💌 Steemit Comment Challenge #12 - $5SBD + 50% $Post Giveaway - Comment like a Champ, Grow your blog like a Champ!! 💌

in #steemitcommentchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Transform your Comment into Cash

Welcome to Steemit Comment Challenge #12!!!

Are you ready for a new Comment Challenge?
It will be hard to beat last week's record run, where we reach 35.5SBD! At payout, it was worth more than $200 USD. The winner, @japh, only found out a few days later that he had won. Luckily for him, the price of SBD had almost doubled and the total worth around $400USD.

Now, I’m afraid I cannot guarantee the same kind of prize money for this round, but if SBD stays around $10, it will still be something amazing. So for all of you that want to participate in this week's challenge. Get ready to deliver some magnificent comments! Polish your keyboard and sharpen your mind, I wanna see those comments rolling in. Please show me what you have got!

It is important to get followers, but you also want the correct type of followers. Followers that are truly interested in your blog and what you write, and not the “I-follow-you-if-you-follow-me” kind of type. And to attract the right type of followers, you need to write godlike comments.

This challenge is all about writing godlike comments.

  • In each challenge a post from a fellow minnow will be featured.
  • The challenge is to write an amazing comment related to that post.
  • I will resteem the post.
  • I will give it a 100% upvote.

This will be part of my campaign to help other Minnows. The #minnowsupportproject helped me and I want to help others.

Join the challenge and practice your skills.

Please join the fun! 💓 💓

That will be me reading your entries...

Challenge Instructions

Write a comment linked to the content in the section below "Post To Review"

Write a comment that will intrigue the reader. The comment should be interesting and create an urge in the reader to click through to your blog.

The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.

Please resteem to help promote this challenge!
Tell your friends to come and vote for your comment!


The prize money for Challenge #12 will be 5 SBD + 50% of the profit from this post.

One talented winner will receive the prize money!

Rules and conditions

  • The comment should be relevant to the content below in: "Post To Review".
  • The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.
  • Entries limited to one per person.
  • I will reply to your comment confirming it is a valid entry.
  • The challenge ends at the end of the 7th day of this post.
  • To vote for an entry, reply to the comment with the words "vote or voted"
  • Upvotes are allowed to make the entry more visible, but the upvotes themselves play no role in the challenge.
  • The Top5 entries with the most votes(i.e. replies with the words "vote or voted") will be potential winners.
  • The two judges will pick the winner from the Top5.
  • If the judges can not reach a consensus, they will each pick one candidate and flip a coin. @dorabot will be used for this in MSP's Discord server.
  • If the winner is not a Minnow, the prize will be split in 2 and the other half paid out to the best Minnow. After all, this is a competition to encourages Minnows, so hopefully that will be fair.
  • The definition for a Minnow from #minnowsupportproject will be used. A Minnow is someone with less than 5K SP. (I have removed the followers requirement as I don't see that as relevant.)

Post To Review

Here follows the post for you to review:
Challenge #12 Post

Kitten rescue by @johnkingwriter.

This week's featured post is from @johnkingwriter and his kitten rescue story. What did you think of the story and what do you think the rest of the family will say? Please let us know by writing a godlike comment!
To support @johnkingwriter, please consider adding the same comment to his post.

Guest Judge

No guest judge this week... So I will carry the burden on my shoulders.

Would you like to take part and act as a judge?
If you are interested, please indicate it in the comments or send me a message on Discord(See link below).

Upcoming judges:

  • empty list atm...
  • Please donate, please help a minnow

    If you like this idea and would like it to grow. Please feel free to donate and I will add it to the Prize Pool. Mention #steemitcommentchallenge in your memo.

    History of donations:
    @zeartul 10SBD
    @destinysaid 5SBD
    @dray91eu 8SBD
    @tech-trends 10STEEM
    @fishmon 10SBD
    @destinysaid 5SBD
    @fishmon 5SBD
    @nanosesame 10SBD

    The current remaining money in the prize pool is: SBD14.

    Previous Comment Challenge Winner

    Here follows the list of all the previous winners.

    List is from oldest to newest:
    ...will YOU be next on the list??

    Thank you for reading!

    Proud member of #minnowsupportproject & #teamaustralia -
    Thank you @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem,
    @theprophet0, @someguy123, @canadian-coconut and @sirknight
    Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project.
    Click HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.


    Post to review:

    To @jonhkingwriter

    One way to cope with a dying kitten is to perform first aid according to the sign of the illness shown. The cats are particularly susceptible to hypothermia because they are still unable to regulate the temperature and are very dependent on the parent for warmth. Hypothermia is a very dangerous condition because it can lead to increased heart rate and breathing that lead to failure of the cardiovascular system. Hypothermia is also what causes the cat is not able to process food so that does not have enough nutrient intake. Hopefully useful.
    By the way, you are a good man.

    This really sounds like a message from a nurse, a cat nurse. :)

    Thank you.


    Most people don't even look up from their cellular devices to look at the road they are driving on let alone blink an eye at a stray! Taking the time to care about the little lily-livered feline shows your compassion. Most stray cats would almost rather go hungry than to get to close to a human, they must have sensed your compassionate nature and trusted that you were helping them survive. I imagine your kind compassionate nature runs in the family, so while your wife likely will have compassion for you @johnkingwriter you might be eating with the kittens and putting your pillow & blanket on your pool table! lol J/k In all seriousness, you write beautifully and truly showed your compassion for healing an injured soul, you may have ended up with more than you bargained for which is a blessing in itself. I am sure your family will help you name them and re-home them. I would also expect that they will be very proud of your efforts and always remember the kindness you showed to these hungry & freezing kittens.

    Hahahahaj! Awesome!

    Thank you! I know you have saved a kitten or two 😽

    Congratulations!! You are the winner of this week's challenge.
    8 SBD transferred to your account!!

    Whoah awesomeness!!!! I had fun playing and really enjoyed reading everyone's comments so it was already a win either way!!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!! Really appreciate you taking the time to put it together @danielsaori

    You are welcome!
    Please keep making awesome comments. :)

    vote - Lets hope he doesn't end up sleeping on the pool table!

    Thanks @dadview! lol I know right, although the pool table would be a better option than her killing him 😬

    Entry confirmed!
    Thanks for joining.

    For sure, wonderful share! Who doesn't love a heartfelt story!

    Vote. Wonderful comment as always!

    awsome, i little kitten followed me home once from town and stayed with me all day then i took him back to town :)

    Hopefully he found a happy home it's maybe already had one!

    From one human to another I want you to know that you did great. You responded with care when those kittens needed it the most. I don't even know you, but I know that we could be friends, just by this one act of kindness.
    The part about 2 kittens showing up after a little kindness reminded me of the children beggars here in the Philippines. You give one of them a few pesos and the next thing you know, you have more children asking. Those kittens definitely did some communicating with each other.
    You seem to be like me. All tough like on the outside, but gooey on the inside. Even being a non-lover of cats, you are still human, whether you want to believe that or not. Although the world seems to be going to crap at times, there are still plenty of us kind and sensible human beings left to keep things in perspective.
    If it were me that rescued them, I would keep them to control the mice, roaches and other bugs around here, but you don't have that option. I'm willing to bet that you will do your best to find a good place for them to live. Hopefully both of them together. I'm also sure that you will have your wife's 100% cooperation (because if she hasn't found out about them already, she will eventually) in finding them a good home.
    In conclusion, I'd like to say that this world is a better place with people like you in it. You continue being you, even with your tough guy exterior. It's part of you and what makes you who you are. Thank you again for being a good man.
    P.S. I hope those kittens didn't leave a little pool on your pool table.

    Entry confirmed!
    Thank you for the comment. Best of luck!

    skye1 (49) · 33 seconds ago
    This post made me laugh! You basically put the cats before your whole family! Something I would dedinately do! 😂 You are more of a cat person than you think 😻 Hopefully you did not have to make a bed out of that pool table! Although sleeping with cats can be soothing! Glad you took them in! I'm sure they will find the purrrrrfect family

    Entry confirmed!
    Thanks for a purrrrfect comment. :)

    A whole new meaning to waking up stiff!

    Wow I must say a great congratulations to @japh and I am so happy this contest has really gone this far ... I big thumbs up to @danielsaori u are great bro 👌

    Record broken 😆 ... See you soon ☺

    Thanks mate!
    Yes, it was awesome to see the prize reach those levels last week.
    But even this week, we are looking at a value of $100USD at the moment. :)

    This is really gr8 bro

    Every being, either human or animal, deserves to live, and that, devoid of hunger. @johnkingwriter's Kitten Rescue story reflects that kindness has no limits. Blood runs in those little creatures just as it does in us. When the helpless trusts you, he puts his life in your control.
    Owing to the allergic nature of other family members, they may not be able to accommodate the cats moving freely in the house. A cage will be a good alternative. They are likely to get used to having them around and get their allergy healed, as allergy sometimes could be psychological.

    Sounds like I need to read up a bit to understand the psychological aspects of allergies.

    Really,this is an opposite reflection on what goes on here in my country.

    1. True friendship shown by the first kitten
    2. Care for other creatures that isn't your pet from you.
      You did so well!
      We need much of these in my country.

    Indeed, we should all treat each other like John treats these cats.

    Post to review

    Of recent I defined the word love as the giving something to someone without the expectancy of getting something back from it.
    Now why did I say this; according to you, you and your family are allergic to cats and your wife will kill you if she notices the cats in the house, but your unfailing love will not consider all you will go through just from you to ensure the survival of this creatures.
    This is what I call real love. If only this kind of love can be extended by everyone to all places on earth, them the world would be a better place to live

    Thx for a love-filled comment.

    You are welcome

    Humanity and passion are two diametrical opposite notions. If you are humane enough to give an abode to wandering cats and feed the undernourished cats regardless of their caterwaul sounds, you need to be lauded and commended. I live in a part of the continent whereby people with luxury do not care a fig about your condition. In as long as their families are well-fed, they can damn the waifs and strays on the street. Humanity is like a fragrance. It attracts people to you naturally. What led the cats back to you endlessly is your caring and kind nature which they can perceive. Cats are like humans; they saw your efforts on them to ensure that they are fed and for that, they will always be grateful.
    I am a Nigerian and i can say categorically that this kind of good character;altruistic and solicitous character are lacking. The rich can flaunt their wealth in front of you, give you crumbs of bread with arrogance and take dominance of your life because of that meagre acts. How i wish that @johnkingwriter is the President of my country, we would feel the effect of his kindness at the lower rung of the societal ladder.
    I hustle because i don't want to be a criminal but how many people can say that owing to the nonchalant attitudes of the haves against the haves-not?

    Thanks for a detailed comment. You better ask John if he would volunteer for the president job.

    Well studies has shown that kitty create a positive emotion in behaviour of any person same thing happened with our friend ,when he saw a cat cannot control his emotion and helped her.
    Well there is a close a relation between human being and animals as we are one of the evoluted category of them , if anybody see any pet in problem he immediately help them. This show a bond between us and animals. Same bond is seen between the kitty and @johnkingwriter.
    He helped kitty and fulfilled her stomach that's a great thing. This shows that humanity exist.

    As in today's world where no body has time for anyone and even don't help each other.
    There our one of the steemian @johnkingwriter shown his positive attitude and helped her.
    That's good thanks for helping her. A lot of love from my side.

    Entry confirmed!
    Thanks for the deep comment. You better check with @johnkingwriter if the bond exists. :)

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