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RE: My First Week Taking Hemp Oil and CBD Oil For Anxiety

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Hi @marxrab,

Thanks for this very vulnerable look into your life and concerns, and for the fascinating information about hemp and CBD oils...

Could you please share with us the sources of both these products?

"That being said, my siblings and I won't abandon her in the last years of her life."

I applaud you and your sibs for this very mature choice, despite the struggles it continues to bring you. I'm so glad to hear that the oils are helping your frame of mind.

"I have bad back pain and foot pain from an old foot injury that just won't heal."

While I am glad that the oils help, even with this, I would hope for a way for you to deal with the foot issue more directly. I may be able to offer something that could help, and I would love to discuss it with you privately if possible? On Discord, I'm @creatr#0884 , or suggest another option? :D




I can never get the search option in discord to work. You don't show up. My name is @marxrab#8339 if you can find me.

Also, my source for the CBD oil is a local store in my town. I don't think it's a chain but independently owned. The hemp oil came from amazon here. Interestingly, my crazy mother has been taking just the hemp and it's working. It's mellowing her out a bit. Her brains a bit more focused and we had a few really good days for a change. Very neat stuff.


Thanks for the additional information.

I'm pretty sure I've found you on Discord, and left a message there. Let me know if you can see it?

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