Finding Least Common Multiple (lcm) of Two Numbers
If you know how to find prime factors of a given number then finding lcm of two given number is very easy for you. Just write down the prime factorization of the numbers. Align the common factors and multiply the factors of both the numbers without repeating the common factors.
Below are the explanations how to accomplish this task followed by a small worksheet on the concept;
The least common multiple for a prime number is 1.
I think its greatest common factor! isn't it?
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I'm learning new lessons everyday. Thanks for sharing this awesome worksheet.
You are welcome brother. Thank you for all your support and encouragements!
Very well explanation of how to find LCM through your post @mathworksheets. Thanks for sharing great methodology.
Thanks for your inputs @gautam :))
very good explanation, thanks for the post
You are welcome dear brother!