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RE: RE: Children should be allowed to learn whatever they want instead of having set classroom subjects. Yay or Nay?

I agree this is an AND situation, and to many of my fellow home-edders have gone for 'or' and are in a more unschooling than home-schooling situation.

The issue for me in this is Supervision (which I define as distinct from 'authority' - the latter is dictating the story, the former is one who sees something the other cannot ~yet~).

But you have hit the nail upon the head as to where the answer is : to trust in life, or not.

Prescriptive education does not trust life to present the child with exactly what it needs for a future we cannot see.

Unschooling does.

Home Ed lies somewhere in between...(nervously, in my case)


Nervously here for us too AND only if we could find that global local rural urban quiet yet cultured place where we just know our children won't have to suffer the financial devastation of central banksters... It good to know I can live 1800s if need be however the kids want better!.. We are going to spend the next week building a family mission statement. I think this will be a great help.. maybe lead us to a successful family business.