31 Steps to Learn a New Language: Step #24 - Make Learning Fun

A lot of learners give up learning simply because they are just not inspired anymore. It is important to keep things fresh if a learner intends to study long-term. Rather than sitting in a classroom or reading a book, there are various computer and smart applications to try. These applications aid in pronunciation and vocabulary memorization. There are also fun games that engage the learner in challenges that help them retain the lessons they've learned.

Make Learning Fun

It is easy to burn out when an individual does nothing but rigorous study with a textbook. It is important to keep language learning a personal and engaging experience. Finding language partners, going to group events, or going out of one's way t practice the language. All these ensure that a learner does not fall into the trap of boredom only to give up. It is a waste not to at least try to mix things up when hobbies become stale, especially once they've come a long way to get where they are.

Here are the previous parts/steps of this series:

Step #01: Identify Your Learning Style

Step #02: Set Achievable Goals

Step #03: Accept That You Cannot Always Be Fluent

Step #04: Be Patient and Prepared to Put in Effort

Step #05: Take Advantage of Free Resources

Step #06: Adhere to a Strict Study Schedule

Step #07: Visualize Your Goals

Step #08: Write Notes by Hand

Step #09: Use Flashcards

Step #10: Prepare Visual Aids

Step #11: Revert Back to Childhood

Step #12: Embrace Mistakes

Step #13: Learn How to Listen

Step #14: Read Children's Books

Step #15: Consume Foreign Media You Find Interesting

Step #16: Listen to Radio Stations

Step #17: Learn Practical Phrases

Step #18: Record and Listen to Yourself

Step #19: Tolerate Ambiguity

Step #20: Learn the 100 Most Common Words

Step #21: Converse With Native Speakers

Step #22: Keep a Journal Written in the Chosen Language

Step #23: Improve Your Accent

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