Steembux is now officially open source!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Steembux is here!
It's up on github right now, what are you waiting for?

What is steembux?
We announced steembux last week

But to give you a quick recap...
It's the change purse from steemit's very own game, Havin isolated into it's own standalone app.

It's not meant to compete with other excellent steemit mobile interfaces like esteem

But it is the only wallet for steem that's ONLY a wallet!
No social media features, just a simple cut and dry crypto wallet.

The aim of steembux is to be the last crypto wallet you'll ever need. With blocktrades integration, the wallet allows you to safely keep money in steem dollars.
Then you can spend your steem dollars in whatever currency the merchant happens to prefer.

In our previous announcement we mentioned that steembux will be released into the Google Play and iTunes App stores where you will be able to purchase steem and steem dollars directly using the in app purchase API. We are now in the process of getting steembux compliant with app store terms to enable that.

This release is strictly the open source components of steembux.

What can you do with this?

Well for starters you can use it as the basis for your own mobile wallet or run a web wallet. It runs entirely clientside and needs no server infrastructure.

You can integrate it into your website with the new QR scanner we built, or just experiment with it and see how these things are put together.

Our open license allows you to build your very own version for personal or business use, and do anything you want with it.
All we ask is that you keep your changes opensource and if you happen to find any bugs, submit a PR so we can all benefit.

And to thank everyone who helped with testing, development or just giving it an early look, we've added you to the default contacts list which is in both the opensource version and will be in the live mobile version.

So head on over to the github repo and download your very own copy of steembux today!


Dear Steem Community,
Can we give this guy a price already or what? Back in the day I remember that if some programmer came along and made a mobile wallet for a coin that was big news and he got overwhelmed with thank you coins and got honorable mentions... well... he did get that, fair enough... and I might be speculating, but it seems that this release made the steem token spike up for a brief moment out of it'S downwards path... however... I feel this has been undervalued and represented. So all I am saying is a little shout out to the @officialfuzzy and co. :) Keep on rocking @willambanks

Lol, thanks Alec, not sure what you did there, but we went from $30 to $140 anyways. I'm content with that. Now, let's do what we can to push steem back to dollar parity... Master plans and all that.

Super Cool! Good to read this, thanks for sharing and namaste :)

Been seeing that word around "namaste", never heard it before here.
Evidently it's hindu and there literally isn't an American English equivalent , but it's a sentiment of thanks and well being and literally translates to "I bow to the divine in you". Which if you know me, this is about the highest compliment I could imagine receiving if given in sincerity. Just never knew it was an actual thing, but then again my own ignorance is probably the only boundless thing in this Universe.

So, the closest response I can think of is Japanese which I'm rather poor at ...
Domo Arigato Ericsama, for making me spend an hour or so researching it and namaste unto you as well!

WOW! What a great response and reply. It is such a pleasure, even more so now that I come to know that you weren't aware of the word and came to the the realization of its existence and meaning. Awesome! Have a great day keep your smile and taking good care, thrive on and namaste :)

nice! Now I would like to ask you... why we should use it??? I mean I only would like to understand your point of view about my simple question :)

It's just stripped down to the bare essentials. It's more or less intended to bring people into the steem ecosystem who have never heard of cryptocurrency before.
For everyone else, it's a learning tool or a basis for your own app.

Ok good answer :) Great job mate! I wish you can have success with it!!!

Hey @williambanks, this is a really great article. I've been thinking that something like this, that could help bring SBD to the real world/the local economy, this could revolutionize the economies of developing countries especially counties with unstable currencies and high inflation etc. There could be a real opportunity to build out the infrastructure and applications to facilitate SBD transactions so people in these places can have access to a liquid digital currency to pay for everyday things like cab fares, groceries, etc. Probably could replace the currencies in alot of places. I'm looking out for more great things from you, this is a really great project you are working on and it has alot of potential!

Thank you so much! That is exactly our goal with this and also the "havin" game.
We want to make commerce as easy, seamless and fun as we possibly can!

Very impressed by your efforts to keep steem, steemin' along. I will have to check this out soon. Respect!

Thanks! I am excited to see all these little projects come together into something grand!

Will this wallet allow people to collect money from others using Steem? For instance, I have had an idea where I would like to open an online store where the only currency I would accept is Steem. So, if someone were to want to purchase an item from my store using Steem Dollars, would this wallet allow for that?

Yes and by the way, you should check out we'll be doing a huge announce on that this evening and if you're interested in some free advertising, Havin is a great option for that and we'd love to have you onboard. I'm even willing to help you customize for your site.

When I tried to go to having store thru the link you just provided Chrome gives a warning:

Security Overview
This page is insecure (broken HTTPS).
Certificate Error
There are issues with the site's certificate chain (net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID).

Yeah sorry, take the s out of the link, it should be
We're hosting it on github pages and they don't offer a custom certificate option right now.
So the SSL cert is for chrome has gotten quite psychotic about that lately.
It's not necessary for that site right now anyways. No login and no personal information is collected it's just information about our goals with havin.

If you need a hand setting up a site with SSL I work for peanuts compared to most. :)

Thanks and yeah we've got the SSL thing handled. It's just I have a link with https instead of http there's no SSL on that particular site because it's basically a big business card.
We still need the KlyeArt for the game... If you're still down for that ;)

Actually come to think of it, if you can edit markdown, I really screwed up on the README and it could use a rewrite.

That's awesome! I have got the website design covered, but thanks for your offer to help. I have been making a full time income as an Internet Marketer since 2008. I mainly concentrate on digital self-improvement products such as eBooks and video courses. I also coach people who are looking for legitimate ways to use the Internet to pad their income (none of that "fly by night" or "get rich quick" crap, either).

I teach actionable methods such as how to set up blogs, create valuable, entertaining, and informative content, and profit from advertising revenue models such as Adsense, Taboola, Outbrain, etc. I also teach people how to build email lists and how to ethically use email marketing to build their businesses. In addition, I instruct people how to do ETHICAL product reviewing.

My store would be a place for me to sell my original digital products and the reason why I would like to make Steem the only currency accepted in my store is because I really believe in Steem and I think that the more options there are for people to spend their Steem dollars on quality products will in turn add legitimacy to the currency itself.

I would also be offering these products at a massive discount for people that would like to pay with Steem. In this way, I think it will help to stimulate the Steem economy and it will also help bring more contributors to SteemIt.

Now, I realize that this is only going to make a small impact, but if others pick up on my business model and decide to copy it (which I would encourage and maybe even create a free manual to help them get started), I think we could build our own little economy around SteemIt. I'm sure people are already doing this as we speak, but I think it's a great way to help the Steem dollar grow in popularity, rather than people simply writing some articles, making a little money, and then withdrawing and leaving SteemIt.

I will be reinvesting my SBD 100% and not making any withdrawals for the foreseeable future. While many people have started to panic over the recent drop in value, I see it as an opportunity to BUY and build your Steem portfolio.

If my predictions are correct, people that invest heavily in Steem right now should see quite a substantial ROI within the next 5-7 years. SteemIt is a fantastic, original idea, but it's only the beginning. I am quite sure that Steem is going to be HUGE!

I'm sure many people have heard about this BitCoin success story:

That just goes to show you how cryptocurrency can literally change people's lives!

Could YOU be the NEXT Steem millionaire?

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