can be just as rewarding.

I hear ya, but that's an awful lot of grinding.

Think the way that Grand Theft Auto 5 is now. Sure you could get all the new cool stuff without paying... but it's going to take you a very very very long time to do it.

It sure is! But that's what I feel makes all the effort all the more worth it. Everyday I try to see what I can learn and improve on, and I feel ya that sometimes it feels that only the rich make it to the top. But I like getting frustrated and being like "omg what am I doing wrong?" cause when I figure it out I feel a sense of accomplishment, like I really learned something.

Steemit is going to take me a long time to climb working at it everyday, but I won't know if I can do it if I don't try!

I just want to add that every steem I have was earned by blogging here. I've spent maybe 400$ of my own money. It is a pay to win platform, it is also if you look at my example play to win, or grind to win. One year and three months here for me = 15000 steem. There is no better saying here than Steem on, steem the fuck on. Persistence pays off.

My Momma always used to tell me, " Life is what you make it."

After many years of holding that belief, I really think she was on to something.

Steemit is what you make it too!

But you can't just expect someone to improve your life for you. If you want to make some crypto here in Steemit, take the reigns, and view this platform as an opportunity to shift paradigms.

If utilized with integrity, this blogging platform can empower thousands of writers, artists, activists, and students.


On Monday I'll be elaborating on this. And on the 10th, I'll be releasing my book about riding my bicycle from Denver, Colorado to Standing Rock, North Dakota, to protest an oil pipeline.

My goal is to pull the huge Facebook audience from Standing Rock Facebook Groups, into Steemit, to empower Water Protectors, and bring them into this movement.

Want some, get some.

And stop waisting your precious time criticizing others.

Figure out what systems aren't working (wether technological and ideological) and upgrade them.

It's time we stop throwing stones at a beaten down shed, and start building up an enduring barn.

Ya know what I mean?
I speak it in Love.

I love it, criticize someone for criticizing! lol
Constructive criticism is key

I know the irony is real~ I'm not sure what to do with it all. :)

I'm really not trying to be a hypocrite, I guess I'm just trying to highlight the principle of criticizing the idea, not the person.

I guess I'm just solution oriented, and used to articles that identify a problem, and then bring a solution. But I guess that's hard when there's no clear solution.

...or is there?

Its important to deal with thing internally before it gets amplified ten fold on external social media sites. When you see behavior that is detrimental to others I think its important to say something.

The problem is, is that Steemit leads aren't really making a difference. They are posting shit content, and then up-voting themselves, along with their army of up-vote bots... that isn't helping anyone in the end... especially not Steemit.

You are a good example of this. You have written a good quality articles and after 19 votes, you would be lucky to earn $5.

While some whale could basically posts a meaningless comment, and earn way more by upvoting himself.

This needs to be fixed. Getting a bigger piece of the pie after you have put a lot of work in it is still fair.

But this shouldn't mean that a whale is set for life, and never has to post anything of value ever again. While still earning hundreds of dollars.

Ahh, the Achilles' heel of Steemit.

Sadly, the start of a platform shapes its future, and with so many whales already out there, in there special whale groups, it's going to be a tough road trying to get some balance into the system as a whole.

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