
Here's my collection.. No legendaries yet.. Hoping to get one soon..

I enjoy the comps thanks

you already gave me a pack so just saying whats up :D

didn't get any legendaries or epics though :'( lol

Screenshot_20180619-105701_Samsung Internet.jpg
I really debated whether or not I wanted to risk getting addicted to this, but I guess we'll see what happens

Gotta get in the game man! Football and Steem Monsters will get us through the winter!

I guess I'm committed now 😂 Winter? It's hot as shit here now, haha

Here’s my collection

Only opened 2 packs so far. No legendary cards.

I told myself not to get addcited to a game anymore! Guess what? I failed big times! Here is a shot from my Monster account!
I am so happy to see all these give-aways on the platform!

2018-06-19 (1).png

I could use one pack.. :)



Thank you very much for the pack Bern!
Truly startling the quickness of your risen reputation score! Good Job!

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