How it feels to be new to CryptosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I took the plunge a month ago into the murky waters of crypto investment. Some of you have been surfing these waves for years but to the rest of us muggles, cryptocurrency is so new it even has a squiggly red line running underneath it telling me I spelled the word concurrency wrong. I wish to share this disorienting yet exciting experience so far in my usual 'snarky at the expense of insight' sort of way.

My first exposure to cryptocurrency

As my new 53 year old foster child would attest, I've never been an early adopter of anything. Up until last year I was still using a dumb phone, and as a result, have developed a bad habit of actually watching where I'm going when walking down the street. Because of this I saw a sign at a local coffee shop reading 'Bitcoins accepted here'. Admittedly I had heard of Bitcoins before, but dismissed it as something akin to a Nigerian prince asking for my credit card details. But now this piqued my interest as I had left my wallet at home and was therefore wondering if they also accepted Clash of Clans gems as payment. They didn't.

Looking into Bitcoins, I discovered that there were many more of these 'crytocurrencies' in existence. Indeed a whole new world of 'altcoins' or 'shitcoins' was opened to me. Mind you, I don't think many of these altcoins self identify as 'shitcoins'; their claims are generally somewhat less modest: 'The Worldwide Supercomputer' one of them would boast, 'Decentralized Multi-Dimensional Time Traveling Machine' another would claim. Very few run with something like 'A blockchain calculator lacking trigonometric functions'. I found them fascinating and researched them extensively; by which I mean watching a 1 minute animated introductory video made by the coin devs themselves. These are quite similar to the pain relief medication ads on TV: you know, the ones trying to convince you through an animation that their branded meds are able to rapidly target painful areas and thus, clearly superior to the cheap generic alternatives which, presumably, only target non painful areas, leaving your painful areas in pain. I found many of these altcoins very interesting. As for Bitcoins itself, perhaps the first mover disadvantage of having antiquated technology may somewhat offset its first mover advantage of being the first mover. Either way it's difficult to say it's infallible.

Crypto Slang

Like with any new endeavor one must quickly learn the parlance of the community. Through the hustle and bustle of chat channels and forum posts I was able to figure out that when a crypto is mooning it's not about to get arrested for indecent exposure; that a pump and dump has nothing to do with masturbating on the toilet. In this strange world where the Wolf of Wall Street meets Comic-Con, I still don't know what the fud some of these terms mean. For some reason being disruptive is a good thing in technology but not so much when you're blowing snot bubbles in your book club meeting. And scalability is highly desirable if you're a blockchain engineer but not so much if you're designing Trump's wall.


It seems like only yesterday when I was yelling for mom to get off the phone so I could use the internet. The world is moving along at an astonishingly fast pace and we're all scrambling to be part of something meaningful before it zooms by, leaving us in the dust. Cryptocurrency is definitely brimming with opportunities; but for both success and failure; never before have the stakes been higher. So while the fomo has definitely kicked in, there's no denying that I also fear the fear of missing out. This is wise according to Dumbledore, but it does make me a fomophobe. Nevertheless, here I am on board with you guys, hoping to not get left behind when tomorrow comes around and my local coffee shop has a sign up reading 'fiat coins accepted here'.

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Every day since I enter steemit I discover something new about crypto currency. As you said, the world changes and there is no other option than to adapt quickly, because if you do not, you lose many opportunities. Darwin was right. The species that adapt are the ones that survive.

The truth is that I am a total amateur and little by little I am learning. But the most important thing is that I like this new world. If I did not like it, I'd be in trouble.

I hope many more people start to know about these possibilities. The more we are, the easier it will be to learn and know about this topic.

P.D: I also play Clash of Clans! Which is your user? Are you in any clan?

Cheers my friend!


Yup I agree
haha you caught me out on a white lie, I play some pretty obscure Chinese games but I don't play Clash, I just used it as a reference thinking more people would get it :p

How have I never seen this before! hahaha

Best video ever made on the interwebz! lol

I loved it xDDDD

hahaha NOOOO

im gonna send this guy a bunch of siacoin

He is on steemit @fyrstikken ;)

if u wanna make money like craig grant, just click this link and start buying bitconnect, get your own referal link like mine and spread it around

I used to pump and dump coins, I still do, but I used to too. Who knew I would use classic Mitch Hedberg joke on steemit one day :)

haha I recognize that joke!
RIP mitch

Nice read. I am in crypto since april 2013 and have lost a lot of money because I was a newbie and not focused at all. For example I changed nearly 9 btc into 333 ltc. Everybody knows do not buy in a falling knife and at the end my 9 btc had been worth 1,5 btc in ltc. Then I got scammed with a mining contract from black arrow mining and after that I mined white coin where the devs left the coin. After that whole mess I have made a break for nearly 1,5 years but now I am doing well with my investments.
Much success to you and all readers with the crypto investments you have made and will make :-)
Resteemed :-)

I feel sorry for your 9btc. I just started and with .1btc now it's worth 0.5btc, I need wise investments to arrive the hall of fame.

Congrats- well done and do not feel sorry.
To my that was only an expensive experience where I learnt much about fomo .

Small coins are very good than litecoin! I bought litecoin and my balance was keeping annoying me. No moving up or down.

Hahaha. Heard that from many friends a long time which are now happy that ltc has nearly trippled. But you are right when you look for fast and huge movements it is better to buy small coins and trade them.

Because I must help myself by creating quick profit. I'm not looking for a long-term investment. I need to live today before future come.

Sometimes you have to take a chance, sorry for your losses. I have lost some BTC to scam HYIP sites as well, playing it safe now.

Aww, damn you had it hard, but I'm glad to hear you're doing well these days =)

Thank you very much @trafalgar :-)

Lol I like the pump and dump analogy! I think we all have similar journeys when we first find out about a new technology and the pace of change only gets faster!

I remember when I first started finding out about mining in 2013 it was tricky getting to grips with all the new language and terminology. The technical computing bit was the easy part I think!

haha these days you sure know your stuff though!

Sometimes lol! There is still so much I don't understand - I really need to learn more about programming so I can tackle those areas of ignorance more directly.

Soul_Eater_43 The Cryptofiend tweeted @ 19 Apr 2017 - 12:05 UTC

How it feels to be new to Crypto — @Steemit… /

#newusers #novelty #blockchain

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wolf of Wallstreet meets Comic Con... Margot Robbie is involved in both of those.

Sign me up!

Its true, too bad suicide squad sucked :(

Oh yeah every second she was not on screen was absolutely unwatchable. By the way, if you can name one thing Killer Croc did in that movie I will give you 5 steem.

honestly couldn't think of a single instance, and I even remember that grappling hook guy getting himself blow up trying to escape

I too jumped in recently - the end of Feb 2017. I’m a data geek and began charting daily activity. I was very excited to learn of an ETF possibly being approved by the SEC. When the approval failed I decided to form my own pool of coins to spread the risk. I was glad I did. I’m up about a 1000%. Initially testing the systems, I saw my original $200 turn into $600. I transferred funds into Coinbase initially and then back out to make sure I could exit. Next, I moved BTC and ETH to Poloniex to trade other coins. I became interested and learned all I could. As of late I have noticed that a rise in BTC price is almost always followed by the other coins and as that happens I’ve seen the BTC drop in price. I am assuming this happens as people need BTC often to trade to the other ALT coins. Some of the trades I made a month ago required me to move into USDT then into the coin I wanted, but in the last few weeks I have seen a rise in the number of coins I can trade directly from BTC.
I find the 24/7 nature of the market place super exciting – to watch your account go up or down 5 -10% in any given day is a thrill ride not for everyone. I personally limit my investments to anywhere from $50 - $200. Yes, it is sooooooo tempting to bet more, but this way I can sleep and not have to worry if it all evaporates, gets hacked, or the latest fork goes into effect.
It has taken me a while to think in terms of BTC as the value these coins are measured against. It’s sort of like the US Dollar being the standard other currencies are measured against (or at least for time being…)
Overall, most coins are rising at an unbelievable rate. I think this is just the beginning - a tipping point has been reached. Even more exciting is the blockchain technology and the many new uses being found every day for it.

wow thats really exciting news
i'm up maybe 20% all up lol, but I'm happy with that
glad it's working out so well for you

I also wanted to comment that you have a great writing style that made your piece a pleasurable read. Thank you.

I plunged into cryptocurrency like you.
Let's go together to the future.

What a great article... I can relate to you so vividly and, yet, I have been soaked into this bath for over 10 years now!? As you say so well, the pace is astonishingly fast and stops for no one! I look forward to reading more of your lively articles. Keep on smiling, Steeming and thriving! Namaste :)

Hi @trafalgar, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

haha thanks for the mention, I checked it out and upvoted

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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61833.67
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.57