Day Three And Four And Five Daily Quest Battles

Day three had me fighting with the life splinter for a daily quest. This took a bit of time but I've always enjoyed playing with this splinter. After thirteen battles I was able to complete this daily quest and ended the day with a rating of 1666. I forgot to blog and have written this a few days late and forgot what my starting rating for the day was.

My day four daily quest involved using the water splinter. After another a lot of matches thirteen to be exact I was done and collected my daily rewards. I ended the day with a rating of 1615, yikes I'm dropping rating points fast lol.

Day five was a much better day and had me dueling with the earth splinter. After seeing some mercy from the last few days beat downs I ended the day in six matches. The days ending rating was at 1823.

This has been an up and down season for some reason but I'll continue to keep battling. Needing only seventy-seven more rating points I will be able to move up another division to the gold three. Hopefully that happens sooner than later!!!

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