Thought-based learning: Teaching children to think.

Teach children to think.


Robert Swartz, a world-renowned philosopher, believes that teaching children to think from childhood is extremely important: They learn and think differently. This is because the mental structure of your brain is different from that of an adult.


"A preschooler is very curious, always asking questions and most want to answer teachers' questions, very different from a child who is in the basics." Basic children don't want questions and don't give answers.

To be a person who knows how to think is very important in order to develop in society, to make good or bad decisions will define the future of many. Teaching children to think is very important because this will be the way for them to think.


Tips for teaching children to think:

Teaching them that they are unique and unrepeatable therefore has a lot to offer, because not everyone thinks and feels the same; they should be motivated to express their ideas.

Teach them to recognize emotions a child who knows and understands what emotions are will know how to handle them the moment they flow, whether negative or positive.

❸ Teach them to think before they decide, many are the people who make decisions lightly and end up making mistakes.

Stimulates critical and creative thinking Don't let the child grow up, leaving behind his curiosity to learn and know more. Offers games and projects you can work on. Children should be given the freedom to be critical thinkers with their own opinions and ideas.

I know there is only one freedom: that of thought. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


Activities to teach children to think:


  • Reading Comprehensively on a Daily Basis:
    Reading that leads children to think about reading and understanding what they read is a good way to teach them to think.

  • Solve problems through drawings: It's a good way to get children thinking.

  • Mystery games and clues, where you will have to think to find the solution to the problem.

  • Put them into logical reasoning sequences.

  • The main thing to teach a child to think about is not to solve all their problems, or to tell them how to solve them, but rather the key is to teach them how to do it; explaining to them what they should and shouldn't do, and above all to explain why they shouldn't do certain things.

Benefits of teaching children to think:

  • Thinking makes them smarter.
  • It makes them totally free people.
  • Thinking helps them to have their own identity and therefore to enjoy good self-esteem.
  • Thinking helps them to have a good lexicon and good language.
  • Thinking helps them to express their ideas in a reflective and critical way.

Habits that help the child think:


  • Let them make their own decisions about what to eat, or what to wear.
  • Let them explain their reasons and arguments when making an important decision.

Children should be taught how to think, not what to think. (Margarte Meap)

Source of information:







Until the next opportunity , teacher Yessica Cedeño.


I liked your post a lot. I have a few students who are usually shy and don't talk at all, they don't even perform well in their studies. Now I know what to do. Thanks. I'm gonna Resteem this so that it might reach others as well.

How good you liked the post, and now you will apply it with your students and I wish you much success.

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