Steemit Mamas Challenges Round-Up // Tantangan Seru Dari Grup Steemit Mamas
Hi Everyone!
I am finally back home and
after 2 weeks of holidays
I am 2 tired 2 go back 2 work
but 2 broke not 2
YES! Steemit-ing is work, you know. You spend hours typing, sometimes it glitches and your hard work is gone, and at the end of the day, you don't get rewarded as you hoped you would :P See, almost similar to 9-5 day job :P Imagine the night shifts hahah and people wonder why I don't go back to my bakery life? :P It's crazy enough on Steemit :P
I missed a lot of #steemitmamas challenges, which I am trying to catch up now, because, seriously, #steemitmamas is a very fun and awesome group of mamas! These challenges they have which hosted by @metzli, are fantastic, you should really check the hashtag of #steemitmamas #writealong The mamas really poured out great contents! Talking bout great original content creators, those are the mamas!
Hai teman, khususnya yang para wanita dan sudah memiliki buah hati, apa pernah dengar tentang #steemitmamas?
Ini tempat berkumpulnya para emak-emak di Steemit dan di Discord.
Di grup ini, para ibu saling mendukung ibu-ibu lainnya, baik dari memberi voting di artikel-artikel maupun bertukar cerita dan pendapat di percakapan/chat.
Yuk ikutan gabung, jangan malu-malu :)
Dalam semingguan ini #steemitmamas mengadakan tantangan seru buat para anggotanya, yaitu menulis artikel sesuai tema-tema tertentu
Karena semingguan ini aku lagi ga dirumah, banyak ketinggalan untuk ikutan tantangan-tantangan tersebut. Hari ini aku dah dirumah dan mulai deh ikutan. Tapi karena dah ketinggalan lumayan, aku gabung seluruh tema menjadi satu wkwkwk, biar ringkes dan ga bertele-tele, yang penting ikutan kontribusi :D
I managed to send a contribution for
Day 1, community writing
, and I wrote for #fruitsandveggiesmonday with my stinky beans article haha -read here, then I went on holidays and missed a lot. Damn holidays taking away my Steemit life, you know. So here I am, trying to play catch-up
Tema Hari Pertama tempo hari ada menulis tentang komunitas yang kamu ikuti. Aku sih nulis tentang PETAI, yang kuberi tagar #fruitsandveggiesmonday, yaitu komunitas pecinta sayuran dan buah-buahan ehehe. Nih kalau mau baca tentang petai/pete yang kutulis minggu lalu
Day 3, #steemitmamas radio
, my submission is, I am playing songs (as I am typing this), by Christina Perry, called Arms. I like this song, altho I prefer the acoustic version best, but of course the radio only has the studio cut. The next song, which is playing at the moment is called No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande. Somehow the tune remind me an old song which to date I still cannot place my head to which song, but I totally believe I heard this tune before, the first time I heard Ariana's song, so I have been liking hers ever since. I decide I will type only these two songs for Day 2 @metzli, because I still need to unpack the luggage and I missed DAYS of challenges :P Can't and won't, be stuck in front of the screen all day, my kids gonna starve :PTantangan Hari Ke-3 adalah memakai sarana radio di discord-nya #steemitmamas Ini sih maksudnya agar para emak ikutan memakai sarana tersebut, tapi ga ribet kok, hanya untuk mendengarkan lagu. Kita boleh mainin lagu kesukaan kita, ga ada larangan. Aku pas milih lagunya Christina Perry, yang judulnya Arms, dan Ariana Grande yang judulnya No Tears Left To Cry, dan bahkan cuman memainkan 2 lagu, soalnya ngetik ini tantangan sambil buru-buru, namanya juga emak-emak, kudu bikin dapur ngebul habis ini :D
- I played a lot of traditional market toys with my brother and oldest sis, where my brother would be the vendor, while my sis and I would be the customers. We had tons of miniature kitchenettes which I have to borrow pictures from Google screen shot. Ours weren't made of plastic, they were from real materials such as aluminum utensils and whatnot, so we could really cook with them. I cannot really remember what he mostly sold at his booth, but he would fry some crackers (yes, using cooking oil from our mother's kitchen hahah), he would make traditional candy, we called them gulali, and also would crush hibiscus and produce sticky slimey liquid, which we play-pretend it to be oil, sold in small bottles hahahha GOOD TIME!Untuk tantangan Hari Ke-5, temanya adalah mainan favorit kamu masa kecil dulu, dan aku milih mainan alat masak-masak hahahah Tahun 80-an dulu, aku banyak banget alat masak-masak yang bener-bener bisa kita pakai untuk memasak. Kalian tau ga? Seperti yang di foto-foto ini yang ku pinjam dari om Google. Karena aku dari keluarga besar, 5 saudara, jadi seru banget waktu kecil main masak-masakan, jual-jualan ala tukang sayur di pasar, terutama dengan kakak laki-lakiku dan kakak perempuanku hahaha Masa kecil memang bahagia banget deh. Apalagi hanya punya satu kakak laki-laki dan dia ga keberatan mainan dengan adik-adik perempuannya :D Dia bagian tukang jualan, kami yang beli hahahah
Day 7 - Witness This
- The mamas are encouraged to write about their favorite witnes(ses) and as much as I would like to write about me, because I bet many of the mamas don't know that I am a witness (would be so happy to get your votes in for thekitchenfairy though, mamas!), but I can't choose me as a favorite now can I, I am not Simon Cowell ;-) Witnesses produce blocks which keep the Steem blockchain going, mamas! Everyone is able to vote for 30 witnesses and I have filled up those 30 slots on my end. I trust my votes to @roelandp, @timcliff, @good-karma, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @curie, @anyx, @drakos, @pharesim, @klye, @arcange, @ocd-witness, @jackmiller, @steemgigs, @kevinwong, @emrebeyler, @steemcommunity, @krnel, @enginewitty, @isnochys, @comedyopenmic, @c0ff33a, @swelker101, @jrswab, @steemitboard, @bobdos, @quochuy, @sapphic, @puncakbukit. These witnesses are very community minded, have awesome knowledge of Steemit, some are great in coding, a couple have been here since the beginning of Steemit, many are down- to earth and easy to approach, very helpful. Last week I got to meet @enginewitty, one of the witnesses I voted. TOTALLY an awesome personHari Ke-7, para ibu diminta untuk menulis tentang Witness favorit mereka dan wow, senangnyaaaaa para emak-emak dari #teammalaysia pada nulis tentang thekitchenfairy. Terimakasih @kaerpediem, @happycrazycon, @iamjadeline! Bahagia sekali rasanya karena mereka yang bukan orang Indo saja mau mendukung ^_^ Untuk tantangan kali ini, ga mungkin kan aku menulis tentang diriku sendiri, meski para anggota #steemitmamas malah pada minta aku menulis tentang diriku, haiyah, ga lucu dong yah kalau aku memfavoritkan diriku sendiri wkwkwk Jadi aku mengetikkan 30 witness yang aku vote saja deh, yaitu @roelandp, @timcliff, @good-karma, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @curie, @anyx, @drakos, @pharesim, @klye, @arcange, @ocd-witness, @jackmiller, @steemgigs, @kevinwong, @emrebeyler, @steemcommunity, @krnel, @enginewitty, @isnochys, @comedyopenmic, @c0ff33a, @swelker101, @jrswab, @steemitboard, @bobdos, @quochuy, @sapphic, @puncakbukit. Witness yang kupilih lebih mengenai cara kerja mereka sebagai Witness, aku suka, dan kalau puncakbukit, karena dia dari Indonesia, jadi kudukung. Adakah yang dari Indonesia lainnya? Minggu lalu aku sempat berjumpa dengan salah satu Witness yang aku vote, yaitu si @enginewitty.
Day 9 - recipe to success?
- sorry I don't have any! I am still struggling on Steemit...but wait....we can write about any kinds of recipes even for disaster? hahaha You are fun for sure @metzli! For this writing, I am including a YouTube video of my scones recipe which I uploaded to Dtube a couple of weeks ago and some said they could not view Dtube, so here is a YouTube instead since I bet many can view it :) I am not including a new recipe for this challenge because it sad me when friends said they could not view Dtube as this recipe is the bomb, mamas! - and oh, also because I just got home from vacations, still lazy :P Give it a try, mamas. I used this recipe for my bakery during my caking days, they were always sold out :)Rhubarb & Walnut Scones
- 262 g frozen sliced rhubarb, thawed, drained
- 1/2 c roughly chopped walnut
- 2 1/2 c flour
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1 tbsp BP
- a generous pinch of salt
- 5 tbsp vegan margarine
- 3/4 c nut milk
- 1 tsp vinegar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1/2 c icing sugar
- enough lemon juice
- Preheat oven to 425 F. Mix wet ingredients, set aside. Mix dry, add in margarine, rhubarb and walnut. Pour in wet, knead. Shape into round and slice into wedges, and bake scones for 16 minutes on convection oven. Drizzle with lemon icing.
Dan untuk Hari Ke-9, kami diminta untuk berbagi resep, baik resep masakan, minuman, resep kecantikan, resep kehidupan, pokoknya resep deh. Kemarin aku ada upload video resep roti ke Dtube, tapi ada teman-teman yang tidak bisa melihat Dtube, jadi ini ku upload videonya ke YouTube. Dan dibawah juga kuketik resepnya, kalau teman tertarik mau bikin juga :)
Roti Rhubarb dan Kacang Walnut
- 262 g rhubarb potongan yang beku, diamkan disuhu ruangan hingga melunak, tiriskan
- 1/2 gelas kacang walnut yang sudah dicacah kasar
- 2 1/2 gelas terigu
- 1/2 gelas gula pasir
- 1 sdm BP (baking powder - bakpulver)
- sejumput garam
- 5 sdm mentega/magarin
- 3/4 gelas susu cair
- 1 sdt cuka makan
- 1 sdt esens vanila
- 1/2 gelas gula bubuk
- air jeruk lemon secukupnya
- Campur bahan kering, beri margarin serta rhubarb dan walnut, masukkan bahan basah, uleni. Potong/bentuk sesuai selera. Panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 425 F, selama 16 menit
Pheewwwww. I need a massage for my fingers now hahaha This was a lot but at least I caught up all the challenges for now! Great challenges, mamas!
If you are a mama, step-mom, adoptive mum, come join us ^_^
Keriting deh nih jari-jemari demi 1 sen hahahahah. Segini dulu yah teman, semoga kalian sehat selalu. Buat para mama, sekali lagi, ayo gabung :)
Dan buat yang mau vote thekitchenfairy sebagai Witness, tinggal ke laman ini, di kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE
Semangat mbok, please give my warm hug for my curly boys
You are crazily cool @thekitchenfairy!! You did all of the challenges in one post and also wow, in two languages!!! Your recipe is always something to die for and worth keeping! I am a fan of scones :D Such wonderful meetup with another witness :) I am adding him into my list too since I still have some extra votes!
oh that is awesome pretty lady!
@enginewitty is the man to vote for sure :)
Thank you forn the vote of confidence, much appreciated😎
Ada steemitmamas seharusnya ada juga steemitpapas ha ha ha
Got my vote mama, all day! Big hugs and much love! Was way awesome getting to hang out with you and yours. Tell Thomas I say hey N give the boys a little hug for me🤗😎
Thomas always reads mine, I bet he will see this, but absolutely, will pass the hey to Thomas ;-)
what the?? Rhubarb scones? nobody eats rhubarb scones. haha! I bet it's good to be back home huh? even though home is in Canada.hehhe.
waah asik sekali kompak dan seru ya mba @thekichenfairy....
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mbak ini kalau mau gabung yah :)
Are you the one who started this mini kitchen cooking I keep seeing on fb? Hahahaha
Trust you had a lot of fun
And yes back to work now 😉
hmmm I should claim the title, YES! hahahah
did you have these kinds of toys (the stainless steel miniature kitchenettes) growing up? they were a big hit in early 80s :D
In the early 80s I was in my teens, and my toys were cassettes and CDs 😊
I didn't know about #steemmamas! Is there a Discord channel? Would love to join :)
this one I believe, I copied from one of the mamas. i cannot find the invite link on the discord itself lol
Thanks! Joining ;)
Si ibu @thekitchenfairy kreatif semua dijadiin satu... Kl saya nulis sebanyak ini bisa semingguan baru kelar 😂😂😂
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Kl saya nulis sebanyak ini, tuh ga ada semenit 💃
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Bayangin doang 🙄🙄
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Your post has been manually curated by the Many Voices Project. The MV Project exists to promote diversity and difference on the blockchain. If you would like to support our work and that of our Founder @sapphic Please consider voting for her witness via steemconnect