Introducing the SteemLeo DEX | Trade SE Tokens On the SteemLeo Exchange
Hey everyone! We're excited to introduce a major addition to the website:
This is Version 1.0 of our DEX and we have a roadmap of features that we will add over time. Today, our DEX serves as an alternative interface to trading Steem-Engine tokens. This means that all the backend is still handled by SE. Trade your STEEMP balance for various tokens on the SE marketplace.
The SteemLeo DEX:
- Mobile Friendly (using the steemwallet app for keychain support)
- Lightning Fast (try loading a token on there and see for yourself 😉)
- A Clean UI With SteemLeo Branding
- Supports Coinzilla Ads (which means more LEO going to null!)
Current Token Support
Currently, the following tokens can be traded on our interface:
We can support any Steem-Engine tokens and in the future, we'll support SMTs as well.
How to List Your SE Token on
Launch Pricing (First 7 Days) = 1,250 LEO sent to @null
After Launch Pricing = 2,000 LEO sent to @null
We're using this pricing as a filtering mechanism for tokens. We want listing on to be an exclusive feature. The interface runs faster when we support less tokens and it provides a better overall UX.
If you've got any questions or want your token listed get in touch with us on discord.
CoinZilla Ad Support & Brave BAT Support
Of course, one of the major benefits to using this interface is the CoinZilla ad placement. If the SteemLeo DEX interface sees a significant amount of usage, we could see a major spike in ad revenue which in turn leads to a lot more LEO headed for null
The interface is also automatically eligible for BAT rewards from Brave Browser users since it is housed under the main website!
Keep your eyes peeled for a few more updates. We'll also put out a few posts showing how to use the exchange on desktop/mobile, etc.
#steemleo - A Next-Generation Community for Investors

Post from and earn additional rewards from the SteemLeo community:
- Chance to get featured in The Daily Leo and earn beneficiary rewards
- Upvote from our native content curation account --> @leo.voter
- Support the LEO token by viewing ads on our site, which are used to buy LEO and send it to null
You had me at...DEX.
1250 bought and sent to null!
You FOMOd me in successfully andi bought like 1000 more leo to burn 1250 just now to list SAND :) Now has a new dex with extra features. it just uses steem engine back end but the front end is everything and steemengine just uses steem anyways
steem leo dex is gonna have its features make it worth it..
looks like the "DEX" is pretty much down...? how is this even a decentralized exchange?
just a front end, the dex is on steem you ca make your trades manually with custom jsons :D we just dont have the toolkits to make it that easy to use but 'dex"doesnt mean 'super use friendly and resistant to front ends going down"
Really excited on seeing where this tribe is going and so happy that we will now have another option to steemengine for trading. Good news all round.
Very impressive. This tribe is awesome!
Steemleo team is just killing it!
Thumbs up to everyone involved. By far the most promising Tribe
I like this idea.
Further decentralizes Steem Engine by adding another interface.
Great job. Ethereum and ERC20 token support, please. Then LEO/USDC, LEO/USDT, LEO/DAI, LEO/PAX ;)
Fiat pair may be hard due to third party issues.
I wonder ETH-peg is not available in SE due to technical difficulties.
If it can be solved, then ERC20 based stable currency will do wonder. Imagine buying USDC from Coinbase without any fees and buy LEO again without fees will see lots of volumes
i like your name dtrade, have youbought a domain yet? Like or so? i just got for @ddate
That's a very good progress in the platform. It would be better if we can add eth, btc or ripple for trading pair.
Hopefully soon we can se that too.
So many great things happening. This is why @steem.leo is the only token I won't cash in.
The best tribe on Steem!
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