Every introvert ever #relatable

Hi steemians.
As being an introvert I know how we all feel about social interactions. But it's also true that we are not arrogant or egoistic persons as the whole world think about us. That's why I wanted to share what we really feel and want while others think we are behaving inappropriately.


And I bet you've had a frustratingly hard time trying to figure out what goes on in that little mysterious head of theirs. Mostly because they won't just tell you. So here's the idea about what we really are.


1. We have some of our best conversations only when we are talking to people one-on-one.

It's in the comfort of being with someone who truly knows our weirdness that we can engage in any real conversation.


2. We introverts have MULTIPLE layers of comfort firewalls to push through before we can even start saying “hi” without freaking out.

So if we're being super-awkward around you, it's because our process of "getting comfortable" is still work in progress.


3. If you're lucky, you might catch us at one of our rare extrovert-y moments (on a drunken night)(when sun rises on west)

Just like after drinking extroverts can not mysteriously become introvert we also can't become like them.



4. The thought of initiating conversations with new humans terrifies us, which is why we might not always show up when you invite us to events.

But we'd still like you to invite us!

Sorry can't help myself from uploading more than necessary pics.


5. If we get strangely quiet when you introduce us to new people, it's not because we aren't friendly. We like making friends!

It's because we've now entered panic mode. Which means: whoops, our brain has just left the building. Help us..


6. We're so much better with words than on awkward phone calls.

Which is why you might find us not taking your calls, but then texting long paragraphs of deeply sentimental stuff right after. Also, being able to make the right emoji choice and endlessly re-read our text drafts REALLY helps!


7. We value our personal space.

So as much as we love hugs, we love retreating into our bubble afterwards more.


8. We need breaks from social interactions.

We had a great time hanging out the evening before, but the next day, we will not be making ANY plans because we will be happily recovering with a snuggly blanket and a good ol' TV binge.


9. We fear you’ll get bored of us someday.

In a world fuelled by endless chatter, we introverts fear that our extended silences will not be "fun enough" for our friendships.


10. It amazes us too, but we like hanging out with people more than you might think.

It's just that we will be leaving a party earlier than most people because we've exhausted our social interaction powers for the day.


11. We love surprises, but we aren't really fans of being surprised with people.

So please let us know if there are going to be more than two people involved - I swear, we'll totally act surprised.


12. If you become our special person, we will take that fact very VERY seriously.

We are the absolute best at listening, offering advice and just being there. So no matter our introversion and the many qualms that come with it, let us know when you need us and we won't let any of the above get in the way of us making you feel better.



Thank you for visiting.
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The world is ruled by extroverts , we have to pretend to survive in many fields

Selectively Social.. Very interesting concept!! 262% upvoted Thanks!!

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