How To Care For Autistic or Hyperactive Children

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hyperactive or autistic children often have unlimited energy, they also tend to have trouble listening and following instructions. When they get to school-going age, poor grades and behavioural issues are not uncommon. To the outside world, these children look disobedient and stubborn, but if you dig deeper, you will realise that they are suffering from something that is out of their control.

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It is a sad case when these little souls are cared for by parents and teachers inappropriately, often because they are ignorant or because they have not received a diagnosis on why their children behave this way. It is for this reason that Autism and Hyperactivity need to be brought to parents and teacher’s attention, so that if their children are suffering, they can help them, instead of simply regarding them as naughty.

As caregivers and parents, there are things we can do to make life easier for our children who suffer from these diseases.

Watch your child's food intake
Children in general need to be fed a balanced and healthy diet. Doctors advise that if your child tends to be hyperactive or suffer from autism, it is best to cut dairy, sugar and gluten from their diet. These food sources do not digest well and have the tendency to effect brain functioning negatively, or they make you feel ill and even more hyperactive.

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Instead, give them vegetables that are high in calcium and magnesium. Fruit, nuts and seeds also promote gut health, which helps with a person’s general well-being.

Help the child to listen to others
This goes two ways. Firstly, we need to teach our children to be kind and patient with others, so that when they do meet someone who is different from them, they do not judge, but instead react with friendliness.

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As parents and teachers, we need to facilitate an autistic or hyperactive child’s interaction with others. We can help them to greet new friends and remind them that listening and cooperation is important.

Give attention and affection
Likewise, parents should be patient with hyperactive / autistic children and pay attention to their needs. Spend time with them and be their example. Hyperactivity is often not a disease, but it is due to lack of attention from parents and caregivers. Love them, and appreciate them, with this they will always thrive.

Choose the correct school
Some schools are more equipped to care and educate children who are feistier n nature, or have some development issues. Choose a school where your child will be given the attention he or she needs, with suitably trained educators to assist in helping your child thrive, and not the opposite.

How to educate children with autism
Stick to a daily routine as much as possible.
Choose the right learning method.
Using simple language that is easily understood by the child.
Help the child to write well.
Recognize the talents of children (autistic children often have amazing talents).
Encourage the child to walk out to see the green environment, especially in the morning, physical exercise outdoors does wonders for the brain.
Set the ambience of the room by keeping the lighting dim and the atmosphere calm and safe.

This post has been edited by a member of the @blue-pencil team




For years, my mom was terrified of ever considering giving me a Mountain Dew, for the reasons you mention above about hyperactivity (Diagnosed ADHD in 1991, Asperger's in 1997). Then one day, she decided I could try one, I must have been doing something right that day.

What's funny about this is that Mtn Dew had the exact opposite effect! I actually calmed down! Granted I don't drink the stuff anymore (BVO is awful stuff), but it was kind of funny to see the opposite result of what was expected. I guess my point is to tailor the diet to the needs of the child. Not everything is inherently bad, and not everything is automatically good.

Veggies are always good, though. Always serve veggies

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Autistic kids are kids with special needs, they need proper care coupled with all the love and attention they can get.
Nice post

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Great article! I might also suggest clarifying that ADHD and autism are often misdiagnosed for the other, as they have similar symptoms...but they also have very different and unique treatments. This article did a great job of highlighting the similarities in caring for children between the two though! Thank you, a valuable read nonetheless. :)

Agreed as a person with adult adhd i agree these tips are helpful but caring for an autistic child requires a much larger repetoire of support and resources depending on their location on the spectrum.

However i am glad that @syifauna is writing on this subject this is a great place to start.

Thank you @zugzwang34 😊

Very good picture, I like that, I'm glad to see your post

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Thank you for allowing a member of the @blue-pencil team to edit this post for you.

Thank you @syifauna for an educational post on how to relate better with autistic and hyperactive children. It is true that they need lots of patience and attention from their parents or caregivers and cooperation as well as understanding from others so they can thrive. I have seen many austiatic children turn out fine later in life and can fit into the society because of their upbringings and hard work from the people with them. They are allowed to be different and not expected to be like normal people.