Following to Follower Ratio - What Works Best?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

So when I first started Steemit back on May 8th, 2017, one of my goals was to follow as many people as I could right away, in the hope that people would start following me back. To my delight, this has for the most part worked out to benefit me greatly. I have had this sort of sweet spot wherein I get about half the amount of followers that I follow.

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Now, some people really do not like having their feed bombarded with things they don't want to see. I figured the benefits of having more followers might outweigh this small disadvantage. What I've done to combat this is started a MS Word document with the names of about 20 Steemians of whom I really enjoy their content. If I didn't do this, I would probably forget to check out these people's pages for new posts, and it might cause them not to upvote my content.

So, in my experience, if you don't care about your feed page having all sorts of posts that you might not care about, and you'd rather have more followers, then go nuts.

I also know people who have like 10 people that they follow and those are the 10 people they only ever want to see posts from. I sort of get this, but I think those people are hindering themselves from gaining new followers (and upvotes). (New) Steemians more often than not just want to be noticed, and if you only follow 10 people, they might feel like there's no chance of you noticing them or their content.

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What do you guys think? Do you have a good balance between people you follow and followers? Do you go nuts and just follow anyone? Is your feed sacred to you? Let me know, I'm interested to hear different peoples' takes on this.



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If I find an interesting post from a steemian I am not already following I start to follow. This let to a little bit more followers than people I am following...
Most importantly are definitely the interactive followers ;)

I follow some people just for that one article they might post that I can really connect to that I might otherwise miss. We all have our goto topics but there might be another future topic that will really add something :)

I have been thinking about this lately. I am new here and I don't know yet who to follow but surely I will only follow people whose posts are valuable. I don't why I am here but maybe because of the technology that steemit is using. I have many ideas to share here in the future. Right now I am busy working and building my own website. Therefore, I decided to follow people whose interest is similar to mine.

In my first 2 weeks I did exactly that, just follow people...but now that I see posts in an Asian language that I can't read, I started to unfollow some. Now I look at someones blog first, to see if I'd appreciate their posts.
It's like my home, I don't invite everyone in there either, only those I do like.

Good explanation. I did the same, I can't read Korean lol

We have 2 choice by my opinion. First one is to follow only blogs in themes which we are interested in, in return we get only followers who like our content. This is slow way but you will get quality followers, I guess... Second choice is to follow everyone who want to follow you and return follow so speed up process, but you can get less quality followers... Most likely the truth is somewhere between.

Very nice thank you for your comment. I agree with you.

I have a 400+ to 100 ratio which I think is good on my end . I follow the people I'm interested in reading posts from

I would agree, you have a good ratio :)

I'm brand new to this and I'd like to say this is a really good point you have made. I have been trying to follow people from the silver community because this is my main interest. I think the whole point of steemit is community you want people who have an interest in your subject choice and can interact in your blog. I'd go for quality over quantity any day.

I actually look at a lot of your posts. Just hope I'm on your MS Word document LOL.

Thank you for that. You are NOW!

Reading your posts I believe were on if not the same page very similar pages.

I have these same issues on Instagram, I understand the reason of following less people in regards to the algorithm trying to sort out who's important and who's not. But honestly I like to follow like minded people and I always think it's a little unfair that if you want to grow you sometimes have to unfollow.

It's kind of a fine line, isn't it?

Tricky one isn't it. Followers are okkk, but what you really want are 'interactive persons' - The ones who comment, upvote, and resteem your content...

So quality followers. Right. I guess I'd be better to have 100 quality followers than 1000 shit followers lol

Yeah something like that :) If you are following 2000 people i suspect you are not being a quality follower to 1950 of those?!

Not unless you drink lots of coffee and never leave the house LOL good point

Haha yeah, vote at 20% and cover 50 people, or 1% and add a cent to 400? Life is tough in steemland!

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