What Martin Luther King Jr Can Teach You About You

Perhaps the most well-known decentralization activist, Martin Luther King Jr. would be celebrating his 86th birthday today. A passionate abolitionist for Civil Rights, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance. He believed everyone should be equal, and persevered and fought for equality.

During the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, King's prolific speech, "I Have a Dream" called for an end to racism in the United States and for civil and economic rights. Delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC to over 250,000 civil rights supporters, the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights movement and the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of America.

If you are unfamiliar with the speech I urge you to read it or watch the video footage, it is very powerful. You can read the full speech is HERE

The video taken during the march:

Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. He was in Memphis, Tennessee to support a sanitation workers strike. The victim of a racist's sniper bullet, he was 39 years old.

King believed in equality for all. He not only fought for racial equality but also for gender and income equality. Dr. King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?" When times are tough, as they were when he was fighting for change, it can be difficult to focus on anyone but ourselves. In our increasingly interconnected and stressful world, this is needed now more than ever. There will always be someone with more stress and burden, and focusing on others not only helps them and the community as a whole, it will give you a different perspective on your own situation.

Dr. King was hesitant to begin fighting for change. A Baptist Minister, he simply wanted peace and equality. But change is inevitable, the only thing uncertain about change is the type of change that will result. He realized this and ended up leading the most effective and memorable platform for social change in history.

Be open to learning from others. There come points in our careers or lives where we believe there is nothing more to learn about a matter. But it is important to realize inspiration can come from some pretty unexpected places, but if you are not open you will completely miss the lane and drive right on by. Learn from those who have been there before, and do not forget other cultures- people who were not raised in your society think differently and can offer profound perspectives and solutions that you wouldn't think of.

And remember to question everything. Ask why. And even more importantly ask why not? If you are told it's impossible, start questioning! It might be something as silly as "that's how it's always been done" or it may be purely selfish- there are those who do not want you to succeed because they gave up on their dreams long ago.

Follow your dream, no matter what. If you are passionate about your dream and the path you choose is paved with honesty, integrity and consideration for others, then do not let anyone block your path. There will be opposition from "friends" or family, and it may even come from preconceived notions from your very self. The greater your dream the more rejection and obstacles you will be forced to overcome. There will be haters and critics. Remember: this is your life. The only one you know for sure you will have. If you know you are doing the right things, know that you should keep going with your shoulders back and your head held proud.

Images via Creative Commons and Pixabay

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With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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Nice work babe.
MLK was a truly great man who gave his life to an important cause.
It's difficult for many to grasp nowadays just how dangerous it was for him at that point in history and he paid the ultimate price.
His vision lives on though and it should never be forgotten.

Imagine your heart racing every time there were footsteps at the door, or a scuffle to the side during a speech. Everyone counting on you but you're paranoid and rightly so as there are many who want you dead... But you weigh your safety and the fact your family may grow up without you against a nation of mistreated and abused men, women and children, and you don your suit and step up to the podium...

What makes him remarkable enough to earn a place in history, for me, is his bravery in the face of opposition. Imagine the time, an America where prejudice was rampant out in the open. He might not be a perfect example in all aspects, but the model he gives has a sense of dignity and not really a rebellious spirit pushing for bloodshed.

It was a frightening time. I can't imagine standing up against opposition and risking his life on a daily basis... Very admirable indeed.

At least because of his bravery of speaking up in the midst of such discrimination, huge changes followed. One man dared, and others took courage annd followed.
Now we have and era where people know they have a voice that can be heard, and others also speak up for those who can't.

What a great post!, my take from this post, never limit Your sources of knowledge, be open to everyone because you can't say where or from who you next source of wisdom will be, and in questioning everything you get answers to even the most difficult question of life. Thanks for sharing, it's really helpful

@arbitrarykitten mam..

To the Great Martin Luther King....
I have a dream..
That I canbe a leader fir change
Thatmy family can help others succeed.
That my fruends can get along better

Oh..I hace dream...
That all childrens will grow up healthy
That growups can take care of the earth
That people will start taking better care of each other.

Oh, I have a Dream...
That people will find ways to cure disease
That people will learn how to stop fighting
That there will be peace for all people in the world...
Oh, I have a Dream...

Inner peace for all is my dream :)

a very good story.

I agree with your post in questioning everything. Essential to move forward.
So in that vein I write the following...

The man was charismatic, and a natural born leader. Agreed.

He also refuted the constitution - because it was written by slave owners, (not a very clever position, . But to put him in the presence of such people as Jefferson is a insult to the founding fathers).

He was also a proponent of affirmative action, and reparations, early in his political life. ( A completely illogical position).
While denouncing communism publicly, his closet advisors were communists (Stanley Levison), and he attended communist indoctrinated seminars. (highland folk school)
He was also an advocate of globalism.

Charismatic, yes. A leader, yes. ...but so was hitler, lenin, Mao and stalin....

I'm just sayin'. Facts are facts.... don't scratch..

Nobody's perfect, but in looking back on history we can learn from the best qualities :)

I like your post. Thanks for sharing post.

Thank you for reading :)

Martin Luther King is famous leader in the world. Specially I like him thanks dear sharing awesome video..

I am so happy you enjoyed it!

The peace and equality that wanted Dr.King, now look not possible in this crazy world.

I believe anything is possible is there is heart behind it... An army of 300 can beat an army of ten thousand when the 300 are fighting for freedom and the ten thousand are fighting because their boss told them to.

Everything is possible if we work hard towards acomplish it.

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