SteemitJam #4: SWnEWn progress 2 (including link to playable!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitjam7 years ago

(Was meant to be a video, but repeatedly got error when trying to upload to


I've been trying to keep a "jamming" approach to this, going in the direction that comes from the code as I have progressed. Originally was going to do something with stars and drawing lines to connect them, then as I worked on that functionality, I got another idea and I posted that yesterday (

), today the progress on that gave me a new idea and this turned into what you can see in the video.


What happens in the video:

  • You move around and collect stars.
  • Stars start to follow you.
  • Stars that have fully faded in will kill you if you collide with them.
  • There are three types of power ups to help you. Purple makes you invincible, green freezes the stars following you and yellow is a bit crazy and scatters the stars (this can work well for you, or not...).
  • When killed game is over and final score presented. Snake anyone?

Plan for tomorrow is to fix a few bugs and do some minor tweaking, I don't think I will have time to do much more with the actual gameplay. After that I hope to have enough time to integrate a bit of steem functionality. Mainly that the game makes a post when you start a new round and if users comment/upvote this post it will impact the game session, finally at game over it updates the post with the score and possibly a high score list.

Should I have any time left adding some sounds would be nice, but I doubt I'll get that far.

Good night and all the best to fellow #steemitjam participants
