10 Things You Should Never Do On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

If you are new or have been here a while, there are just somethings you don't want to do on Steemit. Especially if you want to grow your account and make some money. Here are the 10 things you should nevver do on Steemit.


1. Posting A Picture From Your Phone

If your post is nothing more than a picture from your phone of something blurry and unimportant, then you will not get the rewards you want. Add some content and context to your picture. Tell the story, and then you may have something.

2. Comment Within 60 Seconds

When you comment "nice post" within 60 seconds, I know you didn't read it. You are just wasting your time if you do this. Just read it and add a valuable reply.

3. Comment Without Voting

Don't comment "amazing write up" and then not vote... that's just some B.S. right there.

4. Bash Someone's Ideas Or Opinions

I hate when I see someone come in and bash some minnow because they don't know how to do something. It happens in crypto too, people mock the new to crypto people asking question. Just don't do it. We were all new at one point. 

5. Steemit Sucks

Don't bash Steemit. If you have ideas or suggestions, make them known. Just don't go around complaining about Steemit because you are still making nine cents a post after two months. Write about something more interesting.

6. Up Vote All Your Comments

Don't go around commenting on people and then upvote your comments. It's cool to upvote your blog, but not all your comments. There is an occasion where you want to move yours up on the list, but it should be rare. Up voting your own comments makes me not want to up vote your comment.

7. Flag People Because You Disagree

If you disagree with someone, don't flag them. Only flag people when it is completely necessary and important to the Steemit platform. If you flag people because you disagree, you might have bigger issues.

8. Whale Bitching

One of the worst things you can do is go around complaining that whales never notice your blogs. Instead of complaining, go out and meet some whales and get their attention by providing great replies to their stuff.

9. Don't Expect Immediate Results

One of the worst things you can do is set unrealistic expectations for yourself using Steemit. Don't think you are going to start blogging and make hundreds each week. It takes time and patience and great content. Be realistic, don't expect immediate results.

10. Power Down

Don't even think about powering down if you want to be successful here. If you want the potential to build some long-term wealth, then power-up. You should do all you can, especially when starting out, to build and keep your Steem Power.

I hope I didn't miss any. If I did let me know in the comments below.

Do you agree? Disagree? Which ones do you like the most? Leave me a reply.

Thanks for reading.

  1. Comment without voting
    This one is the growing disease and I have Google it, there are few videos on YouTube where people encourage others to place lot of comments on people post to earn rewards.

I am new to this platform, but I wholeheartedly agree with point #1. You know what makes matters worse? I've seen people uploading nothing more than an image with no context of say a sunset and the title, "I love sunsets" and they still manage to make a dollar or two in upvotes because a heavy hitter swung them an upvote.

It's somewhat demotivating when I see people putting in no effort in regards to quality of their content and they still get rewarded.

I am still working out how to best leverage the Steemit platform and admittedly, I have a lot to learn. But, it's a great platform and I agree that some people need to start taking it more seriously.

Well you have the right attitude. Just keep learning and plugging away. Don't worry about the people that just post a picture, they don't last. Be here for the long run and you'll see. Good luck. Thank for reading and the great reply. You got a new follower for your Steemit journey. If you keep posting replies like this, you'll be just fine.

Thanks mate, greatly appreciated. I think thoughtful and meaningful comments are a great way to counteract the imbalance of content quality and vote disparity on here, as well as growing your audience.

One thing I have learned pretty quickly is there is no get rich quick schemes here, you've got to put the hard work and grind. Having said that, in the short time I have been here I have made more than I would in the same time frame with Google Ads on my personal blog which gets close to 100k hits per month.

And likewise, I have followed you as well. It can be hard to find quality content on here that has had some real effort put into it. Looking forward to seeing what else you put out.

Commenting and engagement is essential, and in the end what will keep you here motivated. Growing takes time but focus on interacting with others, and their content you find interesting, so that you are easier to discover. Keep writing, and most importantly enjoy your time here!

I love people that are powering down... they make more room for people like us, who really believe in the future!

thanks for sharing the information very brief conscience and straight to the point. am a newbie to steemit and having been doing things the wrong way but since stumbling on this post i guess i will start doing things the right way .
i think you also forget going to tell people in the comment session to follow and upvote for a follow back .
i would have love to give a million upvote but dont have that yet so will just resteem
thanks for this wonderful piece

Welcome to Steemit. You are right, I should have added begging for upvotes. Resteeming is cool to do. I really hope you do well here on Steemit and you seem to have the right attitude. Thanks for reading and replying. You got a new follower for your Steemit journey.

Hey walkingkeys,
thanks for your tips as I am fairly new here and am always willing to learn. I liked all your tips but I have a question about
#6. Never Up Vote All Your Comments
I've heard from several others that we should Upvote all our comments. Scratching my head. lol Any further explanation would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. I won't Upvote this comment until further notice
Danny Zale @factcheck

Good question. If your main goal is to make money as fast as you can, then upvoting your comments is a way to do it. The problem is, it sends a message to the bigger fish that you're in it for the money. The people who have high reputations and a lot of SP have spent a lot of time building up and contributing to this platform. they want to support people who are here for the right reasons. Upvoting your comments just puts a bad vibe out there. This is just my opinion, and you can do whatever you want. I try to reserve most of my voting power for the people who read and comment on my posts. I find I make better connections with people that way.

Great answer walkingkeys, and it makes a lot of sense. What would you advise % wise of Upvoting ones own comments?

I comment without voting all the time because my vote power is low and I want to give the post my full 23 cents. I go thru my comments later. Also may comment early but vote after 30 minutes to maximize curation

I always try to vote something, even comments because I appreciate people taking the time to reply. Even if it is one cent. It lets them know I appreciate their work. Votes, no matter how small help blogs get seen more. They are important. All the whales vote after 30 minutes so it is wise to get in before they boost a post with a vote. I see what you are saying and if it works for you then do it!!! Thanks for reading and the reply.

Great tips.
Some of the things are really irresistible, like complaining about Whales not noticing your posts or expecting immediate results. But worth taking care of.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Well, I have to agree on most, except for #3.

I mean, first of all, commenting "nice post" or "amazing post" is pretty useless, even if you read the whole post thoroughly. Secondly, commenting is more than just for 'voting'. Sure, if you are saying how much you love a post, then maybe you should pair it up with an 'upvote' - however, comments can be more valuable than that (in case of encouragement/constructive criticism).

Furthermore, I am 'guilty' of not upvoting posts I comment on. Why? Because I had no idea about 'voting power' and I read too many posts and upvoted too many posts/comments in my first few days. I had to rest and barely not upvote anything for 2 days, but I am back over 95%, so I upvoted you because I afford to. But if my voting power is close to 85%, I will be very careful.

Not that my voting power really matters at this point, but it should soon and I need to keep it above 80% (as others suggested to me).

So, on that note, I would add another "Do Not Do" on the list: Upvoting/Commenting spree. Especially for minnows. Apart from the Voting Power, at peak hours your bandwidth will be low and you might be unable to post because you wasted it on meaningless comments. Make each comment count!

I do agree that comments can be worthwhile and if you are out of voting power then a case can be made. I would say that if you read something and take the time to give a thoughtful reply, then it is worth a vote. The vote helps the author's work be seen more. Voting for the best content is the goal and if a post is good enough to warrant a thoughtful reply, it is good enough for a vote. That's just my opinion, but I definitely see what you are saying. Thanks for reading and the reply. You got a new follower.

Yeah. I just need to find the rate of votes I can afford to do, so once I reach that, I should stop reading many more posts and go do the stuff I should be doing instead of procrastinating hahaha.

Thank you for the reply and follow! Steemit is the nicest community ever, I just want to hug every steemian I see <3

Thanks for the insight here. I struggle with #3. Since I work really hard to read as many posts as possible and interact with as many people as possible, I don't have enough votes to give. I did just get the voting slider, so that helps quite a bit, but I still feel guilty giving 10% votes. I guess it's better than nothing.

What are your thoughts on this -- not getting into voting power trouble but showing love to good posts (if you're really active)?

I always vote something if I can. The vote helps the content get seen more. It shows the writer that you appreciate their work. The reply is to help the person get curation rewards or upvotes. The people who have been here notice that, and they notice who votes and who doesn't. The big fish you want to attract will appreciate votes and comments a lot more than just a comment. Just my opinion from my experience. I hope that helps.

Yeah, thanks. Trying to learn as much as I can and make sure I'm properly supporting and encouraging others while making good use of the avail. tools.

I must admit, I've broken a couple of these rules, sometimes I upvote my comments but its all in good faith. The photos I upload from my phone are usually clear though.

lol, I've broken them too, but it's good to not make them habits. If you post a picture from your phone, then make sure you add some context. That would be my suggestion. I appreciate you taking the time to rad and reply. you got a new follower.

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