100 Days of Poetry Challlenge Day #81

Keep Doing You



I buried the hatchet
But I marked the spot
I decided not to fight anymore
But I still polish my armour
I sharpen my sword
And I’m ready for battle

I buried the hatchet
But I marked the spot
Beneath the old tree
Where we used to hang out
The rustling leaves, a soothing sound
The sturdy trunk, a perfect wall

I buried the hatchet
But I marked the spot
I hate to fight, but I hate to lose
I let you win, every time
I thought it wasn’t worth it
And so I let it go

But every hurtful word
Every blow to my pride
Every veiled insult
Every mean remark
They went deep, and made a mark
I thought I’d heal but I didn’t

And so I buried the hatchet
I don’t want to fight
But I have to be ready

And so X marks the spot
Where I buried the hatchet.



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This is a beautiful poem that tends to unravel a strife, it's like you let bygones be bygones, yet you still had your doubts, the poem shows a tendency to want to trust but it seems the ability to trust is really wavering.
I love your use of refrain everytime in your stanzas it made me feel like I could still taste the poem everytime I read, this is awesomely written.